What does Holla Forums think of politicized comedy?
What does Holla Forums think of politicized comedy?
Žižek makes me laugh most of the time.
Most comedy that doesn't touch on political subjects at least once in a while is trash tbh, unless you're being like Steven Wright
only good if they agree with me tbh
well of course, right-wing comics are terrible
Frankie is Glorious
Nah people like Sam Harris can be pretty funny sometimes in a very edgy way. How can you not enjoy that prank he pulled on Ted Talks? I can enjoy media created by conservativesr despite their political views. I don't agree with Frank Miller or Steven Spielberg's politics but I can enjoy some of their work. After the purge in the 50s how many actual leftists are in the entertainment industry anyway at this point?
sam harris is a liberal
oh boy this is great.
Anyways, George Carlin. To think 4chan, and even Holla Forums, one liked him; now they would call him a cuck for saying "cracker".
I don't think so. He's clearly a member of the alt-right as far as I can tell. He certainly has a big alt-right following.
he just doesnt like islam
Oh okay. I've seen a video of his making fun of Bernie supporters though. It sounds like he'd be right up his alley.
apparently he supports hillary over bernie. probably because of foreign policy.
It has to be actual comedy, not snarky punchable faces.
That fucker is funny regardless of the fact that he's probably a terrible person.
If the comedian actually has solutions, sure. If it's just "haha im white so I stay out of this shit but isn't it so dumb how our politicians dont get anything done lol im so white" then it's trash
carlin included
If they have solutions, they wouldn't be comedians.
did you mean hyde
That was over a decade ago bro, you gotta let things go.
where to find good leftist comedy?
I guess I do. Apparently Harris is some edgy athiest. I had no idea. I was thinking of the edgy comedian.
this tbh, comedians are best at getting people to think about an issue. not create solutions.