This was an all out war. Joe Rogan tends to do this with 'beta males' on his show, undermining and bullying them...

This was an all out war. Joe Rogan tends to do this with 'beta males' on his show, undermining and bullying them. but he doesnt recognize SoA isn't the beta male neckbeard he appears to be, that he beats other alpha males like Destiny in debates, and it bothers Joe Rogan on an almost subliminal level.

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More like self fellating Dunning Kruger cuckold in charge of a fucking horrible community.

I watched the last 40 minutes or so when it was live and Sargon of Acuck looked like an asshole. He kept trying to interrupt Joe every and when they were discussing Egypt he came off as a complete dickhead.

I sensed that Sargon wanted to fuck Joe Rogan in the ass.

Yeah, he was stuttering and blubbering. He should not have brought up bigfoot. I think Joe figured him out when he was going all fedora on religion. That's why he offered to buy him another plane ticket, so he could have the time to put the cuck in his place. Brilliant power move by the roided manlet.

Not as easy formulating "arguments" when you're actually talking to another person. How sad. Good thing Sargon has his Kekkites to jerk him off. Otherwise he might have to rethink himself.

Rogan is always pathetic when he accepts as fact a bunch of nonsense (Gobekli Tepe) from his "historian friends" who aren't really historians but history enthousiasts relying on weed.

Brilliant mastermind Sargon and his theory on "chavs is the problem, not shitskins" should get a Nobel Prize. Revolutionary and unique!

what's a chav?

Chavs aren't white though.

British wiggers

Hmm. What will win out? My distaste for smug fence sitting faggot Cuckad, or Dude weed LMAO man?

It's a tough call.

Chavs are for fugging.

Those features

Stop promoting this retard. He's AmazingAtheist tier.

Both /ourguys/. What's your point?

Whats up with Gobekli Tepe?


What they've uncovered is 10,000-12,000 years old. It hasn't been fully excavated, so it might be older.

Got brought up when Sargon started running his mouth about ancient civilizations and how Africa never developed because black people cant swim. Skeptical rhetoric only works if you argue from a position of knowledge, so Joe made him look like a fool.

It's fucking Atlantis Like Playdoh said

nothing a good christian needs to worry about. more of Satan's lies.

It's the ruins that might belong to an ancient civilization. Last year Joe had on his podcast 2 history enthousiasts (I'm not using the word "historian" because I doubt they have any knowledge on the subject), one was a geologist and the other was a former fiction writer. These guys and Joe have 2 things in common: "alternative" history and the love of weed and psychoactive drugs (lsd, mushrooms). According to them, this place was Atlantis and got destroyed by a gigantic cataclysm that followed the crash of an asteroid but somehow that event (the asteroid and the yuge weather changes) is not on the records.

I assume you're talking about… both of them?

He's a fast enough talker that he managed to make far more intelligent people sound dumb. I'd like for somebody to just beat the shit out of that greaseball, honestly. Should've been him instead of Phil Hartman.

Sargon has the arrogance of someone like Hitchens, but with only a fraction of the intelligence and education. He made Rogan look like an erudite scholar by comparison. He came across like a smug neckbeard.


share the clip please

Friendly reminder that Atlantis was only used as an allegory and was never intended to be considered as a real location.

The ruins are definitely part of an ancient civilization. They're some of the oldest megaliths known, going back to the paleolithic era. I don't know how anybody gets "Atlantis" out of a hilltop site in Turkey, though.

Bullshit. Joe Rogan's entire thing was just 'gotchas' and semantic traps. He's a moron.

Rogan had to steer the conversation away from e-celeb drama because neither he or his 'audience' knew what Sargon was blathering about. Then Joe asked Carl "isn't it ironic you're upset at being victimised by a professional victim?" Cue stuttering that would make Obama seem loquacious.

That agenda off the table, Sargon put on his fedora and did his best Dawkins impersonation. "Christians are stupid, you can't prove god exists." Joe, having been on talk shows a decade ago, was bored of this discussion, because it has been done to death by better speakers. Conversation moves onto flat earthers and bigfoot. Sargon laughs at Rogans bigfoot joke, so Rogan buys him another plane ticket, so he can stay for another 2 hours. Random shit talk for the rest of the show.

Carl the cuck should stick to edited youtube presentations. He is not an interesting conversational speaker. Also Rogan is tiny, but dwarfed Sargon. How short is the cunt?

