Wageslave thread

Let's have a discussion about working in the tech industry. I'm assuming that at least some of you aren't underage/NEET.

What kind of tech company do you work for? What do you do? What technology do you use? What's the tech industry like where you live?

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Er yeah bro we make wellness apps for burnt out tech industry workers. We don't really "use" technology, the actual tech is done in Bangalore.
Moral is not good because the venture capital funding is running out.

Wow this is totally not a datamining thread to track people. Desperate for good coders much n-s-yayy-kun?

oy vey, delet this

I always wondered how those app farms worked. Do people just send a list of requirements to an army of pajeets and tell them to get going? Is there any design process, or do they use standard templates for everything?

That is literally exactly how it works.

Actually they send it to a website that is a recruitment effort for armies of pajeets. They then just compete for the best working design which is usually copy pasted code from the web.

Its like a infinite amount of monkeys at a typewriter. If they type long enough they will compose a beautiful masterpeice in theory. That's the idea behind the websites atleast.

There are always exceptions(whites) but they are far and few between.

Unfortunately that's exactly how it works. Once you resolve all the sub-contractors, it's bloated templates all the way down.

Google know this, and their Android and Chrome developer advocacy are aimed squarely at India these days.
Microsoft was way ahead of the curve though. Their certification programs were saturated with pajeets pretty much from the get go.


if(applicant.Race == Races.WHITE && applicant.Gender == Genders.MALE) { application.PutInTrash(); EmailHandlerFactoryDispatcher.SendDelayedEmailResponse(7);}

Electronics Manufacturing. It's pretty great. We build shit for other companies and my particular company I work for is like the outsourcing company that whores itself to the major tech companies for prototype projects by doing them for well under market value.

I hate this question IRL.
I develop PCBs/PWBs for various customers (mainly Navy and Server companies in town, though we also develop storm trackers and other cool shit like that). I work in SMT and on thru-hole projects which is a fancy way of saying I place 0201 (that's imperial units) surface mount components onto a pasted circuit board using tweezers (without a magnifying glass or microscope) and shove it in a reflow oven to harden the solder paste. Pic related. Well, that or I sit around tinning thru-hole components manufactured in the 60s-80s all day because the military can't fucking get their shit together and develop a surface-mount missile guidance system PCB as they bitch about their thru-hole shit from the 70s not meeting IPC standards.

Mainly Assembleon's Opal 8 head for saving me hours and hours of hand builds. I also get to use a vapour-phase reflow oven which is really fucking nice, though we got a BTU (convection reflow oven) in case those German sweethearts break down like they did a few weeks ago god that was awful. Best part is we're not averse to using lead solder on anything that doesn't explicitly state lead free, so all of your server shit is gonna slowly kill you when it overheats in that compact space you shove it into.

Fan-fucking-tastic if you have 5+ years of experience in the field and are willing to work for about $4-$8/hour less than the market average (depending on occupation) while still paying market average for housing, utilities, food, etc. Because of the Airforce's presence though, we're likely to take over as the new "Silicon valley" if California continues to go full retard due to having lower taxes than the commie-infested Austin Texas down south.

Tell us plebs the secrets of multi-layered pcb manufacturing n-s-yayy-kun.

All that code resides in the class called DanielleHRCuntFactoryFactory

>doing (((web dev))) on ancient desktops with leaking caps, 15GB IDE disks and dying CRTs

Being a total NEET works out cheaper, I don't have to pay for therapy and antidepressants.

I do GNU/Linux sysadmin work for a painting company that puts up scaffolding, primes, and paints buildings. The company's office started out with all Microsoft Windows desktops. They have now all been switched to GNU/Linux. I've also installed a new server to host the company's web sites, a Nextcloud system, and a Jitsi Meet video conferencing server. Recently, I built a timeclock for the company using a minicomputer and an RFID reader/writer. I use Nginx and MariaDB for the timeclock's web interface, which I made using PHP/HTML/CSS and Python.

4 years. How stupid can you be?

