Holla Forums is dying and this is irrefutable proof
good, the newfags are leaving
has almost 1000 less retard. and the post quality is down too. frankly the only board that's gotten any better since the first two big exoduses is Holla Forums
Unique IP's dont mean shit unless they actually post, you faggot
the site was completely broken for quite some time
it taxed us a lot
It means that each active ISP could be multiple users. It means that Holla Forums has grown.
You've only been pushing this for three years. Keep trying. Somebody might believe you.
Can't you understand numbers?
when you do these screenshots, why don't you include the timestamp?
the active isp counts posters only
cm fiddles with the algorithm as often as niggers fiddle omlet
in 2015 it was individual ips, now it allegedly counts ip ranges. for your information, there are 1,5 billion ip adresses in the us for a population of
at 80 pph there are about 2k posts per day, or 6k per 72hrs, which is the period over which the isps are counted (see pic2). for 980 posters, that's an average of
at least post the video you gigantic faggot
believe me, 2014 and 2015 was the time to be alive here.
i dont think that's accurate given that when i used to post here a lot i would post upwards of ptobably 100 times a day and the stats were the same. i think the UID's are inflated (not intentionally but just a site problem)
that might be an overestimation, but you get my point
Holla Forums would be irrelevant by now if it wasn't for Holla Forums
i think you're right
Holla Forums gave 8ch steroids during the election. jim's share of the roubles paid for that trump ad. the irs used Holla Forums as a sounding board, then as an asset. it's as clear as day
and now the russians have downsized, Holla Forums is in chaos. who'd have thought it possible?
It isn't.
UID's have never been a valid measurement of anything because of how often Ron changes what it counts and how. That is deliberate, as it is one of the metrics that is used to sell ads. As long as the numbers look good, they can sell. What they actually represent is irrelevant. PPH and IP count has always been a better measurement, as user in explained.
What that user did not take into account was that shitposters and spammers often make multiple posts in a very short period of time. Thread bumpers especially. So I think his estimation that there are about 1000 active posters on Holla Forums is high by as much as 40%. (Probably closer to 30% though.) In any case, they are rapidly becoming a majority of the posters on Holla Forums, so even if the PPH numbers are up the board itself will contain fewer legitimate posters.
So if Holla Forums is dying, what other sites are the users moving to?
yuore mom.com
Duh. Don't you know we're getting close to exodus day?
Your mother is dying.
It could be the current shitty mods banning white get togethers that are anything left of white nationalism, but who knows. Holla Forums, even at it's worst, is more powerful than you think, and some people with far different visions your average Ruskie or Americano hold a scary amount of influence. It's so very cute that you think there's only two big enough to be notable players. Watch cgp grey's rules for rulers on youtube, and read the book 'The Dictators Handbook.' It's available online for free in like a ton of places. I want you to learn, user. This world has deeper corruption than most imagine.
And yes, the banning I speak of is on Holla Forums.
We're all dying :3
Plus, why would you threaten OP over a poorly cropped image with metrics that don't quite make good measurements of users on this site? Why let some user count comparison rustle your jimms? His mom may be dying, but you sound like you died inside a long time ago.
ur mom is a fag
I did.
MFW Holla Forums used to get the PPH that all of 8ch is getting now.
this user is based, btw
You dumbasses Holla Forums has been going downhill ever since Jim took over.
More like the SJW who killed Holla Forums and let a bunch of 4channers in.
what does 8ch offer that you can't get anywhere else?
i've been thinking about this a little and quite frankly
I use to come to Holla Forums everyday to shitpost and to fap to the little girls in the daily pedo threads but now they are going all SJW and even censoring legal pictures of children.
Are you suffering from some sort of disability?
It's almost like they got tired of only browsing Holla Forums and went off to find more boards.
Please note: "I flatly refuse to actively participate in this thread in any way whatesoever, nor to contribute to its content in any manner. I am not even going to bother to post a reply. Posting to merely bump this thread is a waste of time, effort, and bandwidth, so I will not do that, either. Consider this my non-involvement and non-endorsement, and I decline to be associated with this in any form at all" - Anonymous.
I'd rather have 2 pages of highly refined and proccessed autism then 10 fast pages of normies.