/ourguy/ Max Landis is dropping truthbombs the absolute madman. How are they ever going to recover?
Star Wars on suicide watch
Get em, Tarzan.
Poor Max, discovering after everybody that JewJew lied.
Of course there was no plan made for this new trilogy, nothing on the TFA script made sense. Snoke is another plot device from the (((Mystery Box))). Finn and Poe should've been one single character.
Max is like an adult version of a kid that finds out that Santa and the Tooth Fairy don't exist. For all these years he's been raised in Hollywood where "everything is possible until it's not".
This is what happens when TV people take over hollywood franchises: they run it like a TV show.
Max Landis is so mixed for me, I agree with half of what he says and disagree with the other half really heavily.
This is what happens when the man responsible for Lost takes over Hollywood franchises
Max knows all of (((their))) tricks, he just doesn't mention them outright often else he gets shit from his (((employers))).
Also, impressive.
Completely agree. He'll expose all of their tricks, but won't outright name them and also has some far-left views that he throws in on the side.
straight from the horse's mouth, TSA is not an organic story, just an engineered fan manipulation device.
And frankly this is something I saw coming from Abrams. He did the exact same thing with LOST. Made a lot of mystery but didnt knew how to end it.
Didn’t Mark Hamill already confirm this? I remember an interview or something with him stating he asked Abrams about Luke’s motivations and his backstory. Eventually Hamill made up the backstory himself because there wasn’t one.
Abrams' answer was basically "we do our job, you do yours". They weren't interested in listening to Hamill's ideas for his character.
Kikes can't write for an audience because they don't care about, or maybe they don't even understand artistic integrity. It's all about the shekels and the propaganda. They don't care about forming a coherent narrative, and they're not personally invested in their product.
wait… what…?
One of these days Max is going to completely break the conditioning. Do you think he'll climb the tower once he does?
Why doesn't Landis have a review show? I'd watch that shit. He's a faggot, but even faggots can be right. Certainly more entertaining and honest that RLM.
Will Max Landis repent for his muderous father's crimes?
t. drumpfcuck
Forget about that, I want to see some public bitchslapping between (((Cucklasa))) and (((Landis))). It will be annudah shoa!
u wat
Cry me more Kike Cucklasa.
i think most people, even normies, knew fairly rapidly it was shit, but the media had put a mindlock on the nation to talk about it negatively. the proto-hillary campaign. most people just forgot about it and moved on, and the gates of criticism opened about two months later.
You heard me.
rent free
But will that Han Solo movie directed by Ron Howard turn out good?
Come up with new memes, Islamic faggot.
Is that a serious question?
Tomoko a shit.
I will rape your face.
It's genuinely one of the worst movies ever made.
Inflicting sexual violence upon my person will not improve Tomoko. She was born trash and she will die trash.
Please do
Kind of sums up the movie, doesn't it?
Pretty good. Except he should know that Star Wars is a corporate movie decided based on proven Disney presets perfected by Marvel.
Those are completely bullshit and the audiences can be bought/selected to praise the movie. No large company is going to pick people who talk about a movie.
*bad about a movie
Well Holla Forums also went completely to shitposting around that time, so no surprise people don't remember those threads.
For the first few months after it came out, almost everyone I knew that saw it told me it was the best Star Wars movie ever made.
Which is why it's so hollow and why people are starting to shit talk it.
Get new friends, fam
Star Wars basically tickles normies in all the right spots at release to get them to cough up money for tickets, snacks and merch. A nerd indulgence. While the original trilogy stands up to me at least the later installments rarely stand up to re-watching. I love the Phantom Menace in theaters, but when I rented the VHS something felt not as interesting. I felt similarly to Episode II and Episode III was boring as fuck. I haven't seen the newest ones but I'm guessing it was safe as fuck with mysterious brooding JJ Abrams shit that made people go
It's just a flash in the pan money maker that that gets people who don't really care to drop dosh on it and forget about it for the most part. I can't imagine any original or hardcore fans still really sticking by the series at this point with just how hard it has been jewed.
The prequels still feel fresh tbh, even though I really like the OT I'd rather watch them instead every time.
A whole 2 years after the movie made the studio all the money in the world and just in time for the hype campaign for the next episode of this pile of garbage to go into overdrive, thereby ensuring the drooling retards who are just now realizing the movie is trash will be too distracted by all the flashing images to ponder if the next one will be trash too…
(((Disney))) is good at what they do.
Hes actually based as fuck
Listen you can have left views and still being a normal person with a moral compass, you can't hold it against him
Double trips confirm
He's lucky his dad's such a good standing Hollywood Jew that even killing Vic Morrow and his Gook Rice Sandwich couldn't destroy his career. The protection his dad givens him from the other Jews must be top notch.
I think all the original RLM fans jumped ship when they actually praised this pile of garbage. How much were they paid off?
They weren't paid anything. They did it for free because they have shit taste.
And here I thought I was the only one RLM-pilled.
I agree with , they weren't paid, that's the sad story. They hated the prequels so much that they automatically liked TFA. Also the cinematography was closer to the OT than the prequels.
Now that's a good question. Because if you remove SW-faggotry goggles it was always glorified B-movies about some fucking hairy monkey and golden robot-imbecile. Script was so shit they required like 10 minutes of on screen text before movie even starts. Nothing was ever good about SW. What do you expect from it now when it became S(J)W? If it's something other than senseless piece of shit but with more niggers and stronk_females - you're either delusional or SW-faggot.
tl;dr Star Wars was a mistake
That's a funny way to say that the filthy yids copied Episode IV shot for shot because they are parasites.