God that makes me angry. Last time I overheared that in the future not only they want to continue using poos to code but they want to give them engineering tasks as well. Things like CAD or doing FEM analyses. It's beyond fucked up. They fire skilled german engineers and hire armies of pajeets just because of muh shekels. Problem is that at mechanical engineering just copy pasting stuff from the internet won't work, but try to tell that to upper management.

Intel agency.


Image boards.

Pretty much the Ministry of Truth.

Most businesses are a cancer on this earth, too stoopid to see long-term that better product = better profit.
It's sinking ships all the way down

Don't be ranting against your employers n-s-yayy-kun.
But honesty is the best policy regardless.

I work as a freelance web developer and sysadmin. I've gotten to the point where I can start hiring other people, given the amount of work and turnover I have, but for the moment I prefer collaborating with other freelancers.

Being an employee to others is stupid. You are going to be doing the same amount of work (perhaps a bit less in some cases) with no real growth to look for. It's slavery.

so that's why they cost so much, and it's not just Ada coders... maintenance because all the caps keep dropping out and the front fell off

Why do people still use the imperial system ?
Do they want their satellites to burn in the atmosphere again ?

I work at corporate security for a local telco. used to be a sysadmin/integrator. I really miss those days

don't forget when they go public, the management teams become even more incompetent as they start taking design cues from idiot 60 year old investors and venture capitalists who ride investment bubbles like they ride Filipino under-14s

The company we're doing it for is $500,000 over budget and they don't even give a shit because the navy just keeps paying them. It's surreal, really.

Because imperial is more useful when dividing by 6 or 8 or 32. So it's more useful in space in general.

Unfortunately, it seems as if actual fucking programming skills mean nothing to employers. You can list knowledge of Fortran, Assembly, Lisp, or even C; none of that matters if you don't know a meme language, or "useful" languages. Once again, normalshits have ruined an excellent career/hobby.

Unfortunately, it seems as if meme programming skills mean nothing to employers. You can list knowledge of Rust, Scala, node.js and Ruby on Rails; none of that matters if you're not a diversity hire, or "affirmative action" hire. Once again, muh diversity has ruined an excellent career/hobby.



Sys Admin

Wangblows, O365, power shell, various other web services

I envy you. Windows sucks ass

Consultancy company.

Integration projects.

Microsoft BizTalk and endpoints I need to work with, like databases or webservices.

Pretty fun job once you get to know all features. Doing this for a year now.

Fellow hardwarefag here. I work for a major automotive supplier at an R&D facility. We develop the units, the manufacturing processes, do the pv/dv testing, assembly, and final product validation, then that all gets handed off to Mexico or China where the items are mass produced and our processes followed.

I build a lot of prototype and proof-of-concept things, and while I use a microscope/magnifier, I hand-solder 0402 stuff all the time. (No ovens - hand solder.) Basically, Engineer Joe will hand me a schematic and a BOM and say make me X-number of them. Then some girl will get the boards made, I'll order the parts, and then put the things together for him.

I get paid a ridiculous amount of money for what I actually do. I'm maxing out my 401k contributions, got the Cadillac of health plans with the lowest deductible possible, and I have more money than I know what to do with. I just bought a second house, an SVT Raptor as a second vehicle, a few new funz, a whole new wardrobe, and I still have 5 figures in my bank account that I'll probably use to decorate my new lake house.

But I didn't go into it green. I've been doing industrial repair since '05. I have tons of experience soldering, desoldering, identifying and crossing parts, and all kinds of repair work for industrial, commercial, wind power generation, transit, semiconductor manufacturer, and even military applications.

Repair techs can make some good money. I know some raking in six figures. I was making mid five figures when I was doing repair. I only ever got an Associate's Degree after dropping out of high school halfway through my third senior year. One of the most brilliant, most capable engineers I've ever met had nothing but a high school diploma.

Tell me the secrets of multi-layered pcb manufacturing. I am but a lowly neet who wants to learn more public secrets.

