Ava's Demon updated. Nothing happens, but at least the shit's going to start updating regularly again. Hopefully
Ava's Demon updated. Nothing happens, but at least the shit's going to start updating regularly again. Hopefully
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And that's all she wrote.
What was it, 6 months? For this shit? She couldn't have given us two updates rather than one to make up for it?
Obviously Odin(Osin? Whatever the fucker's name is) knows who Wrathia is. Not surprising of a development.
I waited months for this. Now I feel nothing.
Didn't she run off with kickstarter money?
Why do people still give a shit about this comic
Don't be fucking fooled.
You wanna bet it'll take her another half a year to update?
Considering she's still going, probably not.
There should be another update this Thursday as well
She did, but she needs to keep the IP on life support so she can milk it whenever she needs to. Doesn't she have a patreon, as well?
Of course she does.
You naive fool
That is oddly enlightening.
Just started reading the comic this morning and finished a few minutes ago. It was shorter than I thought it would be. I'm assuming just from reading this thread and the other one that I have to wait a few months for updates. Why?
Because the creator IS A JEW WHO'S ATTRACTED TO PENISES AND MONEY so expect downtimes when she's making money ejaculate and harvesting penises.
More specifically, to help user understand why she's such a Jew…
Before her comic got popular, she'd update it once a week. Then it got popular, and she made a kickstarter 'to do the comic full-time.' It was highly successful and it got way more than she asked for. She asked for $12,000, she got $217,000. With the $200,000 mark, she promised that she'd update twice a week (10 panels each). That never happened, and I think it was only recently that she actually finished giving out the books the kickstarter was originally for- even though this kickstarter was in 2013.
And then she did another kickstarter in 2015. Even though she still hadn't fulfilled her promises from the 2013 one. She asked for $75,000 this time, and somehow made it to $351,000, because certain fans fucking dropped $5,000 literally just for her to draw their fucking OCs. The kickstarter was all to put together a 2nd book, even though they're extremely simple and shouldn't take so much goddamn time and money to make.
She still hasn't been updating twice a week. Or once a week. Or once a month. She's too busy going to conventions constantly and going 'oh whoops guys too busy ;) ' because she's getting more money elsewhere rather than actually working on her comic. It seems from her tumblr that she's been wasting her time drawing non-Ava's Demon related artwork, too. So she really just doesn't give a shit.
Damn, that is too bad. I really enjoyed the comic. Have most of her fans caught on or are they taking her dick in the ass and thanking her for it?
Fans will always take dick up the ass, and then beg for the privilege of cleaning it off with their mouth.
Oh my
Don't believe her lies.
We'll see tomorrow
I can't wait for the 3rd kikestarter so I can see all the idiots who haven't learned their lesson.
Looks like she followed through after all.
That's it for today.
Wow she actually delivered.
didn't she go hiatus originally because she's a bit of a sperg and she pissed of SJW's who fucked with her by getting her banned and i think attempting to dox? I thought delivering backer rewords was another cause of the hiatus. Don't get me wrong I am not trying to defend her, but i remember her having actual reason/excuses for the hiatus.
Well I'll be damned. I didn't expect this to update.
Isn't Michelle a SJW?
There's varying levels of SJW and they tend to butt heads. She's an SJW but got devoured alive by more extremist SJWs because of "child porn" of her own characters. That weren't even porn.
Her hiatus was because she kept going to conventions instead of working on the fucking comic. If it was backer rewards that was holding her back, she would have waited longer before she started another kickstarter to start the process all over again. She just likes money.
I think there was a shitstorm when she revealed the blue guy as gay and called him a slut witch made a good chunk of the fandom pissed as they thought it was homophobic and sexualizing a minor. Its been years so I can't remember.
Anyway, here's the pictures I mentioned before. Not surprised if the gay thing is true, too.
People got upset at pic 1 and called it child porn because you can sort of see her tits, she responded by telling them to fuck off and making pic 2. They got her banned from dA because they reported her for "child pornography" since she's a minor, even though she tried to do some half-assed 'oh she's aged up here' excuse.
