What drugs do you like and do user, any recommendations? Up until now i only used Alcohol and Weed and i plan dropping ecstasy soon. Also what do you combo with alcohol i've only tried 1.5 grams of caffeine and i really got me going.
What's the best drug for massive porn marathons?
just stick with weed
hard drugs and liquor fuck you up permanently
drugs turn you into fag
just look at david bowie, lil peep, russell brand, any transgender is addicted to weed and heroin and shit, etc…
Whichever one kills me.
Liquor is okay in moderation. I have a few sips every month or so.
Coke, I love that shit and would like to snort everyday.
wanted to try it someday but its fucking expensive, around 100 euros a gram
A gram is a lot though. For one person it'd be a hell of a good time, not that I can get get that shit in my country. I like the analogues though, they're nowhere near as powerful as the real thing, but a gram of m1 will keep me humming all weekend, easily.
checkd and how much would you buy for a good night at the club (6-7 hours) with 3 other bros
Dunno man, but I imagine a gram would do it. Friends who've gone overseas say it doesn't last as long as the synthetics so you keep going back for more though. tl;dr, wrong guy to ask
Drugs are for losers, i'm high on the living.
You need to be 18 to post here sparkly eyes.
I'm 24
I mostly like heroin.
Opis. I've only done prescription pills of various kinds (e.g. hydrocodone, oxycodone), but I hear heroin is just the bee's knees.
3,000mg of Ascorbic Acid daily will fuck your shit right up, I assure you.
It's not necessarily preferable to prescription painkillers to everybody. Personally I prefer it. It's hard to describe the difference but I guess it's a little more intoxicating than like oxies.
Is it mostly route of administration that matters, then? People always talk about the rush of heroin, I'm assuming when IV'd. I've experienced a kind of mild rush, more like my guts being gripped by a moderate euphoria, from hydros and oxy. Maybe that's because I've only taken them by mouth.
I've heard that the 6-MAM from heroin gives an extra boost though. en.wikipedia.org
Amphetamines or methamphetamine.
holy shit, I just wanted to start a drugs thread.
Does anyone have experience with mescaline?
Can I create my own with peyote?
Don't do it
t. did it
I am assured
Best high I've ever had was heroin, but I would not recommend doing it.
This. Ol' alcohol about put me in the grave about a decade ago.
I miss coke. Used to live in a place where it was everywhere and now I live in a place where I've never seen it once. It's awful fun
Not the user you were talking to, but why shouldn't he do it?
any good legal ones?
He shouldn't do it because it destroys your sense of reality. You'll have flashbacks for possibly years afterwards, you'll start believing in demons and shit like that. Over a decade ago now but I've learned to just not entertain those thoughts. Not everyone manages to tackle it so pragmatically.
yeah? do some fucking more faggot
So repeated use fucks you up or is it risky to experiment with at all?
First few times I tried it it was amazing, and I couldn't wait to do it again. Then it changed, went from Fear & Loathing to Dante's Inferno. The worst part was the altered perception of time. It fucking stopped.
Would you recommend consistent use of any drug for the treatment of depression?
Testosterone honestly helps
What about for a girl?
There are no girls on the internet.
I'm not a girl, but it would be for one.
Vitamin Dick
I know you're a 19 year old normie.
jack3d is coming back and according to them they use the old composition which has DMMA in it
i really like snort me some decaf cofee
nice quads
whats the point of using decaf?
it was all i had tbh
epic quads post
beer good
weed good
cocaine good
mushrooms good
acid good
moderation is key
Heroine is okay to sniff but once you get shown how to use a rig it's game over.
Poppers aka clock cleaner
Mescaline is cool. It's kind of intense and a long trip.
I think it's illegal to ship peyote but you can buy san pedros which have mescaline in them. You can eat them raw but it's like the worst-tasting thing I've ever eaten so I'd recommend going the extra mile and doing an extraction, it's not too involved and doesn't involve dangerous chemicals or equipment.
thank you for your replies.
Any more details? How does a typical trip feel? Does your creativity increase? Does your thinking become numb? Does music feel better? Can you see brighter colors in everything?
fugg, I am already chicken-hearted when it comes to fringe stuff.
I never did any drugs before and I thought of planting my own peyote cactuses or opium plants for occasional use. What do opium and cannabis feel like?
Mepehedrone + small amounts of amphetamine + weed
Full blown audiovisual hallucinations in 4k with Dolby surround.
only ever tried hydros and DXM, definitely interested in trying more stuff from any category.
What is the point of using coffee?
Is there anything that isn't synthetic, something natural that doesn't fuck you up and gets you amped as fuck, like a party drug? I read cacao powder or did I get memed on?
Weed is gay.
Pretty much all opiates are really nice.
Mescaline is sort of unique to me in that it has a really long come up and a pretty high threshold for it to do anything. So if you’re going to do it you kind of have to do a lot. Id say it’s one of the more “spiritual” psychedelics. Goes good with music but it mostly lends itself to sitting outside in the grass and feeling the wind. Very likely to make you puke at some point. Peyote and San pedros are hard to propogate, but San Pedro’s are really easy to grow from cuttings. I’d go with that.
MDMA comes from mda which is natural. It’s just extracted and purified from sassafras. Which was the original ingredient in root beer. It’s a little more triply than mdma but mix it with a few beers and you’ll be rolling.
Is there such thing as bad MDMA laced with bleach or whatever killer shit? Hell I wouldn't even know where to get it, I only have a few friends I'm not even that close to. I read a little bit about ecstasy and isn't it similar to MDMA? They sold that shit in stores until 1985 or something.
Coffee is the shit. Drinking some right now.
Can't get weed since a police raid or something like that.
Can't get alcohol because muslim hellhole
i just drink the blue alcohol that you can buy in a pharmacy
It's actually not that bad and really cheap but i need to go to other pharmacy to buy more.
Is there something else i could try?
Vanilla extract
Former psychonaut here. My favorite is LSD. Weed is okay too if you're a nigger.
Really expansive here.
what are the effects?
No idea. It's about 35% alcohol but I've never tried it. Have you tried DXM? It's like a nice mix being drunk and being high. Just make sure DXM is the only ingredient in the cough syrup you buy and that you don't drink the 12 hour kind if it's your first time.
The only bad thing is that it will dilate your pupils and you could seem a bit hungover the next day depending on how much you dose.
drugs r shit, i dont do drugs
Drugs are for degenerates
It's probably possible. Molly has a reputation for having relatively gullible and casual users so it's more likely to be totally bunk than anything dangerous.
You can buy sass root though and make something to get high from it, it won't be as potent though.
well you can never know whats in a pill so you better know your dealer
I used to use this site but I guess rolls aren't as popular as they used to be.
You could always just buy a test kit.
psychs for the neurogenesis and weed for a good time.
how does it feel like compared to mescaline?
why, how do those feel like?
What is the difference between a cannabis high, opiate high and a psychedelic high? Sure, I can look it up from jewgle but this shit they write does sounds all the same. I want to compare the feelings they give you in relation to each other.