Anti-Trump Propaganda in Cartoons?

The entire episode is basically about kids trying to stop a dictator from coming into power, & surprise surprise, they briefly flash two Donald Trump caricatures as part of the new faces of Evil the villain has to choose from.

Cartoon is the Amazing World of Gumball for Reference.

This isn't news.
HA - alright that explains it.



tip top heh


I see you missed this post that I made That's alright, ADHD is common among kids nowadays.

The cancer has spread Globally. That entire network is only one step above Nickelodeon. Still surprising they would be so blatant about it. I guess they can't do things subtly.


I don't get it. Is this a fresh new meme?

It's obvious when these reddit refugees think that they blend in (when their posting style is completely different) get mad because they have to re-learn posting conventions.
Pic related.

People are too retarded to differentiate between proper paragraph spacing and the reddit meethod of doublespacing every sentence/phrase. When you write a paragraph and you want to space it, you doublespace it.

This method is different than redditspacing.
Because redditspacing means you double indent on every line.
Because that's the only way to tell you made an indentation.
Not that it matters because faggots get triggered over everything

When will you retards learn and encourage everybody you know to stop watching the kike's brain rotting tool.

They most likely come from /r/thedonald or whatever the name is.

I've been on the chand since '08 and I've always spaced after a reply, and probably used a few more spaces then most posts. But I have always done that because it was just more pleasing on my eyes, something I've done since I've started. This is the first i've seen people explode at anyone doing it.

I would think reddit refugees would be far more obvious due to the content of their post rather then the spacing used. Even then, it's new people to red pill. I do not see how that is a bad thing.

You know when I was a kid I never remember my cartoons having all these political messages against specific presidential candidates.

Anyone got a webm?


Gimme suggestions for good, fun redpilled anime, user, if you please.

I've never posted on reddit in my life and I still space my writing like that because it's an easy way to separate thoughts.

Fist of the North Star, Jin-Roh, Studio Ghibli inb4 autism, not sure why people are against SG in the first place. Honestly i just search for any anime made around 1980-1990 and that usually yields good results.


You don't know how to into greentext, fucking leave

Thanks, I appreciate it. Good dubs as well.

I'm going to ask the BO to make me a mod, and then I'm going to specialize in deleting any and all posts regarding "reddit spacing".

NP, check out Redline and Serial Experiments Lain too, they're a bit older (2000, 2009) but they're still works of art.

reddit spacing is a shill d&c thing. double-spacing has nothing to do with reddit and is just about readability.

It makes it unreadable, that's what you mean. I'm tired of blind retards having to space out their shit, destroying usual formatting only because their eyes are cross-sided. Spacing is a new paragraph, not a new sentence for fuck's sake.


CN studios is full of pretentious leftist hipster calarts grads. Every area near LA is no fewer than 10 minutes away from another barrio. I don't know how these fags never notice the elephant in the room.





Damn, I kinda liked this show. Oh well.
(((Cartoon Network))) and all.

Time to red-pill the children.


Doesn't really matter, anyone who watches that show can't/won't vote anyway. Once Don becomes president and things clear up in in the USA many cartoons will be made but in a different light.



Fags who complaine about leddit spacing are obvious shills.

All they're trying to do is derail.

Ignore, report, and sage.

One of the Pepe girls is seriously hot!

Please, please do!

This "Plebbit Spacing!" cancer needs to be holocausted…

Most of them are just random words. Is KeK trying to send a message

Big fucking surprise

This isn't /n/.

people in this thread are using the reddit meme arrows
go back to r/4chan with this cancer

Remember when D&C shills tried to be subtle.

OP isn't even Reddit spacing you dummy