How would you, hypothetically, wash or dispose of a bra of a family member's that someone convinced you to steal and cum on?
How would you, hypothetically...
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up butt. itow.
throw it in the trash or burn it. what are you fucking braindead?
There are no other women in the house, purely hypothetically. If seen even through the plastic of the garbage bag, the JIG is fucking UP.
Soak that shit in bleach
Keep it until your family leaves
Go out 2am to a dumpster (ones that are in the middle of nowhere) away from your house
Set it on fire and run away (preferably bike away)
I like the dumpster idea. Where do I find that shit?
Someone just told me to sell it. I'm not going to do that, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
Another idea that requires no dumpster is just to go out on the freeway at 3am or whenever it's most deadly silent and just toss it on the side of the road (preferably where people won't see unless they put on their emergency lights and pull over)
With what, bleach? How do you bleach an article, anyway?
you seriously think your female family member isnt going to miss a bra she probably spent HOURS shopping for?
you have no understanding of the female mind - you will be busted - best just to 'fess up now…
How about you forget the bleach, go take your clothes to a laundry mat with the bra but conceal it in your bundle of clothes, wash it, leave without anyone seeing it, toss it along the highway behind a bush or somewhere people can't see, remove any name or tags on the bra b4 disposal (you'd be surprised how many people still write their name on their underwear)
Lovin the meme, but for the record, I think it's the plainest, cheapest one she owns, and she literally left it out in the laundry room hung on the doorknob.
She's also not even slightly close enough to the kind of mom I was imagining for me to pursue the """getting caught""" porn meme.
I can just wash it at home in the middle of the night. You really think that if I leave it out somewhere, it won't be uncovered like ten years later? Forensics is scary as fuck nowadays and I don't want to forget all about this 'till I'm 30 and suddenly they've science'd a DNA test out of microscopic crustiness and I'm on the hook for raping, murdering, and hiding the body of my mom that I'll still live with.
bigly keks
Why not buy your own bras for your sick needs?
What, in this thread, gave you the impression that I do smart things? Ever?
final idea, just going to throw it out there
1) wash bra
2) cut it into pieces
3) throw away bits and pieces in every garbage bag until full
4) take out trash
5) bra is gone
Optional: throw away bits and pieces in neighbors garbage can early in morning b4 garbage collection
you post confused anime girls, that is intelligent people tactics 101
but if I start cutting it up I can't be continuing to use it right up until I get rid of it
That's probably extra smart. Just, take out the garbage super early one day, and slip the thing in with it. Maybe double/triplebagged in something. After washing it with a full thing of my other clothes.
I am deep undercover. Shhh.
The longer you keep it the likelier you are to get caught
Good luck user I can't help you any further, the rest is up to you
The last bit of advice I can give you is this: don't let your dick be the cause of your downfall
Just hide it in other garbage. I hide things in old fast food cups and such all the time.
eat it
Don't hide. Just tell her the truth, that's the best policy. You may get rewarded for it later, incestuously. Which is what you wanted, right?
just put it like it is with the other dirty laundry
it will get washed
sperm washes easy
also its a repeatable process
win win
Eat it, user. It’s the only way to hide your filthy crime against humanity.
user…girls lose bras all the time. Are you seriously worried about this. You don't even have to give it back, and she'll probably not notice for weeks.
did you steal your mom's bra?
the fuck
What I always do is just eat a snack and put it in the box, under a bag. Like if you had cheez its, put it under the bag in the box and push it down really far into the garbage.
Then find an excuse to use paper towel, like to wipe your nose and throw it on top.
Hypothetically of course
niga a fucking bra its not like u have a small child in your trunk
anyone asks about it say least your not gay u like tittys
I always did the toss. This.
Don't reply, weeb thread.
R_P thread.
Just throw it away in a dumpster and hope that she doesn't suspect you when if/when she notices that it's missing, you fucking weeaboo sperg.
Throw it in the dumpster 2 blocks away?
ur mom is a dumpster
He can chuck it in a dumpster, or he can try washing it and then putting it back with the the rest of her undergarments,
If it gets found "confess" to being curious about crossdressing its the only other explanation
clean it with a damp towel and put it back where you found it
My sister lets me borrow her panties as long as I don't wash them but we have a few rules in exchange.
Borrow = 1 hit
Cum on it = 3 hits
50 hits = slave for 1 night
100 hits = slave for 1 night + her friend joins.
The reason she doesn't let me wash it is cause she likes to wear them when she busts my balls and she also lets her friends wear it when I get holds onto the points long enough to bring her friends over.
Pics of your sis?
I'm not gonna post pics of my twin. That's essentially posting pics of my female self.
Then just your own ass fuccboi.
It is time to flip this board!11111!!!!1