Oh fuck I didn't notice that when I typed that out.
How long ago was this?
This was a while back. I think around 2015, maybe 2014. Gay thing might be why she quit tumblr?
So assuming I ever git gud at drawing. . .
No wait. If I want to view stuff at an art-posting site that's not as cucked, is pixiv the only option, or is there something west-side that's happy to have everything "too hot for Deviantart?"
There's exceptions, but you have to be "too big to boot" the become one. (Like image related)
There's Weasyl.
People hate Tumblr, but you'll find it's good for art of all kinds. There's a shitton of fetish/porn artists on there. Do any kind of search without putting on safe search and you'll find that out.
Also dA will allow sexual stuff on their site, it's just that the SJWs mass-reported her for literal CP.
Once a child reaches sexual maturity, it stops being a child. pedophilia and hebephilia/ephebophilia are two different things.
Well, when Sirkowski left Deviantart over his work being banned he went to Tumblr, but that obviously has it's own problems.
Avan0nX went to Inkbunny over Furaffinity banning his cubfur.
What else is out there? Elfwood? What are their policies on trangressive material?
Absolutely spineless.
Just don't stay there for long
Only happens when people report it.
So are we going to have to wait 6 months for the next update?
I hope not, but from last week she seems to be getting back in the rope of things.
Michelle is going to do updates for either 1 or 2 months and start another kikestarter.
Probably, but lets enjoy things while we can. New update today.
That's all for now.
>No mention of her being a BISEXUAL JEW anymore
What does she look like in real life?
I hate this green bitch so much I have no sympathy for her.
Same here.
Of course not
In the ABOUT a few days since that was posted, the text on said she was a Bisexual Jew instead of what it says now. It was removed.
A Jew, definitely.
Pixiv is the best option to view artwork, but if you have the stomach to sort through the shit, you can skim through tumblr for some art finds.
Well there goes all hope.
New update.
That's it for today.
Why did you post the censored version?
How can a Jew be bisexual?
Im starting to hate her more and more.
What do you mean?
Its against their religion
Ruth 1:16
Don't they think that wanting to fuck the same sex is something only filthy goys do?
It probably meant Jew as in her genetics instead of religion.
Update. Things seem to be picking up this time around.
I guess she's still in murderloli mode? Anyway that's it for this week.
Wow she's actually updating.
That makes no sense.
The nose knows
So she can't return to normal?
Maybe she needs to calm down or separate the personas? I think what happened with the drink was Ava merged with Wrathia on a deeper level and their personas merged for a time. This is all guessing.
Maybe the transformation lasts for a day.
Would be interesting if she's stuck like that.
Im new to this crap, so what's the basic story?
We'll see this Thursday
Todays the day, i hope she updates
No update this week?
Not sure, gotta check.
Didn't really think anyone was interested, so I didn't bother posting updates here. Anyway here's last week's and this week's.
That is all for the time being. She seems like she's been following through after all. Patience pays off I suppose.
It's been on hiatus so long that her dialogue is confusing me. And by the looks of it, he's just as confused as I am.
What's she bitching about him being a deserter for? Also, wouldn't something like this cause his headmate to freak out like 'HEY MAN' considering that she looks and acts enough like his fucking wife that he should be able to tell what's happening?
Also, the angle of a couple of these panels are weird. Especially the last one. She should be incredibly zoomed out considering how massive that TITAN robot is supposed to be. The angle of it makes it seem like it's only twice her size and right behind her.
His "headmate" already knows and looks like a quiet guy so nothing surprising here.
Did you forget about that time?
About time
Yeah if someone could summarize that would be great.
Last image looks cropped.
Could be depending how she needs to draw large
This got me good.
Demon Ava makes me feel a certain way
I demand an official edit!
What are we gonna do on the pile of ash?
Do it yourself.
But of course.
how the fuck
Well this is a shitshow