Bill knew

Remember Bill Cooper, the guy that predicted 9/11 and then got whacked by glowinthedarkniggers? Look what he wrote in 1991 on school shootings.

The book is called "Behold a Pale Horse" btw

dammit you guys this is not just trivial shit here


the navy knows many things

Yeah it is trivial shit because he's wrong. Name one single piece of federal legislation that has curtailed the 2nd Amendment in response to a school shooting.

they're priming the public to do just that, are you dumb?

R.I.P. Bill.


Why are you telling these people this? Stop wasting your time. They are reliant on the system anyway

Even after watching attatched you will not fully understad how complicated this is. You will only find out through experience

Since 1991? You're retarded. It's always the same.

It doesnt happen all at once faggot.

bump finally an interesting thread

Non american that thinks that burgers are stupid here, are trolling or you are just another delusional kid from lefty? if the answer if 2 please show tits.

It's called predictive programming dummy

he had a radio show called mystery babylon in the 90's, where he would talk about lots of interesting shit

It doesn't happen at all, faggot. If it were happening, prove it. Show me ONE federal law that has been passed that limits the 2nd Amendment in response to a school shooting.

Show me one law. Do it or shut the fuck up.

That only works on women and toddlers, not on the United States government. Why is it so hard to just PROVE what you claim? When has the US federal government banned any form of firearm in response to a school shooting? That's the claim. It's the same fucking claim every time:

Really, Can i ask where you attained your degree in psychology from?

I’m not a burger so I am not familiar with laws of your country. Even if there have been no laws they are not going to pass any anytime soon, but they WILL.
As for what is happening over time, guns and weapons are being portrayed more and more negativeley in the news, books, shows, tv, entertainment, all forms of media push tiny subliminal anti-gun messages, there is a lot of reported and over reported gun violence in contrast to any other form of violence, and then come the school shootings. The big dose of medicine you get every once in a while. Notice how less and less people are crying ‘da gubmint gun take ah gunz’ every time?

I read that way back in like 92 or 93. That book ruined my life.

You retard nigger learn to read. Every time there is a school shooting, liberals call for gun control, and conservatives push back on that. The only reason we still have any gun rights at all is because there are enough gun nuts left to cause very real problems if they take away the 2nd amendment. Unfortunately, that right is getting neutered more every day. There's a reason it's the second amendment, it's extremely important to have an armed populace. If the government gets out of control like it is now, a well armed populace topples it. However, basically anything that isn't meant for hunting/is useless against a machine gun is banned because "it's designed to kill people and we don't wanna do that." As it stands, revolution would be absurdly difficult, the military is better trained, and armed to the teeth, while we're armed with bullshit designed to kill deer. It's gonna be messy, and that's the direction we're headed. Except everyone is so obsessed with dem vs rep that they're too busy fighting each other to realize they've been whipped into a frenzy over nothing by the political machine. It's doubtful we'll see a revolution before we die, they've gotten too good at controlling us, and by the time it happens, we'll likely be reduced to single shot .22 handguns.

Deep State assassinates Bill Cooper.


And nothing ever changes. I cited several incidences over the last 25 fucking years and nothing ever happens. You can't even site a single law to back up your claim that mass shootings cause the 2nd Amendment to be infringed upon. Even when the Democrats controlled congress, NOTHING CHANGED!

You need to stop living in fear and start looking at reality.

The point isn't to introduce a new law, it's to shift the culture until nobody cares that the law is passed (although the FFA was introduced after the St. Valentines day massacre but w/e). Like said, it's the gun culture that prevents the government from acting on disarmament, so that's what they attack. The shootings create more anti-gun rhetoric which creates batshit insane antigun people. Anybody have that picture of the faggot throwing up on his grandpas rifle after destroying it? Those people would never exist if it weren't for mass shootings and the aggressive propaganda campaigns surrounding them. These people then put social pressure onto others to create more anti-gunners and to make progunnners more reluctant to share their beliefs for fear of social repercussions, which means less progun rhetoric being spread. The school shooting false flag has the added benefit of stigmatizing loners, aka people who don't follow the herd down to the detail.

Why reply to this faggot and not to
I’m still waiting, faggot.

Except the opposite has been happening since about mid way through Obunga's second term.
People are way more open about defending gun rights nowadays than they were 5 years ago.

Federal law? No. State laws aplenty though, which goes to support OP's point.

Thing is, Cooper was wrong about one thing. The American people are not unanimously falling for it. Many people recognize that the problem is not guns, but psychopaths being allowed to run free, untreated and unsupervised. People recognize that it is pretty stupid that with these lunatics running around free we simply ask them if they are sane when they go to purchase a gun, and we take them at their word when they say yes.

It is interesting that shortly before this was written the NRA began really pressing the government to begin using the federal mental health database to screen gun purchasers. They have done so ever since, with every administration, and with the same lack of success across the board. The government has a list of everyone who has ever received mental health services, and what they have been seen for. They could easily use this database to screen gun purchasers. They have been able to do this for forty years! And even the fucking NRA has been begging for them to use it. But they continually refuse, citing the privacy rights of individuals. Placing them ahead of the right to life of every person who has been slaughtered by these nutjobs.

Now, I don't know about all this conspiracy theory shit. Maybe it is true, maybe it isn't. But I do know that the only common element in every single one of these mass murders committed across the planet in the last 50 years is that they were each done by someone who was violently mentally ill. They weren't all done with guns. They weren't all done in the US. They weren't all done by Arabs. They weren't all claimed to be driven by politics or religion. But they were all done by someone who was both dangerously insane and free to intermingle at will with the rest of society.

If you were to use the mental health database to identify the dangerously mentally ill and place them in a secured treatment facility until and unless they could be rendered not dangerous, these incidents would all but cease.
Take away guns from the equation, and you'd see more Sarin attacks, more fertilizer bombs, more arson, etc. but the attacks would continue as sure as the sun coming up.

Looks like a book rather than any form of actual report to me.
Does this make all books fact?

And confirmed by Q

Take your pills, nutty.

I love all this fake news, especially when retard autists take the bait so readily.
Nom nom nom.

You CIAnigger ponyfuckers give us honest, respectable Equine Pornography
Connoisseurs a bad name tbqhwy

What about MLP Scat?

Poos r 4 joos


Here's the thing that gets me about it all… People had guns for, you know, most of the country's history. They didn't start going in and blasting schools, malls and gyms until like the last 20 years. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

What's it like being a total brainlet?

maybe porn
they did not have porn back then (not like now)
also 20 years ?
So no school shootings before 1998?

someone should graph the rise of porn with the rise of school shootings…
im to faped out to do anything other then 3 sentence shitpost