Bill Gates GET

Bow to your new overlord

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It'se over RMS, we /Windows/ now

Reported for cyberterrorism. Expect a knock on your door soon.

oh no

So does this mean Bill Gates is

Dare I say it


gas yourself

subtle, I like it


The Enola Gay didn't fly so good

delete this


Can free software people get some gibs from you, please?

We hope you Enjoy Windows Subsystems for Linux™


I, For One, Welcome Our New Insect Windows Overlords

so we can do it to

I refuse to start from scratch. Forums

test Zyka on Taliban my friends

This is now a Windows abandonware/beta discussion thread.
Disclaimer: I don't support Microsoft, this is purely a review of their beta builds of Windows.
btw not a copypasta

Today I went through the BetaArchive wiki and read through the Microsoft Windows section. I started reading everything from the first version. I am currently going through the pre-reset Longhorn builds. Here are my observations.
- During the Beta builds they tend to break a lot of shit. Irrelevant shit, that should be working when left alone. This suggests incompatibilities between the teams working on different parts of Windows.
- During the Chicago stage (1993/94) they didn't really know where they were going with the desktop layout. I believe it was dumb luck and copious amount of marketing that caused the Windows 95 desktop layout to stick.
- NT 3.0/3.5 seem almost like after-thoughts as Microsoft focused on Win3.0/1 and 95. NT4 was the only version Microsoft put some effort into.
- Windows Me would have been great if Microshaft didn't try to cut costs. Neptune/Triton/Odyssey could Make Windows Great Again.
- Windows XP was the bastard child of the dead Neptune project. They discarded everything actually good and kept shitty eye candy.
- Longhorn had some really good ideas but it was wasted by poor communication between teams and lack of modularization.


Wasn't somebody on Betaarchive able to compile the leaked Windows 2000 Source Code?

is he still alive

And again some script kiddy faggot steeled dubs instead of letting kek decide.
Kek and gnu will punish such low level fagotry.


Nigga is so rich he'll just buy new organs once he's too old.

Will he really have to buy them ?

A windows implementation other than reactOS that I can look at the source code for? Where is this and how does it exist?

They leaked Microsoft's source code for about 90% of NT4 and 20-30% of Windows 2000. It's illegal to store and/or compile it, since it's (((intellectual property))).

oops namefagged

Thanks for not being /sp/ I guess

Who did this?

Fuck Bill Gates. Fuck him with a cactus. Fuck him with a gasoline-soaked cactus on fire.

Bill Gates

You can get the full WinCE source which is 99% just copy paste from other Windows editions at the time. I used to work with a group making PocketPC shit around 2000 and we were using Platform Builder to build the whole OS from scratch (because it required so many fucking hacks to get running).

Oh shit nigger that text!

Windows >> mac >> shit > linux >> BSD
prove me wrong faggots

Fucking bill gates and his fucking nigger cattle

I read that in his voice

What are the values of the variables Windows, mac, shit, linux and BSD? You're most likely causing undefined behavior there.


LMAO. Why is this a thing? Or what does get mean in chinkland?

>It's illegal to store and/or compile it, since it's (((intellectual property))).
Who cares ?

IP owners and their lawyers.


fucking kek


You mean Bill Gets

You're too late.

So no one then?


Is this the thread where we talk about how Bill is best person the tech industry has ever known aside from terry and Mr. GNWho? will never amount to anything thread?

Bill Gates was the first person in history who actually saw software as a product he could market and sell to other companies. Stallmanites are salty over him because he told the hobbyist community to go fuck itself. I think in a way Bill Gates was particularly influential for actually seeing software as something removed from hardware, he envisioned his BASIC interpreter to run on multiple platforms yet share the same experience. Pre-Microsoft BASIC proprietary software was usually something made by a company to run only on their hardware. Microsoft was the first purely software company.

I think Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie are far more influential than either Gates or Stallman or Linus because they created the first modern OS. An OS before UNIX was more or less a basic framework for job control. UNIX completely shifted the worlds idea of what an "Operating System" was to what we see today, the monolithic interface the supersedes all programs and has an emphasis on individual-user interaction. Every modern OS, even Windows, owes its design in UNIX

Wrong. You're talking out your ass.

Name any examples of such before Microsoft BASIC. Keep in mind UNIX System V wasn't released until 1983, nearly a decade after Microsoft BASIC came out in 1975 and by that time Microsoft was already distributing PC-DOS as well. Microsoft literally started their business because they were the first ones to sell software as a product to Altair 8800 machines to people who did not want to write their own.

