It Hurts! : piss edition
It's the final chapter, guys, and as should all final chapters, it's starting with the main character getting pissed on for several minutes by Satan.

Also, just in case :

Other urls found in this thread:


For those who have never read the comic, here is where you can start :
The art looks childish and simplistic, but keep going for a while, for the humor and story are what makes it good. Try it until you get to page 100 where the true meaning of it all happens, and if even then it's not speaking to you, it probably never will.

I'm not sure I believe you, but I also believe you complete.
Also that last page is shittily written and unsubtle, but its nothing we didn't know already. Good thing the author wasn't so oblivious that they tried to hide the monsters identity.
My prediction?
He'll succeed in killing god where his mother fails, possibly killing his mother in the process, if she hasn't already inherited the title of god, even though she's him from the other one.

That's literally the name of that chapter, user. "The final chapter". I'm not saying it just because I want it to be.

This thread will be as shit as the last one.

Fuck off with your horrible webcomic Val.

Val likes a comic where an adult is pissing on a kid who pisses on him back, why am I not surprised?

I see the art is still ugly.

Fuck off.