Tor redirects to

Using Tor through Tails redirects many websites to Using Tor throught Windows is not as bad but still does it with some sites. Is there a way around this?

Other urls found in this thread:

check your dns my man.

LOL you are fucked

There's your problem.

Some exit nodes use google's dns servers which censor the internet by poisoning name resolution with their server. Best way around it is to convince exit node operators not to use google's shit dns. Until then, keep hitting New Identity or New Circuit until you get a better exit node.

When you get redirected to Google, do a quick check of the Tor exit node ip address by browsing to (or any 'what's my ip address' site). Then put that ip address on your list of banned exit nodes.

The Tor guys really need to set up dedicated DNS servers for all traffic exiting Tor, instead of relying on whatever the exit node operators happen to be using. That's a gigantic security hole anyway. A malicious exit node operator could run his own DNS servers and redirect traffic at will. There's really no excuse for someth8ng that stupid,

With stream isolation, that approach won't work because chances are is going out a different exit node than the one that's misconfigured to use google.
Setting up a single DNS server for all exit nodes to use is a single point of failure/censorship. It's always safest to assume all internet traffic is potentially compromised whether over tor or straight through your isp and treat it accordingly.

They chased off the only helpfag that was doing usability.

Who did they chase off?

Can you post one of these many websites? Haven't seen this behaviour anywhere.

Use heads

Nothing is wrong with that.

It is a PORTABLE OS, half of the computers require non-free firmware. Non-free packages in Tails are only there for portability (ex wifi drivers). If you can't trust the hardware manufacturer you are fucked anyway.

Please explain!

You mean it randomly selects 3 servers from a pool

Tor Browser has NoScript turned 'Off' as default.
Tor Browser =/= Tails
In Tails the AppArmor profile for Tor Browser protects you from much more than NoScript.
Why not pick on a more sensitive browser setting, which differs from the default Tor Browser setting, which is more important for Tails users: dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled;false

Blame Gnome3 for that. Tails picked the Gnome desktop environment long before Gnome3.

Give it Xfce and you got a deal


Who said anything about 'the government'? Are you retarded?

At least you being retarded isn't up for question

You sound psychotic, d00d. Do you know anything about Tor and who maintains and operates it at all, or do you just enjoy talking out of your ass a lot?

You're just pretending right?


So you're a troll...

Nah, the guy is obviously crazy. He probably thinks Tor is a government project because the Navy first developed the technology. At any rate he's just a harmless dumbass, probably about 13 years old and too stupid or lazy to use Google.

Do you think you're trolling anyone doing this or are you paid to?

Do you think shills are trolling anyone or are you paid to?

It's nice that you're parroting your superiors, but you really should answer the question

Think again, user

Stop trolling user, tor and google are perfectly fine tools that the government has no control over.

Jewgle is a corporation with offices in many countries. Consequently, these countries have varying degrees of control over Jewgle. The US for instance is very valuable to Jewgle, so the US government is allowed to do pretty much all it wants. China is valuable as well, not so much short-term but it's important strategically. So Google agrees with China's requests. A smaller country can't do much though.

wew lad. the rest i agree with though

user pls work on your irony detecting skills