Autism is Unstoppable always makes fun of Sargon for being short but I've never seen him next to someone.

Yep Joe Rogan dismisses the eceleb drama but gives a full platform for academia drama, when they are both about the exact same topic of SJWs. You don't invite Sargon on the show and then just cut off the topic. That is because Joe Rogan is uninformed, rides on the coat tail of his guests, and has an inferiority complex. He looked down on Sargon because he assumed he's a neckbeard beta male. All his little slights like 'are you on adderal bro?'. Meanwhile when he gets these lecturers on he kisses their ass so hard since he sees them as the father he never had. Joe is really just a total meathead tribalistic idiot. It's doubtful he ever listened to Sargons videos.

Yeah and he didn't like when Sargon said that most of the "science" that Joe talks about is "fringe" stuff with no proof.

It's what happens when your upper class destroys the working class' jobs and religion and has no replacement for it.

Ancient structure that disproves the theory that civilization started 5,000 or 6,000 years ago.

Graham Hancock has never claimed Gobekli Tepe is Atlantis. His sometimes claims that it might have been built by survivors of Atlantis or someone who witnessed as great cataclysm.

Sargon is also a quadroon.

it's like poetry

Just being on this show is a huge win for Sarcuck.

Anita's bullying of nerds backfired YET AGAIN.

It would be kind of fun if Sargon got into a heated argument with Mollyjew

MollyJew would wreck Sargon of Cukkad. You can hate Mollyjew but he is intelligent. Sargon is a moron welfare bum who watched a few atheist videos.

You want to be spoonfed? You can watch the whole thing online for free.

This. It will never happen because I don't think Sargon is dumb enough to put himself in that position… But a man can dream.


Shit that was embarrassing.

still waiting on the arrogance portion

Joe Organ loses respect for people that aren't friends of his if they are overweight or out of shape. Also, he seems like the kind of American that would be annoyed by British accents.


Sargon comes across as such a whiny little bitch here.

Oh you're Carl the cuck's fluffer? He made a specific claim of victimization that was only real in his mind. He should not have tried to play the victim card against a professional victim. He also should not have played the victim card in front of a roided up manlet like Rogan. He should be mocked for this shit. It's the only way he'll learn. Only idiots double down.

As for his arrogance, look at the back half of the interview. He brings up ancient civilizations, Rogan likes that weird shit so starts talking about it. Sargon puts on his fedora "not real." Proceeds to get blown the fuck out by Rogan because it's a subject on which Sargon is completely ignorant. Instead of displaying a little humility in his ignorance, he decides to play Internet Skeptic on the fly instead of speaking from a position of knowledge. Complete hubris on his part.

Is this Joe Rogan respected in some way? He was spilling Ancient Aliens tier bullshit and supporting it with "we don't know yet it wasn't like that".
When you argue against the simplest reasonable explanation, you have to bring positive evidence, you fuck.

In ancient history, few individuals held the knowledge, you had savant geniuses doing astronomy, while the masses were as dumb as pigs living in shit huts. This is pretty obvious and well documented. Being SHOOKED that they had a few advanced things and buildings back then and thinking that is evidence of a modern ancient society is fucking retarded.

Unfortunately the education system in the US is a big lacking so people tend to fill the holes with made up nonsense that has no supporting evidence.

Just look at all the Americans who think you can build free energy machines that violate the laws of thermodynamics.

Yeah, not a lot has changed from ancient times if you think about it. Most people are still as dumb as pigs.

My thoughts exactly.

Choosing to believe simple, supernatural explanations for things despite an obvious lack of supporting evidence is a very common human trait that goes back as far as we know.
Its funny to me how Joe is a le edgy atheist Im an atheist too just grew out of my edgy phase 10 years ago but he believes in this other complete nonsense.

He wasn't doing anything of the sort. The only controversial claim he made was that civilization could have been older than first thought. There are people actually investigating this. Göbekli Tepe was abandoned around 10,000-12,000 years ago. They won't know how old it was until they unearth the entire structure. Compare to the Ubaid period of Sumer, around 8000 years ago.

Nothing like ancient aliens. This is not fringe theory. Look it up you fucking fedora.