Boy there are (((globalists))) who get paid eight figures doing work 15/16th's easier than yours. Banksters get seven figures doing work 13/16th's easier than yours.
So investing in the electric jew, where no money will come out of because it will be taxed to death or already used by the federal government.

don't worry, a lot of the big corps have started "onshoring" jobs. code from the loo started falling apart/becoming non-competitive after 10 years.

although the sad part is there are so many tens of thousands of indian migrants it really hasn't changed much

What secrets? It's no different than making a single-layer or doubles-sided board, really. Just more repeated steps in the process. Plenty of videos on jewtube to show how it's done. The only real trick is making sure the layers are lined up the way they're supposed to be lined up, which can be a challenge on really small-scale boards.

High fives. And it's the best money I ever pulled in my life. And I only just started with this place, so I have room for advancement and bumps in pay.

>(((globalists))) who get
Sure. And there are beaners who get paid 15/16th's as much for doing work ten times as hard. It's all relative. All through high school (and for a few years after) I worked in restaurants, making nigger-tier wages. But it was fun and I learned a lot and went to school for it and finished out a culinary career as Sous Chef at a private yacht club. It was decent money towards the end, but not enough to start or support a family. After that, I started a business and caught the tail end of the construction boom of the late 90s/early 2000s. Good money. Hard work - as in physically hard. Never a day off when you're the boss. Fuck all that.

Have to do something for the future. I'm not about to put all my eggs in Alex Jones' water filters or start hoarding nickels or something.
Maybe it will, maybe it won't. My contributions are pre-tax, so the possibility is there that the tax situation will change by the time I'm ready to retire. Yeah, it's a gamble. Name something in life that isn't.

Land and growing your own food using water you potted. You maintain total control over yourself in such a situation to either die or succeed.
Also you're obviously a shill. Realise that kids nowadays can't get work experience to do shit if they are white because globalists won't let them work for money. It's either do everything yourself or know (((friends))) in high places now. Unless you're already in on the game like most people your age.

What is this fucking job application test that I just took.

can you not do basic algebra, retard?

Yeah like they'd hire anyone in this economy.
Fire 2.5 men and you've got your 40%

OP, do you have sauce on that webm? I remember that from when I was a child. What is it?

If you can't tell this is a data collection thread.



Just say you're an attack helicopter and stare down the HR employee, daring them to question your life choices.

Predatory lending.
Linux Sysadmin.
Little bit of everything. I support java programmers, and not the good kind.
Pretty good, I'm just chilling in a job thats immeasurably easy.
I've picked up a decent understanding of shell, SQL, python, ruby, go, and C.
I want to learn C++ and Rust, and master one of them before applying for a new job.
Fucking rent though.

Well I can tell it's a green jew with a computer.

I don't work in tech, but I spend my day learning to code instead of my actual boring work.

I should have gotten a CS degree.

read the thread title again.

I forgot to mention we do almost all of our CNC operations in-house. A guy who graduated a year before me does all that, though he's trained me to do it when he's not there. The military is freaking out because after this set of missiles get made, we've used up the last of the last components available for through-hole for their applications, so they either have to find new components or finally switch to surface mount. They're not even freaking out about the missiles themselves though- they're freaking out because they wanted to produce half of the missiles for selling overseas (E.G. the military is laundering money via missile production). Wish I could take pictures of some of this shit because it's hilarious, but ITAR regulations and I don't want to be imprisoned for god only knows how long.

Yep, true that. I like my job, but our company is pretty much outsourcing so I'm severely underpaid. Using it for experience and probably gonna go into the military as a Cryptological tech or Electronics tech to get muh veteran tax credits, maybe Aviation tech, but I'm not a big fan of working on airplanes. Down the line I want to work in a doping facility as a gas safety specialist where I can make six figures/year or the equivalent if the companies want to send me to their doping facilities in Croatia. That or in aerospace. Gotta work my way up though.

Hand soldering's a bitch. I like doing it for fun like during my IPC training, but can't stand professionally doing it. What music do you listen to, user? I mostly just listen to a shuffle of German folk metal, death metal, country, and cute animu girls.

