New plinkett

Cucklasa strikes again!


>(((Kike Cucklasa)))

Really makes ya think.

So instead of nitpicking the obviously bad movie to an autistic extent to make an intresting review like they used to do, they make this """""joke""""", for the second time, just to prove that they don't care? They're basically shitting on the audience, and confirming that all they care about is disney's money. Fuck, even some 10 minutes review would've been enough but i guess they're too busy reviewing shit only reddit cares about.

You're one to talk, you've been making the same joke for months now.

He isn't making jokes, he IS a joke!

this is the third time
and their "real" fans love it

What joke, the one about them being literal cucks? I never thought it was a joke.


(((real fans)))
Oh boy, they're in for a run. This is their downfall, those people don't give 2 shits about them and neither should you or anybody right now. The only entertaining material they'll do is cringe later on when jessi killed himself and mike weights 300 pounds.



Kill yourself, Mike.

Why bother? If I ever fall on hard times I know I have a rent free spot in your head to fall back to.


Nah, I was going through the comments and some morons are saying "Oh man, RLM are such geniuses! Making these videos to distinguish the real fans from the fake ones! I hope they keep making more!!!"
This is based on an actual comment that I can't find anymore but it's somewhere in the comments so if anyone can find it, post it.
Oh and you're autistic for thinking three blank videos in a row isn't funny.

What a fucking heeb.

So how many of the rest of you guys are >>>/interracial/ posters too?


That might have been true, had it not been for the fact that RLM has a Patreon(18,974 dollars per month), and they also get revenue from Youtube Ads.

Either they're really out of ideas or they want to sink their own company.


How is this possible?!

They are successful. That's what triggers the autist cuck.

They're successful ebeggers. That's like being proud of being the biggest cuckold in the entire country.




They are also pretty successful at gaining rent free accommodation in your head.

So clearly this isn't about making a joke, right? Clearly this is them acting like faggots to get back at people for the whole TFA/Disney backlash and cuck porn shit, right?

These are the same kind of people who support Doug and DSP.

They say more about your minds condition than they do about Mike. Keep doing it…Rent free.

It's basically a middle finger to anyone that isn't a retarded mindless drone fanboy. They got money, recognition, "fame" and are generally thought as funny guys based on 1 popular video and a few relevant reviews thet made years ago. They're literally living a meme right now and as all meme they're gonna have a really short life span.

Get out of here, Freech. Nobody's picking up your shit meme.

I'm just affirming, this is nothing but contemptuous. Even with the whole mock-review podcast schtick they kept putting out about Rogue One, even that was like a none-too-subtle jab at their viewers. It's just about Spoony-tier.

Oh no, it's too hard to avoid clicking on 3 videos in your subscriptions.

the point is there's nothing left to say about the Transformers movies



Almost like how HitB, BotW, and the Plinkett reviews are the same shit over and over again.

I hate to be one of those people, but would you rather have a full review where they say nothing new, because there's nothing new to be said?



Get new attacks son, these are growing old.

There is nothing more left to say about RLM either. From now on I am reporting every RLM thread I see.

Their review is to say there's nothing left to be said and to refuse to show the movie even enough respect to give it a full review. They're giving you everything that rambling about the movie for thirty minutes would give you, just in fewer words.


I'll get some new ones when does.

If they don't want to review it, they don't have to. There's how many other movies out they could watch. Defending them when they are flat out telling you to fuck yourself is cuck-tier.

kys :^)

Then it would look like they just forgot about the movie. This way they get to shit on it without saying a word.
They aren't telling me to go fuck myself. They're telling Michael Bay to go fuck himself. I'm not sure why you'd take this as a personal insult, unless you were desperate for an in depth Transformers review.


Yeah I get it and it's not fucking funny. Kill yourself, cuckold.

I hate to defend them, because I have very little respect for them these days, but I don't see what they did wrong here. You seem to be upset you were cheated out of thirty minutes of their virtual company.

He cares because he can't get the image of Mike's fat dong out of his head.

Hold on a minute. Mike Stoklasa is the guy who did eight hours of star wars reviews because he was assmad at Lucas for his decisions on Star Wars. He can't go whine about being a 'content creator' after that shit.

I think you're having an imaginary argument inside your own head.

Are you a figment of my imagination?





I don't know


Back to Tumblr with you.

This guy knows something about the number 3!

Those are some fine number you got yourself…Good job.


So they've actually brought back Plinkett?

I'm amazed those are all real boards.

So is this a meme, or is it a legitimately retarded redditor that doesn't know what dubs/trips/quads are?

Why? People make boards for shitposting purposes all the time.

That picture is what Christians masturbate with.

Have any of you actually watched the video?
It's literally 58 minutes of a blank screen.
I'm serious, click the embed.


Suck my cock you faggot. Choke on it.
Webm or GTFO

Do you know what trips are, newfag?

I had a look at the subleddit and of course they're all defending this stupid bullshit.
I don't mind joke videos if they're funny, this shit isn't funny. I don't even get what the joke is meant to be, I really like I'm missing something here.

It's a blank fucking video.
The first 20 seconds are mike talking and the rest is nothing.

