There are people browsing right now who don't think he is a hero


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If a neo nazi killed a bunch of cops would Holla Forums be championing him as a hero? No of course not.

This guy made it clear he just wanted to kill white cops and Holla Forums loves him because they hate people.

I've said this a million times but if he just wanted to kill white people then he wouldn't have taken on fucking armed cops without killing a single civilian

Yes. Because cops are deliberately targeting white people for the reason they're white and so therefore a reciprocal relationship i snecessary between white people and the cops.

Sure, the cops occupy and oppress a bunch of white people, but only the poor and the working-class.
and tbh if work-class people began doing reprisals agains tthe cops, then sure, they'd be heroes too.

fucking liberals man. anything to denigrate the actions of the oppressed in favor of their specific form of pacifist idpol reformism

Cops are people even though the broken policing system is inhuman at times.

pick one

Anarkiddies should kill themselves


wondering where all these pacifists came from and why we haven't heard from them about how we shouldn't resist the bourgeoisie

So now civilians will shoot cops more and cops will shoot civilians more. More people, including myself are put in danger. I don't see why I would want that in any way, shape, or form.

Like zizeks asserts, violence is a tactic, and it's use should be a tactical consideration, and neither should it's human cost be discounted cheaply


Because now the cops have a reason to want to end the violence because they don't want to die as much.

And if you don't think insurrectionism helps, don't forget that Al-Quaeda has a state now, even though the US spent 7 trillion trying to prevent it.

I don't, but I also can't really condemn his actions.

No, now they will be quicker to use violence since they'll be thinking their life is constantly st risk

First of all, the us isn't a backwater middle east country in a civil war, second AL queda has killed tens of thousands of people which yes is a bad thing in of itself, and third that state is collapsing under the weight of all the enemies it's made. If AL queda is your role model you can FUCK off, I don't want to keep company with idiots like you

Yes. And so more of them will get shot.
Untill they realize they're a lot more citizens than there are cops.
At which point they'll have to relent.
That's what George Washington did.

That's a fucking strawman and you know it. I used them as an example of how insurrection works even inspite of the world's biggest military power sinks a whole bunch of resources into stopping you.
It didn't mean at all that I agree with Al-Queada, simply that their doctrine of tit-for-tat insurrectionism worked.

you're willfully misinterpreting his statement, eat a dick.

a true martyr

Back to Africa negroes are quite possibly the most hypocritical people in North America.

Too bad the pigs got him

Ya. But he also said that Ghandi was the most violent man so \_(ツ)_/¯


I'm glad someone finally started picking off pigs but I'm not going to glorify a reactionary for doing it




Meanwhile, literally everyone else in the U.S. is glorifying the nazi cop.

LIVE STREAM PROTEST MINNEAPOLIS Black Lives Matter BLM Philando Castile Protesters


he's right, gandhi's a dick


He's a good boy, he ebin meme nothing.

8/10, a bit too subtle. You should add his name on there

you have to go back >>>Holla Forums

Put his own name on there and instead of most lethal write " a true American hero" or somehing



Get for our Lord Kek and the new Reich.


Saint Paul Police, Fire, and Public Works Dispatch - Live Audio Feed Web Player

Nazis still having a bad day with all these failed get attempts


it's too late for porky. full automation is right around the corner.


So Leftypol cheers because a quasi Idpol terrorist killed some cops and it's "revolutionary".
I want to see Trump win and crush Idpol.
See all the bodies of edgy leftists and fascists, all the BLM protestors dead.

Or you could just nuke your little "revolution", drop bombs on anarchokiddies.




we have this thread already

As regards the political assessment of the act, we maintain, of course, our old conviction, confirmed by decades of experience, that individual terrorist acts are inexpedient methods of political struggle.

“Killing is no murder,”[1] wrote our old Iskra about terrorist acts; we are not at all opposed to political killing (in this sense the servile writings of the opportunists in Vorwärts and the Vienna Arbeiter Zeitung are simply revolting), but as revolutionary tactics individual attacks are inexpedient and harmful. Only the mass movement can be considered genuine political struggle. Only in direct, immediate connection with the mass movement can and must individual terrorist acts be of value. In Russia the terrorists (against whom we always struggled) carried out a number of individual attacks; but in December 1905, when matters at last reached the stage of a mass movement, insurrection— when it was necessary to help the masses to use violence— then just at that moment the “terrorists” were missing. That is where the terrorists make their mistake.

Adler would have been of much greater help to the revolutionary movement if, without being afraid of a split, he had systematically gone over to illegal propaganda and agitation. It would be very good if some Left group were found to publish a leaflet in Vienna which would inform the workers of its view; if it branded in the sharpest possible way the servile behaviour of the Vienna Arbeiter Zeitung and Vorwärts, morally justified Adler’s act (“ killing is no murder”), but as a lesson for the workers declared: not terrorism but systematic, prolonged, self-sacrificing activity in revolutionary propaganda and agitation, demonstrations, etc., etc., against the lackey-like opportunist party, against, the imperialists, against one’s own governments, against the war that is what is needed.

Tell us also, please, how right it would be to regard Adler’s act as a gesture of despair? I think that politically it is so. He had lost his faith in the party, he could not bear the fact that it was impossible to work with this party, that it was impossible to work with Victor Adler, he could not accept the idea of a split and take upon himself the burdensome task of a struggle against the party. And as a result of his despair came this attempt.

An act of despair of a Kautskian (Volksrecht writes that Adler was not a supporter of the Zimmerwald Left, but rather a Kautskian).

But we revolutionaries cannot fall into despair. We are not afraid of a split. On the contrary, we recognise the necessity of a split, we explain to the masses why a split is inevitable and necessary, we call for work against the old party and for revolutionary mass struggle.

At all events, we are convinced that the experience of revolution and counter-revolution in Russia has proved the correctness of our Party’s more than twenty-year struggle against terrorism as tactics. We must not forget, however, that this struggle was closely connected with a ruthless struggle against opportunism, which was inclined to repudiate the use of all violence by the oppressed classes against their oppressors. We have always stood for the use of violence in the mass struggle and in connection with it. Secondly, we linked the struggle against terrorism with many years of propaganda, started long before December 1905, for an armed uprising. We have regarded the armed uprising not only as the best means by which the proletariat can retaliate to the government’s policy, but also as the inevitable result of the development of the class struggle for socialism and democracy. Thirdly, we have not confined ourselves to accepting violence in principle and to propaganda for armed uprising. For example, four years before the revolution we supported the use of violence by the masses against their oppressors, particularly in street demonstrations. We sought to bring to the whole country the lesson taught by every such demonstration. We began to devote more and more attention to organising sustained and systematic mass resistance against the police and the army, to winning over, through this resistance, as large as possible a part of the army to the side of the proletariat in its struggle against the government, to inducing the peasantry and the army to take a conscious part in this struggle. These are the tactics we have applied in the struggle against terrorism, and it is our firm conviction that they have proved successful.

I hate all murderers

Martin Luthor king and Gandi achieved more with peaceful methods.

You killed your enemies and those who disagree with you.

Congratulations. You're no better than Holla Forums

I think Xexizy has said all that needs to be said.

holy shit i dont usually say this but go back to reddit.


But it isn't idpol, because I agree with it.


Uphold Dornerism-Johnsonism!


Mr T?