Dating women in the current year
All I see now on counter culture dating websites are hardcore feminists, identity politics psychos, and single moms. Where can you find decent women?
This profile really blew my mind
Dating women in the current year
All I see now on counter culture dating websites are hardcore feminists, identity politics psychos, and single moms. Where can you find decent women?
This profile really blew my mind
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Try not looking on the fucking internet, faggot. Go do irl things.
churches are a bad bet though
The only women who go on online dating sites are those who have failed in real life.
I don't want any money hungry hoes though either.
- No link
- Not your personal blog
- Reddit tier styling
Decent women don't just happen. They are the product of the men in their lives. If those men are goo, their women will be virtuous. If the men are weak, their women run wild. Nothing new that Aristophanes and Ovid didn't already tell us.
You do realise there's an entire section of the internet devoted to winnowing out the worthwhile women from the whorish chaff, right? >>/mra/
Sage for not politics.
Ha ha! Wizard status? Oh no, we're gonna have to go for high-wizard status for this one. These statistics sound like they came out of Japan, which has similar problems with dating and marriage I hear.
It's really not that hard to do. Consistency in the gym and eating a consistently high protein diet immediately after the gym will get you quick results.
Also buy a jumprope.
Plus, you will practically never find a "redpilled" woman. You will find loads of women who act conservatively but claim liberalism because that's the thing to be today, and women tend to follow trends until they find a masculine partner.
My gf was a college liberal who acted conservatively in all but thought. She was fiscally conservative, she was a virgin, she believed in freedom of speech, etc. Spending a few months with her to undo the brainwashing, she's about on the level of a cuckservative right now.
Sjws are a tiny minority. Sjws LOOK undateable for the most part, so they should be easy to avoid. Most women, however, claim liberalism. A good half of those are actually conservative in action. Be a good, strong man and it'll make it easier to find a conservative woman or a woman who can be salvaged from liberalism.
Yeah, I've not dated in 4 years because I've just not met any girls in that time that were worth the effort and resources to bother with, just tatted, pierced thots and stupid leftist bitches and lots of ugly fatties who are usually pierced, tatted and leftist bitches.
It's really fucking difficult to find a gf/wife material gal in this rotten day and degenerate age.
Wait for the happening. All women will suddenly start behaving because they know they can't survive without us.
Women don't have to be redpilled and smart, they'll go along with whatever the man in their life believes so long as he's dominant. The issue is finding a girl who isn't already damaged goods.
Every fucking time…
She must be a Kryptonian woman, her hand might not cook, but she ain't got no solder.
I remember a graphic that shows how 90% of women are attracted to like the same 5% of men. Which does seem true sometimes, as all these women go for the same guys. Even if you are in a relationship with them, they always seem to be plotting.
You could say the same thing about successful men. Everyone thinks they're too good for everyone else when it's rarely the case.
Women are always on the lookout for men with more money than their current partner. Men, on the other hand, are always on the lookout for women younger and prettier.
Oh wait you use facehook, don't use adblock, and censor out a faggot bitch's name because you think it could somehow be tracked back to you.
Money is the only way, they're like prostitutes. A poor man will always marry a poorer woman, an ugly woman. The rich man can marry any woman.
Most church girls are batshit crazy, but they are decent though.
Pretty much this. Go talk to girls. Women are not some Godly other beings.Treat girls like you would any other guy, and if she's cool with that, marry her.
?wearing metal
0/10 would not bang
Your hoping and waiting for the happening, and when it doesn't, you're still a cuck
No such thing, i spoke with my 50+ year old mother about the issue of women nowadays and all it did was erase any finals hopes i had
what did she say?
How can anyone find this interesting? These are among the shittiest, most 1 dimensional characters on the show.
Jim is clearly an author insert or Marty Sue. Despite being absolutely useless at everything, he never gets fired, everyone likes him, he keeps getting great job offers and gorgeous women who want him. He doesn't even bother pursuing them, they just fall into his lap.
Pam is likewise retarded, her main character trait is that she doesn't have any of the silly traits that everyone else has. So what traits does she have? None, except making meaningless ironic comments with Jim.
I think there's some interesting romances in the show, like Dwight/Angela and and Michael/Pam before it turns into some gay femdom fantasy later on. Men also enjoy romance in plenty of other media, otherwise waifufags and dating sims would not exist.
It's not that men find Jim/Pam boring because they don't like romance. Men like romance plenty. It's just that some women are stupid, boring and insipid - even their fantasies are boring. They could imagine themselves being in any number of exciting, cool situations but instead they imagine being a boring ass secretary in a boring ass job with a boring ass boyfriend that they have a boring as fuck relationship that is just as pointless as their meaningless life that's going nowhere. And then when they do get the fawning, feminine boyfriend like Jim that they fantasize over, they're not even satisfied by it and leave him for being too beta.
It is kind of a non-issue here, I am from Serbia tho so there are plenty of young girls attending Orthodox churches and all that. I've been living here for 20 something years now, and I think I saw an actual nigger or a feminist outside of a tv or a computer maybe 3 times so far..
Problem I guess would be: more than half of them have brown eyes, and some blue eyed blond ones have jew noses, so I guess none of you people would go for that.
Guess it's better to be politically/culturally cucked than genetically…. just find a decent enough woman and make her a proper nationalist traditional woman. They should be naturally servile and stuff, they are physically weaker, have smaller frame, less muscle mass, less bone density etc, guess it makes sense for them to be psychologically like that as well?