Transformers isn't worth talking about, duh! It's ironic humor, you just don't get it! xxDDD

Couldn't they just do that in one video?
Why do they feel the need to stretch it out to three, with more likely to come?

Are we on the lucky 7 GET yet?

Well, for now, these dubs will suffice.

Then prove it to me. Webm it.

Oh wow haha this joke sure bears repeating for the third time its so funny hahaha

It's nearly an hour long I can't webm that shit.
I'll make an mp4 though.
I got rid of the audio because outside of the first few seconds, it's mostly random sound effects.



Oh boy! Why am I not surprised that the contrarian autist is a newfag? >>>/cuckchan/ is thatta way! Don't let the door hit ya on the way out retard!

Bullying is mean, user. Pls no bully.

There is an elephant in the room and we need to address it…We are being moderated by cuckophobic bigots and I don't think that is an acceptable standard for us. Remember all the fun we had with the Louis ck and blacked memes? The mods are trying to put a stop to all rose classic memes…We need to discuss this before they ruin this board and drive the cuckposters away (love them or hate them they make up the majority of the board and there voices should be heard).

t. freechfag


t. Margaretcuck



I just want their view of The Void. It was shit, but how do you squander so much potential?

>Mike (Big)cocklasa



The first time made me chuckle, the second one was annoying.
But this just feels like them giving everyone the middle finger.

Is there a particular reason for this passive-aggressive snark?

He looks like he's in pain.

They know that they've been recognized as sellouts and lost half their fans.

Holy Shit!

I was mildly annoyed at the lame joke based solely on the fact that I thought I was about to watch an entertaining roast of a crappy movie and instead got nothing.
Now imagine how all the idiots who throw a portion of their salary RLM's way every month feel…

Really puts some of these comments (>>777196) in perspective too.

It's good to see another kekistani with all these right wing sjw trolls hating on RLM.


I literally never visit Holla Forums, is hating RLM a thing here and if so why?

You have a whole thread with multiple posts explaining why, newfag.

not an argument


distressing lack of argument


the argument level remains at zero


not an argument



cuck cuck cuck cuck



Did somebody say BBC!?

Right, all those true fans want 3 joke videos in a row, and not videos picking apart movies.

I fucking hate cuckchan


You think these videos are a replacement for their usual content?

I think this is the invasion of the summerfags user.


>rent free


>still living in your head
>still rent free

Kike. Cucklasa.

>Reich (Big)cocklasa


>Pike (Big)cocklasa


Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!

After going trough this thread I really wanna unsubscribe.

You forgot:


You know RLM shilling is desperate or any shilling for that matter when they post images without context. I'd point them out in this thread but it's obvious. No one cares about Kike Cucklasa.

I can't even tell if this is irony or real anymore. I appreciate how the phrase "salt" has gotten immensely popular among normalfags so that you can easily spot them almost immediately.

Is that why Holla Forumsermin use it so much?

Probably. Either that or it's a nigger.

I thought at first it was a call back to their Star Wars: TFA trailer reaction, making fun of all the other trailer reactions that were going on at the time by setting up to react and then turning off the camera and setting the run time to about the same amount as a reaction video.
But that was a joke with set up, a punch line, and wasn't over done. They took the same basic joke, took away the punch line with "le funneh randem humor XDXD" and then cut to black. The first time would have been okay, a subversion of expectations. Three fucking times in a row, the only people who can defend that are the fucking autistic (((fans))) who'd choke on Mike's cock as Mike chokes on Jay's as Jay chokes on Jamal.

Salt was a term in pseudo-competitive video game circles
Its adoption by the normalfag demographic is just another attempt to pander the general population to the hobby

What did she mean by this?

DSP is based, confirmed for only watching videos made by his detractors

It was originally New England slang.

DSP is still an annoying retard but he's been more sympathetic in recent years because the total autism surrounding him like how the SoK is complete cancer, where they make 8 hour videos and go over every stream for content.

Stockholm syndrome.

Seriously, those fucks actually made me warm up to DSP a little. Absolutely pathetic specimens who have to latch onto some video game streamer, dig through all of his content just so they can armchair psychology the guy.

What a crazy time to be alive.

It's a level faggotry only surpassed by people who verbally say "Kappa" at the end of sentences.


What happened to them?

just so you know, the memes, being salty, and buthurt, both came directly from the Marine Corps combat infantry

I should know, when I was in the Corps I heard people use them a couple years before the chans, and now everyone uses them

Now it's getting sad

lol, nigger's a moron and a cuck. There's nothing defend or sympathize unless you're a cuck too.

Not really defending DSP, just that the ones who obsess over him and analyse his every video are also pathetic who project their own failures onto DSP.

Vidar, get the fuck out of this Chinese cartoon forum, pedos are not allowed here.

Vidar be gone

Kill yourself.

Back to Holla Forums with you.

Fake news.

Fuck off reddipol nazi

Stay butthurt. We all know who reddipol really are.



Back 7 years ago shit like this would have been met with a mountain of pictures of people pretending to be retarded. Today people defend it.

The comments from their fanboys defending this trash are more entertaining than RLM in the modern age.

For people who got famous on criticizing other people's work, they really don't like it when people criticize theirs.