Who are some cute male actors out there that aren't metrosexual pussies, fags, or tryhard tough guys? Giulianno Gemma...

Who are some cute male actors out there that aren't metrosexual pussies, fags, or tryhard tough guys? Giulianno Gemma, Mark Hammill, and Elijah Wood came to mind.

Neck yourself sodomite

I'm a grill

Traps don't count.

Jenny pls


I'm legit.


Sure you are. Just like every other faggot in a dress says. Cringe as fuck.

you know the rules, cunt


No timestamp, I'm not an attention slut. I don't care if you believe me or not, just post cute boys and stop sperging.

Show us your boiclit.

OP you fucked this thread. All you had to ask was if there were any handsome, straight, male actors but you fucked it.

Why do cuts think they have any use outside of pleasuring men and childbirth?

Armie Hammer, Jake Gyllenhaal, Chris Hemsworth, Liam Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Christian Bale, and Henry Cavill

Armie Hammer is kinda ok though, but still too chubby.

wrestlers count as actors, right?

Michael Biehn. Guy was manly without being ridiculous like Ahnuld.


You done fucked up.






I don't think you know what metrosexual is.

I'm pretty sure Army Hammer is legit gay too.

I think you need to go back to Holla Forums niggerfaggot

Women aren't allowed on this board.

lol phonecuck



I got you OP

not op but i love you right now


Sluts and fags leave! /tv is a band of brothers!

What can I say, I know talent when I see it and so do you

Just like /r/movies? Does this explain the bad taste most of the time?