There are a lot of other fantastic landmarks built even before 12,000 years ago, doesn't support any claim of ancient civilization.
No researcher around the Göbekli Tepe excavation is even making that claim, they only claim it is evidence that hunter&gatherers could do complexes structures over long periods of time for religious reasons, and that they were in fact still hunter & gatherers pre-societies.

Joe is making ancient-aliens tier conspiracy theorism by claiming this is evidence of fucking Atlantis, and that it proves somehow that Africa was kungz. Fucksake.

Little Joe will also suck off his guests like a five dollar truckstop whore only to turn around and trash talk them a few weeks down the line when his $CURRENTGUEST says something bad about them. Dunno if this is manlet mentality, his brains marinading in psychoactives or if he's just an asshole.It's probably all three

Sargoy on the other hand utterly sucks at steering a conversation and handling hostility. His "debate skills" might suffice to handle a sped like Destiny but he needs serious training but stop looking like an ass all the time.


We have long-term cooperation since we came out of caves. Even current shit-hut tribes are 'massive cooperations'.

I speculate, those structures were more likely built of yearly/periodical rituals. Say, each leader of each tribe was to put his mark in that holy place, as proof of his leadership. So he would spare some of his men to do that and then place it there to show off to other leaders and remain as his historical record. 1000+ leaders later, you got yourself a fancy temple.

Do you get off from spamming retarded goon memes?

I actually happen to believe they were far more advanced then many give them credit for. You see. The thing is. Constructions that use wood and rope will eventually rot. You know all those cool houses the pioneers and settlers aren't around anymore. Or Indian stuff. The could have whole villages. And nice clothes. But when its all made of wood, rope, and animal hide. It doesn't leave anything for an archaeologist to discover.

Quit calling Joe a manlet, 5'8" isn't that short guys.

holy fuck. how new are you?

Nigga, the aesthetic cliche of some obese dweeb wearing fedoras, fingerless gloves, flame shirts, trenchcoats and oversized cargo pants was so ubiquitous on SA it was called a fucking gooniform. And that was ages before DIBS BEDORA :DDD was a twinkle in anybodies memetic eye.
And a few years later SRS and Weird Twitter managed to pin this aethetic to (reddit-)atheism, not that people like The Amazing Assbanana helped with that.

When will you learn?

Stay safe in your delusions, little lamb

Times change. Sorry you got left behind, grandpa.

How bout you go the fuck back to SA?

you just outed yourself

get em joe

This is what bugged me most of all. Sargon is trying to spin this as some big drama but here's what it is: some British guy made 30+ videos of this dumb video game woman, she called him a piece of human garbage, that's it. I watched the first hour or so of this but I think he called her a bitch, didn't he?

Anyway, that's it. That's this whole thing, and when he said something about feminists writing articles about him, Joe challenged him and Sargon said something like "they will write them." He's farming for drama just like everyone else.

Sargon isn't gonna win because nobody can beat Anita, because Anita isn't playing the game. She doesn't do debates. She doesn't snipe people on Twitter, she doesn't shitpost at people. She has the personality and behavior of a public personality. Why? Because that is clearly what she's gunning for. For a woman who loves to court controversy she's been very, very good at being the opposite of Zoe Quinn. She's fucking teflon, and she's trying to get a bigger gig. She wants to be hosting talk shows. She wants to be the face of feminism in video games, and one of the main voices in feminism period. These faggots trying to bait her will lose because she's not as unhinged as Zoe and the rest of them. I hate her as much as anyone but she's going to walk between all these bullets and make them look stupid.


They knew who Sarkeesian was. Its just highly inconvenient to expose her that way.

Nah. Put him on Joe Rogans podcast

Basically he made the assertion that Europe has civilization because it had deep rivers, which fostered trade between river settlements, encouraged shipbuilding and long distance trade. Africa's rivers are too dangerous, which is why Subsaharan Africans never could into shipbuilding, which stopped trade and technological growth, as well as stopped niggers from learning to swim.

Doesn't explain Ghuge or the Silk Roads though. Zebras can be domesticated and trained, native African cattle were never employed for wagons and shit, which would require technology like the wheel and the axel, which you can't have is you don't develop shipbuilding first, apparently.

I can't tell who I should cheer for, they're both faggots.

Are you sure of that? I've read that they're a) way more aggressive (I guess that could be bred out, to a degree) and b) they don't form hierarchies.

