How did they get away with this?

How did they get away with this?


With doing nothing?

Who got the get?

Who got away with what?

How did they get the cool shoe shine?

what the hell is this thread?

Shitposting apparently. Who knows though, maybe OP was genuinely curious.

Its another fucking Template thread, the user has been spamming this shit for weeks. Report and ignore.

with the power of the cool shoe shine

wow so this is the power of Holla Forums

you guys are fucking retarded

never did no harm

It's coming up

Fuck Holla Forums how could you let saitama get it?

I can't read Japanese

…That it's yellowface? Yellow skin, squinty eyes, even a subtle case of buck teeth.
Only SJWs give a shit, though.

Some people were arguing that William Hung was an offensive Asian stereotype, despite being an actual, living breathing human being.

Noodle Thread?

I prefer it over the 3D one they did later, even if it turned out to be an robot in the end. Two Noodle's sounds like a good idea but they share about the same bland personality, not helped that the music wasn't as good as their second album, Demon Days. If they ever do a Gorillaz cartoon, they need to go back to the old style.

Hey, Noodle has a personality. You just have to slog through a lot of the Gorillaz material to get a sense of it, because she is mostly ignored in favour of Murdoc and 2D's Lennon-McCartney no homo bullshit.

Even Cyborg Noodle occasionally expressed herself. Mostly by trying to kill Murdoc when the real Noodle returned.


It sounded absolutely awful. I thought Glitter Freeze was better than it, and that song rapes my ear drums. I hope the album is better than this or I'm going to be more disappointed than when Plastic Beach came out.

Which one was that?


>everything about the fucking fall
I just wanted more Noodle.
What I got is disappointment.

I liked Glitter Freeze


Literally who?

It's a mango kind of thing.

Too old now, tbh.

no such thing

She is a happy adult now, user. Aren't you happy? She isn't being chased by zombies anymore, she didn't have to fall down with a floating island, now she is happy, and she can drive F1.

Life is suffering, user. If I could have one wish, I'd wish for Plastic Beach to had more success and funding, so the game could have been completed And not shit, so we could have Rhinestone Eyes and The Fall wouldn't ever happened. I'd wish for them to never leave Kong Studios, but where's the fun in that?
You know who should feel really bad? The guy who won the Evangelist design stuff. He never saw his creation in Gorillaz at all.

Kong studios showed them with a lot more of personality, not to mention the interviews.

The Fall was never meant to be a proper album, just something Albarn created to kill time on an iPad

God, Noodle in those shorts does things to me that I feel ashamed to admit even on this board.

I know. It's that whole feeling I get when I look at Dakota Fanning or Bindi Irwin and Jesus, where did all these bumps come from, now I feel like Rolf Harris.

Brace yourself for the worst song and music vidoe Gorillaz ever put out. It is a standalone, so hopefully it does not indicate direction in which they will take their new album in.

Hewlett and Albarn really fucked up with that one. Half of the songs are good, while other half is bad. It also looks like lame music video for Stylo ate up their entire budget, which would be much better spent on animation for Rhinestone Eyes or making other ones more than just a celebrity singing against a static background or a tiny set. At least Melancholy Hill got animated.

Crap, I forgot about the video

Well, Gorillaz was always about experimental music. It was always hit or miss, but holy shit, that song is particularly lame. I don't think is bad, I just think it's boring. Demon Days is slow, but the chorus and instrumentals are not boring at all.
To be honest, is something I'd hear to relax myself. It isn't that bad for the music itself, I kind of like it in fact, I think it would be better with a different voice, but the video is terrible.

That's exactly why they fucked up stylo. Bruce Willis on it was nice, but totally pointless. They could have animated him. Actually, everything that had to do with them being 3D was terrible, including DoYaThing. The best part of Melancholy Hill was that it was animated in 2D.

I bet EMI being on its death bed didn't help

It looks exactly like something something they cooked up right after Trump won

She's gay according to an official unofficial dating profile

Skinny little Noodlez. She grew up. She filled out.

I just heard it and it's shit oh my god, but someone said it had something to do with Trump? If that's true then Gorillaz truly has died.

