Himmlers daughter continues to support SS heroes

The best way to honor and connect with the great men of Hitlers Germany is to show support to those whom they loved more than life. What a better way to participate in their lives then to reach out 70 years later and lovingly support their children in old age?

I guarantee, these men would be very grateful. I am sure they appreciate your ideological support and continued war against world Jewry, but this is truly personal.

Take Gudrun Burwitz for example. She is 87 years old and the daughter of her beloved father Heinrich Himmler.

She has never once renounced her father or Nazi ideology.

In fact, throughout her life she has glorified her father and defended his memory. This is done rightfully so, as Heinrich was a luminary of the Third Riech and the second in command of the entirety of Germany.

He was an extremely intelligent and capable manager and organizer and is also responsible for inserting Nazi Mysticism into the SS.

His daughter Gudrun, whom he affectionately called "Puppi" was very dear to him and would accompany him on SS business.

She is associated with the organization Stille HIlfe or "Die Stille Hilfe für Kriegsgefangene und Internierte", German for "Silent assistance for prisoners of war and interned persons" and abbreviated Stille Hilfe or "Silent Help", is a relief organization for arrested, condemned and fugitive SS members.

Stille Hilfe is a secret organization, and there is no way to contract them directly. A BBC article posted below says that Stille Hilfe is highly connected in Bavarian politics and has historically been very well funded. They seem not to need our money, but still, it is a noble gesture.

Estimates say there are currently about 40 Germans living in hiding around the world and especially in South America whom are supported by Stille Helfe.

Does anyone have any idea how we can contact or donate to them?



Kike shill detected
Always the first post
Sniping posts
This one must really piss you off Chaim.



Just kill yourself.


Found the JIDF

Fuck off kike. No one is stupid enough to tell you something like that.

Nigger what?
OP made a contentless, newsless thread and then accused himself of reddit spacing and then called the first post (which was also his) a shill post.
This makes me JIDF?
What the fuck is going on?

Fuck you KIKE

First you criticize me for "not providing content" then for "samefagging", when I do.

My upload connection is slow, so if I post it all at once the servers will time out.

Fuck yourself. I hope a Palestinian buries a knife in your anti white Jew heart.

You called your own fucking post a shill post while pretending to be someone else.
You accused yourself of reddit spacing (something you're also doing right now) in your own OP, and now you're admitting to samefagging?
This thread is an absolute clusterfuck and waste of space.

nice links

is this what they do over on cuckchan?
just discuss the same shit over and over again like they suffer from dementia?

Fuck off you fucking Jew bastard.

I am glad this post has boiled your schizophranic Jew brain. That alone makes it successful.

You JIDF scum hang out on Holla Forums waiting for posts to pop up, then immediately shill and attack.

That is why the first post is always an asshole trying to demoralize Holla Forums.
Fuck you, you dirt Jew bastard, I hope you burn eternally in hell with your Jew grandparents.

Nice slide prick


nice try CTR
your shit is stickied, sorry

He keeps replying to himself pretending to be someone else without switching IDs and calling himself a kike shill.
It's pathetic.




Meanwhile you have 6 posts out of 18. 1/3 of the entire thread.

Fuck off Chaim

Oy Veh, donating to da Nazi's is a big conspiracy to get your personal info, don't do it goyims.

Oy veh, replying to personal attacks is "samefagging".

What does amount of posts ITT have to do with it? Who gives a shit I have 1/3rd of the posts?
If that's an indicator of being gay or something then I gotta point out that you have half the posts ITT (which is more than me just so ya know) .
Your logic is shit.

Is that her?