Yes nigger, Whites domesticated them. Google it, nigga. Whites are literally magic, they can domesticate anything with enough time and interest.

They're apparently like a really mean donkey.

That would explain why they haven't been domesticated, unlike horses.

First three links were about us not being able to domesticate zebras, 4th one said that they can be domesticated, only to proceed by saying that they're too aggressive to serve any practical purpose.

And yet user's video showed a stupid whore even being able to ride and do tricks with it. Looks like you've been BTFO along with your niggers. B^)

did you even watch the vid? they're like a donkey in that they're really strong. like a small ox. better pack animals than riding animals, but only because horses are faster over short distances. also, horses can't kick a lions skull in.

good thing niggers are afraid of animals, or the zulu mongols on zebras would have raped all the white wimminz into extinction a thousand years ago.

There's a big difference between domestication and taming, one video doesn't really prove anything. That zebra isn't going isn't going to go and and have good, calm offspring, is it?

Oh golly, it's almost like somebody might have to train the offspring, then? Just because niggers have short attention spans doesn't mean zebras can't be domesticated when it's fucking obvious that whites have the capacity to do so.

Tell me more.

Seriously though. Yes, it might be possible to domesticate them if enough of resources were devoted to it, but the sole fact that the results so far have been very limited, despite the numerous efforts and considerable amount of time and money devoted to the cause over hundreds of years says something about how hard and impractical it is.

Tell me more!

It's complete irrelevant what is possible with knowledge and resources which neither civilization had at the relevant time.

God, you're pathetic.

What a load of shit. It took 40 years to domesticate foxes. Please show me your sources for the claim that we have been trying to domesticate them for 100's of years.

Well, ok, it's not a scientific paper, but it's about euroniggers, not niggerniggers
As I said, maybe it's entirely possible and only wasn't done because they're more difficult to handle than foxes. But that "only" is entirely relevant when you're arguing about why zebras weren't domesticated and thus couldn't support ancient sub-Saharan civilizations.

Thats a far cry from niggers cant into civilization because no swimming.

The real answer is that everything you said meant that evolviing from niggerdom had no provided no advantages. And every nog that wanted something better….up and fucking left.

For fucks sake, South Africa? Was inhabited by white men around the same time niggers showed up. Thats just amazingly stagnant.

The other issue is that Africa really is chopped up pretty bad and. That yes, outside the Nile, navigation fucking sucks. And of course hippos….

Still though, niggers are somehow still not as flat out retarded as Aboriginals of Australia and parts of the India Indonesia Polynesia Guinea area.

What's this meme that Africans didn't create any civilization? There were plenty. Perhaps not as sophisticated as European ones, but they existed.

Your next line will be "Jewish revisionist history from a (((website)))" despite Englishmen being in those territories.

Oops, here's some proper sizes.

Muslims and Mediterraneans=/=Africans

You think that Benin, a country located in West Africa, was occupied by muslims and mediterrean people? Come on dude.

americans and geography lol

Who is Rogan and why should I care?

No rivers in the middle of the Gobi desert. Sargon disproved the Silk Road, because trade can't exist without rivers. Based skeptic.

Silk road was hardly vital in the emergence of European/middle-eastern civilizations.

Holy fuck, can you be any more of a white knighting cuck?

I didn't realize singling out and insulting audience members was what public personalities did.

The mere sight of one of her dissenters threw her into a rage.
She doesn't do debates because she knows she wont win user. It's as simple as that.

That makes her smart.

Sargon said you need trade for civilization. You lost Anita, just let it go.

No, that makes her a shyster.
It also makes it painfully obvious to anyone with an ounce of sense that she's full of shit. If you're right you shouldn't fear open and fair debate.

The silk road developed because different civilizations discovered each other but were too far apart for war….so they traded.

What, are we going to ignore to local river systems, or the massive Mediterranean trade now?


What does this have to do with television or film?


Stop it Anita, Sargon was right. The Silk Road is a myth, just like flat earth and bigfoot.

jesus carl

Eat a dick Anita.


That's our point, leftard. Niggers devour their neighbours that show any intelligence, until only the savage horde remains. And an "empire" isn't a few villages.

It was taken over by Europeans
it was more than a few villages fam

Then clearly their "Empire" wasn't as good as the Europeans.

The greatest African civilizations collapsed before Europeans even arrived though.