Be wary of slides and attempts at misdirection. Google/Youtube is inserting UFO stuff into every recent Wikileaks search.
This is a top-level decision to divert attention.
Be wary of slides and attempts at misdirection. Google/Youtube is inserting UFO stuff into every recent Wikileaks search.
This is a top-level decision to divert attention.
Other urls found in this thread:
I already thought those posts seemed so robotic.
As much as it would be great to have "Disclosure", we will never, ever get this in the current political atmosphere. It would be used as a way to distract and poison the well. They might even try to use it to get us to "stop infighting and unite".
Should we bomb that UFO video with fake reports / DMCAs?
We need to meme aliens as right wing nazis, who want to preserve intellectual white humanity and get rid of kikes.
It reminds me a bit of flat earth derailers on stormfront.
And we are so great, we have ten /x/ tier threads constantly! Take that cuckchan!
Fuck that's been the endgame this whole time with all of these (((philosophers))) saying for years that Aliens would be too turned off by our violence to want to make contact with us
It's not bait, it's just a nonissue.
>[email protected]/* */
Belongs to this person:
So some nutcase emailed John Podesta a few times. That's why these emails are included.
Who cares? If Hillary or someone connected to her was talking about ayy lmaos then it would be noteworthy.
Its all exists to make right wingers look like bunch of crazy people who believe every conspiracy. To compare holocaust deniers and people who are concerned about refugees as mentally ill people.
nice try AyyyIDF
Yeah fuck the /x/ tier shit. Focus on the globalism. That's the real issue.
I agree. I didn't mean to imply that it won't be used as a distraction or disinfo, just that none of us should believe it has any legitimacy.
That's because you're a halfwit who can't into critical thought.
The halfchan cancer is real.
Case in point :
The only reasonable answer is that the earth is a hemisphere: one of you is on the round part and the other on the flat part.
Do you ever think that there's more stuff in these that we're supposed to find, but don't? We never even figured out who all of Cruz's mistresses were, even though Enquirer seemed to make it easy.
Dubs demand it.
Nothing short of ayyymaos themselves blowing up the White House will divert attention.
earth is flat you retarded nigger
Would be a good idea to reach out to Podesta about this and see if he immediately labeled it as spam or blocked the user. Also, let's not forget just how easily normalfags throw out the 'nutcase' accusation to anyone that seeks to disrupt their manufactured reality. Not that I'm advocating for believing all alien experiences or even in the concept, but most anons here know just how easily it is to silence opposition when you label them as psychos or crazy. There's something unsettling about knowing that Podesta stated "Obama's biggest failure was not disclosing" and that he remained so respected in the Clinton hierarchy after saying so.
Could this all be a part of the biggest psyop known to man, that the kikes have been pushing ever since Roswell and the rise of Sci-Fi? Let us not forget the theory by that user 2 years ago saying they would use this alien disclosure event to unite all races and get their kosher certified global leader into position.
It's just interesting is all that Assange left that email in it as well, as maybe Podesta labeled it as spam. Who knows, but this does raise many concerns.
Since this is the designated ayys thread I'll repost this here
Well, is it legit?
sounds like it's dubbed over.
I can appreciate the guys focused on a goal. Bringing Hillary down, getting Trump elected.
From the looks of it i'd have no problem with either of those things happening.
I'll just say from the way it looks to me if I was a (((current world order stooge))) i'd be bringing up the holocaust instead of 911, Sandy hook, or things like this that have real potential to bring it all down.
Waaaaaay ahead of you there buddy!
I thought it was neat, but yeah this makes it pretty clear that was some bs and is pointlessly distracting
Hello CTR.
That explains the recent /x/ threads popping up
This. Which is why Alex Jones yelling at the top of his lungs about Illuminati satanic death cults is cancer.
He could just as easily said it was Jews and globalist bankers, but the truth has a lot less pizzaz without the spooky occultism.
Unless we have e-mails from Podesta or another official talking about this stuff then let's just consider it spam for now. Digging into the possibility of Ayyyyy's can wait until after the election.
It's more likely that the psyop is exactly what OP suggested. Peaking our natural autistic interest in aliens and space to distract us from what's currently happening here on Earth. There is no reason any content creator on Youtube should be featuring muh aliens in the e-mail except for clickbait or to distract.