Was he right?
Was he right?
this kind of just makes it seem like he is talking about Holla Forums and maybe Holla Forums. the hobby boards and creative boards are precisely people coming together out of common interests
but what about kikes?
that sounds… about right. thanks for the insight, you beautiful bastard
Where is the full documentary? I cannot find it online and I am interested in what conclusions this man has drawn.
Oh look, it's the "anons are pathetic losers who hate themselves and have no gf, normalfags feel better about yourselves" story. An intricate mass ad-hominem of jewish design. Rather than addressing what brings us together (would legitimize us) and discuss how to rejoin us with the normies (would humanize us), (((they))) are calling us losers and give us yet more reason to isolate and radicalize. The jew is afraid, and the normie is also afraid. Increasingly for good reason.