I think money did change hands. The Plinkett review of the TFA trailer was pretty negative, with him picking apart minor details and making fun of the ages of all the characters, and admitting if JJ fucked up he'd look bad, since he had suggested that Abrams would be a good director for a Star Wars movie.
Now consider that you are Disney. You probably reach out to the guy who made the popular reviews of star wars films, and try to woo him. My guess is that the funny thing is that they bought him off cheaply with merchandise, since we saw lots of star wars stuff everywhere in his videos. Maybe some cash was involved, since Space Cop suddenly got finished.
Now when Rogue One comes out, they don't give RLM shit, and Mike realizes he sold his credibility for plastic. He shits on the movie but looks retarded since it was probably better than TFA but if it has issues they are present in TFA as well.
RO was even more godawful that TFA. Unlikeable characters you can't even remember the names off, that's how bland and uninteresting they are, writing that is tonally incompatible with Star Wars and trying to lighten it up by aping Joss Whedon.
The political agenda was even more blatant in RO than it was in TFA, the final battle on a tropical world looked completely shit and comically clashing with the tone. It speaks volumes when the best part of the whole movie was one minute of Vader slaughtering rebels.
RO didn't have a Mary Sue, and it was coherent, with at least one decent evil character (Vader). TFA had a scavenger girl pilot the millenium falcon, break herself out of jail, mind trick a guard, and then defeat a Sith Lord.
The First Order is inferior to the Empire in every aspect in terms of aesthetics or action, Snoke is the blandest and least interesting villain in any major release, Kylo Ren is as far from a badass as anything could be. CGI tarkin is better than that faggot general from TFA. RO at least used the original aesthetics, where TFA bastardized them and in every case made them worse because an untalented (( (director) )) did them.
Vader is only in the movie because of the reshoots. The character wasn't in the original script.
(((JJ))) did the same thing with Lost, I don't get why people are surprised.
It was obvious the first time I saw it they had no idea who Snoke was, they just wanted an Emperor like guy for their trilogy.
God knows why they just didn't turn the Thrawn trilogy into movies. Then again, there's a reason Jews are universally despised.
Sort of. I guess I see where how he's coming to his assumption. I've come to the conclusion myself that Star Wars is like a velvet prison. You can do whatever you want as long as you don't break some arbitrary lines LFL set up. But the moment you make just one step out of these lines, you're done. Lucasfilm will move in, wrestle the work out of your hands and reshape it to conform to their expectations.
It's like a weird middle ground between creative freedom that directors like Nolan have and complete corporate oversight you get in Marvel. LFL hires these directors to put their signature style on the project, but then they still want these movies to be exactly as they themselves want. They want all the perks of auteur projects, but with the safety net of heavy studio management. They want their movies to be the same caliber as The Dark Knight, but they also don't want to accept the risk that what they might get instead is Batman v Superman. I don't think that will work in the long run. These two ways of filmmaking directly oppose each other and LFL's track record proves how problematic their approach is. Rian Johnson is the only director with a smooth project. Every single other movie has been plagued by problems. Edwards was sidelined on Rogue One after they brought in Gilroy. They wanted to do the same to Lord and Miller and when they objected, they were shown the door. Abrams ran wild on TFA, which is something they've all come to regret. Trank was fired. Trevorrow's likely going to get the Marquand treatment.
What I'm trying to get to is that this way of producing movies will discourage real visionary filmmakers to work with Lucasfilm. After building up a bad reputation, they'll have to rely on cheap indie names and TV talent to make their movies. Which is fine for Marvel, who have showrunner like Feige controlling the whole enterprise and all films conform to the same TV show-like template, but LFL wasn't going for the same structure.
I also think one of the reasons it got such a glowing review was that they started filming it directly after they had gotten home from watching it.
Some of that hype was still in the system and they didn't let the movie sink in.
RO's comedy robot was more likable than anyone in TFA, and while the heroine was totally bland and forgettable, she wasn't as hateable as Rey, and the actress wasn't half as terrible as Daisy Ridley.
Agreed. RLM drones should fuck off
Cuckold pairs should really be exterminated along with their progeny. How can something this disgusting walk the Earth?
What is this? A picture for ants?
Improved economy has gradually removed the effect of natural selection since the first green revolution.
Gas the farms, hunter-gatherer revolution now.
This. Kikes cant into even the basics of common sense and nature. They are like they do not belong to the natural order of things.
(( (Feminism) ))
It made many men into Beta males, and many women into degenerate scum. When the women go to have affairs(inevitable due to being degenerates), the beta male at least pretends thats ok. If not get off on it.
wow i'm fucken shocked
In my opinion i think it's because apparently Kennedy has this idea in her head of what Star Wars should be and that Lucasfilm want to stick to George's view of what the Star Wars universe should be about.
Maybe it's cause of the content of these movies, i wonder if a movie set during the Old Republic era would be as limiting and constraining.
That's probably why Star Wars can't get any directors. They know what they're getting into and the latest firings of Lord and Miller is just reinforcing what you just said in your post, overbearing executives that want have their cake and eat it too are really starting to create a rigid environment that's chaffing creative types.