xD javascript is so close to the metal haha im a programmer btw
XD javascript is so close to the metal haha im a programmer btw
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banner is fitting
most of this javascript bloat in the webpage is obfuscated and proprietary
JS is a real pain in the ass.
JavaScript was a huge mistake.
JavaScript was a huge mistake.
JavaScript was a huge mistake.
JavaScript was a huge mistake.
Javascript is the best language in the world.
Rust Is the best language in the world.
Just dont write code with undefined behavior.
You can't write undefined behavior in Rust, as the undefined behavior is defined. Integer overflows are cool now, see? Except when they're in C. Rust integer overflows = good. C integer overflows = insecure and it has no CoC.
when were integer overflows not cool?
c has both defined and undefined integer overflow behavior.
sigend integer overflow is ub (= bad). unsigned isn't (= good).
Oh no, my PDP-1 using one's compliment might get a different incorrect value than the incorrect value every other system got! If only I had used Rust where the incorrect value would have been the same incorrect value!
rust is very unsafe because you can catch a hiv from other antifa members
as we know hiv is not safe
what do you mean?
You say that like it's a bad thing.
You Came to the Wrong Neighborhood.
what are you? pajeets? get with the times
ES has some interesting paradigms bult in it, which were borrowed from the lisp family languages (closures, promises). People hate it because it's used for bloat web shit, but it's the best for what it's intended for - client scripting. Read You don't know JS (in github) to actually learn the language
That's a big mini computer
They shouldn't be, after we got enough processing power to not need to save cycles implementing complementary operations.
Most of time when people complain about "Javascript", what they're complaining about is the DOM API, but are too stupid to know the difference.
True javascript has never been tried :^)
That's my experience with Rust.
Just use modern C++, unless you just want to learn something new for fun.
C++ is becoming more and more glorious with each new standard, it just sucks it takes years for each one to come out.
This. Don't want dangling pointers, use after free etc. ? Smart pointers. Don't want to accidentally go out of bounds of the array (if it's detectable at compile time) ? std::array.
You can also get bounds checking on std::vector by using .at() instead of operator[].
I didn't know at checks bounds, that's good to know. See, that's my problem with this rust shit. Instead of doing completely different language they could help improve the c++ Bjarne has a lot of plans for new c++ already, check out his talk at cppcon 2016
rust came out years ago, it's called D morons
except d is not memory safe by default and has gc
is rust actually a c replacement?
Because the amount of shilling is quite ridiculous compared to the supposed benefits.
Name one common language worse than JavaScript. Protip: You can't.