Benjamin Clementine is supposedly a musical prodigy, but personally I think he's the sort of artist you listen to to say you listen to, as opposed to an artist you listen to because you enjoy it.

I guess he's like a less radio-friendly Wesley Willis.

You're right, but people are retarded and think it was somehow a main album released in the same time frame as Plastic Beach. Hell, it was released for free on the Gorillaz website when it first came out.

Nothing about his performance stood out to me in the song. The whole thing sounded as though he were literally preaching to me instead of singing. I would have enjoyed the song more if it was small bits of clementine while the majority was Damon singing.

I don't know how people could like him. Benjamin Clementine is just boring. Like background music.

Kinda looks like a more firzzled version of the girl from Do the Evolution. Not that I'm complaining.

The bit about walls, and it being about worshiping money and some other stuff going on in the video makes that seem a reasonable guess.

Also i wouldn't but too much stock in unofficial stuff. Otherwise Bulma DBZ is into abortions and tails wants to fuck a babies shit covered hole.

He was onstage chanting "Trump is a chump" a few months ago. Musicians should stay off preaching on stage. It isn't a fucking chapel for them to yell their opinions to world. Sing me songs and entertain me. That ain't too fucking hard.

who dat middle loli?

das racist

Dot, from Dot And The Kangaroo.

Fuck off Holla Forums

Artists have always put their philosophical, social and economic views into their creations. I will say it should have some tact and nuance to it, though. Just saying "fuck this person" over and over is a bit pedestrian.

It's more of a problem where the creator is divided between showing off how intelligent they are and trying to make a message. The more level headed of people just try to create something intelligent with the message flowing in naturally (IOW, they're not in your face about it and subtly introduce the message).

What does happen and get more attention, however, is when someone thinks they're so brilliant that they go up their ass and out their mouth showing how "intelligent" they are, or they become so focussed on making sure that some obscure message gets acrossed and all amount of intelligence just goes out the window.

But if you build your author filibuster into the plot too deftly, the readers get distracted by the garnish. Idiots still think Watchmen is superhero porn and not a statement on Objectivism.
But V For Vendetta is still pretty obscure. I don't know one other person who agrees with me that it's about forced gender reassignment.

Super Fast Jelly Fish

What makes you say this?

V is Vanessa, the director who wrote the letter.
The doctors tried an experiment, they took a lesbian, erased her memory and gave her a sex change to see if she'd be psychologically a man or a woman, and if she'd be gay. But she wrote a letter to her future self that enraged and motivated her blank-slate into becoming an executor of her revenge.
I think Hugo Weaving got it. His performance was female in a couple places in the movie.

Knowing the Wachowskis, that wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

Now do you mean the Wachow-shes' movie version or the original comic? Because I'll let that theory go if you mean the faggy movie but there's no way in hell V isn't Eve's dad.

Holy shit.

I mean, everything V did was the work of an angry director.
They destroyed his life so that he wasn't even able to consummate his love for Evee, so his revenge wasn't just to kill his enemies, he didn't just pull down the civilisation they built, he engineered a paradigm shift so their world could not be rebuilt.
His use of media to manipulate the public, his use of psychodrama to turn Evee into another V, his disguise and mode of speech, his "training" consisting of acting out old swashbucklers, all smacked of the theatre. Even the vague suggestion that he and Stephen Fry's television host character might have come from the same sort of background…

Hell yeah, I can't wait to see more Gorillaz artwork come out soon.

The sky is blue and gooks are yellow, I see no problem. I don't think an authentic asian cares either. Only blacks and browns hate it when you remind them of how they look because they themselves instinctualy know they're hideous and beastlike.

Goddmanit, Why did your faggot ass have to come back

Why not, namefags are patethic dumbasses that believe they'll be remembered for anything better than the average faggottry every user comment, happened years ago, namefags are just anons, a name and a tripcode doesn't makes them any less user as much as they want it.

You forgot to sage

Of course a tripfag would bump a shitty template thread.

OP's a faggot as usual but there's some interesting knowledge on the thread itself.

Then make a dedicated Gorillaz thread and not filter through OP's personal shitting hole.

Also you forgot to sage.

Nope and just to spite you I'm bumping it again.

Can't say I like it.