It's pretty much printing, like the name implies.
I'd post a webm/mp4 but the video's too long so have a pootube link: watch?v=59Io2Moz8G4

Banksters also commit suicide at a much higher rate and live in the most expensive cities in the world. Got friends who are bankfolks, they make closer to high 5 figure (sometimes 6 figure) incomes but they live in much cheaper cities and have far less stress. My job is pretty fucking easy, not sure how much easier a banker's job could be unless they literally do nothing all day (which I know they've gotta make conference calls and shit which is a shit ton more stressful). I fuck up and the company is out maybe $2,000. A Bankster fucks up and he's out millions.

>Realise that kids nowadays can't get work experience to do shit if they are white because globalists won't let them work for money.
Dude you're seriously mental. Take your pills. Hardwarefag companies can't afford to pull diversity shit over here because there's not enough technicians as-is in most place. Your average electronics manufacturing plant is about 3/5ths white, 1/5th asian, and 1/5th Mexican/pacific islander. Maybe there's a few more Asians/Mexicans if you're working for a cheap-ass plant, but even then the Mexicans are still like 2/3rds white "Mexicans."

I'm 22 and went into the industry green as an intern. My family was making less than $25,000/year between my mother and me since I was 15 when I entered the workforce. No excuses. Just because the fancy companies won't hire you without work experience or being black doesn't mean there's no work to be found. Most businesses in America are still small businesses. How about instead of filing a dozen indeed applications like an autist you actually drive around the industrial/"work" sector in town (every town with more than 50-100k people living in it has one), see which companies have "help wanted" signs out front, and go apply there either in-person or via telephone/email? Before I got my job working for this PCB company I was considering taking a job for Bal Seal as a canted coil spring installer. One of my school friends just got a job at $20/hr as a metrology technician, and his only prior work experience was "pizza hut manager." If you still can't find anything, you are not above staffing agencies. They pay shit (or the jobs are temporary), but they have skill-related jobs for noskillz/no experience fags that will help build up your resume and get you the work experience you need. Literally all you need to work in the electronics industry is maybe an associates, and even then we're talking an associates of applied science (AAS) which is pretty much just one English/Math/Science/Communications class thrown in with your trade skill courses to show you are able to read/write technical drafts/do basic calculation and talk to a boss. Electronics Technology, Robotics Technology, Industrial Manufacturing, Electromechanical Technology, Water Quality Management, hell, even an HVAC associates will get you into the field if you go the right route. Right now, second pic related are all the trades offered at my local CC. Trades programs are only offered at my CC if there's is somewhat of a guarantee of employment (65% or higher within 3 months) post-graduation. It's why they had to remove Ferrier science last year. Git gud.

I'm by the way, not the user you were responding to.

hooktube.com/watch?v=sIV0icM_Ujo Probably a better video, but not what wants. He wants to etch his own.

I never understood this. Rent is just paying a bill. Unless you're working 60+ hour work weeks, you should have time to scrounge up the mental energy to spend an hour/day or about 5 hours/week learning new stuff. The time you spend on here could be used to learn it.

because literally no software company puts out "help wanted" signs?

what the fuck is wrong with your penis?

I included the rent remark because I looked again at the prompt about the tech industry where I live and it reminded me how much I hate California.
It's like the airline industry: at the end of the day it just costs you money, but is your deposit something they should be asking for every year and not refunding you? Fucking no.
They just built a lot of new apartment buildings around here, so there's a bunch of vacancies in every building. Does the competition drive them to lower prices? Nope, everyone raises prices. I literally got a letter that my rent was increasing by 50%.