COBOL. RPG. Sorry kid, he's right. There was a company that existed long before Microsoft. They knew all the tricks. Their stranglehold on anyone that had become dependent on their propriety software, and/or hardware, was legendary, and that was before Bill Gates had learned how to tie his own shoes. International Business Machines. IBM.

wtf I love windows now

There's nothing wrong with making a profit in selling free software. The problem is that it is immoral to distribute any form of proprietary software.

how many times must we go over this, pol?


RPG was developed by IBM for primary use on IBM machines, sorry kiddo, it doesn't count. Neither does COBOL since it was developed by a standards committee

false flag shitposting wont be recognized as irony, it just pisses everyone off because they think you're for real.


wtf i love bill gates now.

The Win2K leak was incomplete. Its missing a lot of pieces of NT including all of the ntdll and win32k syscalls needed to even run literally anything.


nice trollololololololololololol

Be grateful we're not on Holla Forums. It would be Bill Tavistocks then.

Holla Forums, literally nobody know whyo the fuck that is outside your cringe-fringe board

Oooh no! Without GrSecurity and PaX, how will (((LINUX))) ever recover to the high level of security Windows provides?!!


non-Holla Forumsack detected

Sauce on the pic? Is it from a video about programmer kids?

nvm found it




At least it's Windows 7

That frequency of breakage in Longhorn was down to the internal structure of the teams. Back then they still favoured a much deeper branch hierarchy - individual developers were usually at least five branches away from the main branch, I'm sure in some cases it reached double digits. That meant that when an individual developer completed the part he was working on and submitted it up the chain, it'd probably take a good month or so to make it all the way up the chain. By then, of course, it needed more work to integrate with the thousands of other changes that had gone on in the mean time.

That's compounded when you look at the leaked builds because they're often from (_n) branches, which weren't the top level branches, but branches specifically for integrating the developments team code into the top level branches. They tend to be an absolute shitshow of regressions and breakages.

The other issue with Longhorn was very much Microsoft trying to run with untested and still-in-development technologies, with developers who had no fucking clue about these new technologies. Avalon in the shell is the most obvious example. It's obviously entirely questionable whether it was a good idea to move the entire shell to Avalon, but even if you think it was, the Shell team had no fucking clue how to get the best out of it. Why would they? Avalon was literally being developed alongside Longhorn and was changing very rapidly all the time. Countless shell features got canned, or rewritten from scratch multiple times, because the Shell team couldn't keep up with the breaking API changes that the Avalon team were making all the time. Most of the Shell devs were also native C++ devs by trade, and had been strong-armed into using this managed platform which was not mature and that they had no experience of.

If Microsoft were to try to do the whole managed shell thing again today, I'm still not sure it'd be worth it, but it would work a hell lot better purely because they have a developer base that knows how to get the best out of it and a stable platform on which to build. Then again, knowing MS, they'd probably instinctively reinvent the wheel again anyway.

Chicago's interface was mostly developed by throwing shitloads of prototypes at focus groups and seeing what stuck, it seems. Certainly I agree that they had no idea how it would end up looking until quite late.

NT 3.x was more a case of they had to ship something. Development had gone on far too long without anything public to show for it, and so they did the whole "con gullible users into using betas in production" before Google made it cool with web services.

Correct. In other source, you have some people pulling bits from the Windows Research Kernel, which was a cut-down subset of the Server 2003 SP1 kernel distributed to academics. Some other BA projects pulled in ReactOS code to patch up missing parts of the source. You can count with the fingers on one hand the number of people involved in that sort of thing on BA who can actually code for shit.

What you probably won't see on BA unless you look really hard is the admission that some of the projects utilise code from copies of the XP and Server 2003 source that are not yet publicly leaked, but are quite widely circulated within certain groups. It did get mentioned once, but the mods / admins went on a deep cleanse of the topic because that's the sort of heat they don't want to deal with.

new messiah confirmed

Welp, time to get Windows 10.

New overboard?


ring, make this a flag

Thanks for the explanations. Saved.

Took money by subjecting users to abuse for a fee.

You do know I'm not the BO, right

Failing to understand the value of individual freedom.

Melinda says I am great and you are all jerks

Bill Gates? More like Bill GAYtes lmao

Bill Gates?
More like Billy Goats!






Fucking hilarious

then someone needs to post anonymously and let everyone figure out the rest on maintaining?

the 8k GET is incoming lads