it's americn

Yeah, until the tax man comes calling. Then what? You gonna pay him with rhubarb? Get real. Even real, honest-to-goodness mountain men get hauled in eventually. Remember that nutjob a couple years ago? "I am the living man. I fish to live," or some shit?
user, I turned 28 and was a burned out, druggie-alcoholic line cook with a GED and no prospects for the future. I haven't been "in the game" for all that long. My first electronic repair job in '05 paid me $13.50 an hour as a trainee. As recently as '10, I was still only making sixteen bucks and some change. That's barely 30 grand a year before taxes.
Go to your local electrician's union hall and sign up as an apprentice. If they tell you that you need a sponsor, hit up some local electricians and tell them you want to learn the trade, and are willing to start out doing cleanup and go-fer-ing and such. Within a year, you'll be learning to pull wire and bend conduit. Within five or six (if you play your cards right), you'll be running a crew. Ten years from now, you're a journeyman making $80 or $100K a year - or better, because a journeyman can run his own business.

Forgot to add:
Trades are where it's at right now. There's a serious shortage of people willing to get their hands dirty to earn a living, because the last entire generation of people got pushed through jewish mind-control camps because their parents thought they shouldn't have to actually work for a living.
I used electrician as an example, but the same goes for plumber's, carpenter's, and mason's unions, too.

Sage because double post.

If I am looking to pour and bake my own PCB do you really think I do not know how to run wire already? Or hell my own buisness? Are you fucking joking with bending a peice of metal? Do you take me for a stupid faggot like yourself?

There are no jobs you stupid fuck for the youngins. Also your story doesn't add up. If you had a job(presumably your second) in 2005 that would make you 29 at a minimum. Because 16 years to start a job+13(12 years to 2017 and one for a burnt out line cook since your a faggot) would be 29.
You could be as clean as a dove and as sharp as a serpent but white males need not apply from my experiences. Without startup capital, to start a buisness, to get past the liscensing/monopoly fees, all one can do is learn, but not do.
Could pay him in lead if he accepts that. Or maybe in food since the USD is worthless. There is also ways around that tax situation akin to pitting federal agencies against eachother. Especially if your in europe. Gas yourself you anti-self improvement faggot.


Security analysis/in-house penetration testing.

Langs: Python, Perl; OSes: All major desktop/server; Software: O R A C L E D A T A B A S E, Elastic Stack, Lots of whacky homebrew stuff that needs to constantly be inspected and patched for gaping security holes; My toolkit: Whatever is in Kali that day, The Hive, I try to do reporting in LaTeX. We have nessus and it's cool I guess, but I don't like vulnerability scanning as much as my own analysis.

Meh, if I lost my job I'd have to move but that's impossible in .edu and they're so laid back I'd rather not leave anyway.

Why the fuck are you complaining about meme languages? I get that Holla Forums is principled about certain things like language choice, but when you start considering being a wage slave those have to go out the window. When you are skilled enough to be paid money for your Holla Forums skills, you're a mercenary. Fuck how you feel about whatever language people want you to use, just use it and make $$$.

If you already have a programming background, you need to learn only 3 languages to be able to exploit every programming meme out there.

1. C
2. Java
3. Scheme

Learn these 3 to an intermediate level and it'll take you about a day to learn literally any business viable language you could want to throw on your resume.

Java = C#
Scheme = Haskell, Clojure

C + Java = C++, Rust, Go, Objective C,
Java + Scheme = Scala, F#
C + Java + Scheme = Legitimately any major scripting language. I.E. Ruby, Python, Javascript, PHP, Swift.

I get that there are many key differences between say Java and C#, Python and Ruby, etc. But those tiny differences are irrelevant as long as you understand the major programming paradigms behind each language. Learning C means you can do manual memory management and pointers. Learning Java means you can do OOP. Learning Scheme means you can do Functional.

Cultivate a lisp and ask a gay friend to help you shop for outfits. Shave for a few nights before the interview, wear the clothes he picks out. You'll make it past the diversity filter.

I'm a white boi and I've never had a problem with this (and I work at a .edu that requires candidates to be voted on by the "inclusion committee" before they can be hired). It's probably because I lust for traps and they could detect my homosexual aura. Those gays man, I swear.

Hello securityfriend. How do you demonstrate value? No one seems to give a shit when I turn on authentication for issuing certificates (let's just sign a subca as an anonymous user, derr), they just see it is a hoop they need to jump through. They never see the attack that doesn't happen, only the one that does.

You know so much what are you doing here asking questions?

I'm not really a security engineer per se. A lot of orgs see infosec, and IT in general as a cost center. To that end, do your job, make sure to get your recommendations documented on paper (i.e. send an email with your warning and get them to reply to it.) Your first priority when people aren't taking you seriously is to CYA.

That said, I'm very lucky. My CISO is a total bro. My initial job was shitty security oriented help desk work. When I talked to him about the kinda' stuff I was interested in he gave me license to try and hack into stuff. Now people take me seriously because if they do dumb stuff they know I'm going to hack their shit. I'm not destructive, but I got people deploying webapps to take security seriously because every new deployment met with me calling them about how I sql/cmd injected their thing or popped an alert or something. People just treat me almost like I'm a force of nature. Oh, our new, dumb sysadmin has been logging into every workstation with their domain administrator account? I told him not to, but he keeps doing it? Pop random workstation, get it to drop from the domain, new kid sent to re-add it, mimikatz his domain credentials, dump NTDS.dit, call his boss and tell him they should all reset their passwords.

Military-Industrial Complex
Software supporting Modeling and Simulation
Shit. No really, we got off Windows XP at the beginning of 2016. We finally got the last holdout off of RedHat Enterprise Linux 5. There's an Octane that management refuses to get rid of that acts as a door stop.
Visual Studio 2013 for Windows, make for Linux, Eclipse and Netbeans for Java
We were using subversion and the migration to git has been a clusterfuck (mostly people insisting on using git like we were using subversion)
A lot of military. There are some other industries here and there.

I work at a global IT services company developing and maintaining a bunch of Java EE/Spring business web applications. It's soul-sucking, but at least I don't interact directly with customers.

I'm working on a Master's in Computer Science so I can enter a more stimulating field.

rust is completely different from c and java. explain this equation please.

Spill the beans you fucking jew

lol loser

quit job, pwn company, take their money


that seems comfy in a strange way, you could write extremely ugly hacks and nobody would care

< how could i miss it for so long!

shieeet, niggers! I wouldn't believe i'm not the only one working in such a field!

Well, actual engineer here.

Working for industrial complex in a scientific research institute.

You tell me what will come into the "black box" and what has to come out, i'll do the insides. Electrical schemes, pcb routing, microcontrollers programming all that for under 400$ per month.

Windows (7 at home, 8/10 at work), because: Altium designer, AVR Studio, Keil, microsoft Office, exclusive drivers and shit.
Programming is done in asm, strict ansi-c, vhdl (for fpga's). Making schemes and routing pcbs in Altium (SLOW ASS PASCAL RIDDLED INDUSTRIAL STANDARD MY ASS). Drilling by hand [and dremmel], my man! Making pcbs - getting gerbers, sending them to local pcb manufacturers. Uploading my hex files to mc's using various [windows-only proprietary] drivers and "mcu programmers".

Personally i didn't get military, which is glorious, or else commie paradise of getting up early and leaving only after the siren rings (my friend got caught in such shit, luls).
Back in my place there is literally a programmer's paradise across the street, which overtook my small (50k folks) town. Hipsters and "walk-in-the-sunlight-work-until-the-morning" fags are swarming over the streets, drinking their cofee (which costs 1/100th of my monthly wage, so i don't act stupid), yet sometimes their wages reach 2000$ per month, which is considered huge.

applicant.CorrectedScore = applicant.RawScore * diversityCorrection.GetCorrectionValue(applicant.Race, applicant.Gender)if (applicant.CorrectedScore < THRESHOLD_VALUE) { handleApplication.Denial(applicant)}

If you cannot get a job because of jews, normies, sjws, why don't you get rid of them? Physically.

are you jewish?

that webm is from muzzy. fuck, those memories. I learned English watching it when I was a child.