Saw this on facebook and chuckled. Trump really is making America great again.
Saw this on facebook and chuckled. Trump really is making America great again
Did Kamala ever directly dissed Trump? Only thing I can remember was that "Vote everyone" panel
No idea.
Who's the shitty artist who drew the fancomic?
The weak should fear the strong.
Her writer said Kamala would have some harsh words for Trump… But we all know these are actually the writer's own words using Kamala as her mouthpiece.
So, we got Black Captain America, Asian Hulk, Miss Muslim, Blatino Spider-Man, Black Iron Man Girl, Femthor…
Have we got rid of all the white male heroes at Marvel yet?
No Punisher and Hawkeye still exist. And so does Daredevil.
I thought Kamala was crying over her idol Carol Danvers turning out to be an authoritarian piece of shit.
I saw Kamala in pain, and I had to enter the thread. Post more please.
So do I….
I thought it was from receiving the white Captain America plushie.
A friend did the sad emoji shit on it and i saw it on my feed and had to resist the urge to like it with the haha emoji.
So i posted it here instead.
Well I have these.
There's an image of her ripping a picture of Trump in half that was drawn by an artist at Marvel
Here you go.
These overgrown children just never stop, do they?
I'm getting so sick of these babies in adult bodies.
If it wasn't for the fact that Marvel is still cucked, I'd have her sent back to her country and put through Harcore Resitance fighter training, helping rebuild her country, amongst other things.
She has to go back.
Yeah, Trump too… Like, you need to go back!
Why is she golem from lord or the rings?
I just want to understand why SJW fucks hate manlets? i have noticed a lot of them are Manlets themselves, yet they shit on other manlets because they consider them genetically inferior to shitskins.
There are no golems in LotR.
You partially answered your question there since they regard shitskins more virile than manlets and not racist like alpha white men.
Are you an idiot? Or just a pedant?
>>>Holla Forums
Faggots still don't know that this was Obama's creation and something he used frequently for years.
Intellectual dishonesty seems to be the domain of leftists
There are no Jewish statues brought to life by rabbis in LotR. There is a creature named Gollum, who is a Hobbit corrupted by the One Ring, but no golems in LotR.
Pedant it is then
He obviously meant Gollum you twat
Why is she crying? She is a Pakistani iirc. They weren't even blocked by the "ban"
Spic here.
I don't get it, is just a 90 days ban, on countries at war with ISIS, if you're an australian muslim you can get in.
Why are liberals so pissed?
Outrage sustains them. This ban hurts their feelings
Libshits are desperately trying to meme Trump as Hitler and want to frame this as literally "Muslim Holocaust". He is doing a pretty piss job at being literally Hitler though.
Not only is it retard to believe this because it's constitutionally impossible, it also means you could just lie about you're religion and still get in.
Right now Trump has a ban on travel to and from a few Muslim countries. Not all of them, mind you. But a few are banned right now. Those who have cards and passports to prove they're a US citizen can go back home after a lengthy process to determine they're who they say. Of course the left and MSM are painting this as the beginning of the holocaust on middle eastern US citizens. As much as I wish that were the case, it's a simple banning on muslims from certain countries coming in.
This is your mind on normalfag mode.
This is your mind plain retarded mode.
Also yes, racial intolerance kinda draws you away from positive interaction with other races.
If I read correctly if you have a dual citizenship from those countries you also cannot travel into the US. It's the Lugenpresse saying its a muslim ban (impossible as you said) when actually it's a travel , regardless let the idiotic left work themselves into a tizzy by jumping at shadows I find all this hilarious
To begin, Trump is president so they must pissed almost all the day. Second, this is perfect for them, with this they can push and cry about being under the regime of "ebul nazi" that wants to kill all the poor minorities, mind you that this is onlt temporal and no one is being sent to concentration camps.
That's a good thing. She's not very smart, I doubt the halflings would be either.
Don't you just hate it when artists shit out pieces like this for the clicks then jerk each other off fishing for likes?
I laughed about the golem joke, but it got out of hand when you decided to post your shit waifu.
Back to /a/.
The other user was right, this is your mind on normalfag.
Also, you can be intolerant of one race and not of another, silly.
Actually I've been asking for the other way around.
We asked for Trump. We got Trump. We didn't ask for nonstop whining from the leftist cucks. But we got that too.
If only she cried this much for those hostage decapitation videos.
The more I hear people try to compare Trump (or any person they don't like/past Republican's) to Hitler, the more I know they are full of shit.
Most of these fucks don't even know the paths in life that led young Adolf Hitler to become the "WWII dictator Hitler" they speak of.
I'm certain many of us did ask for a grand mining of salt from leftists, at least over at Holla Forums we did. Personally their suffering is savory for me.
Triggered, much?
He should have written that correctly, dummy.
It was clear from the context what he meant, twat
In addition, most of these people don't know how bad pre-Nazi Germany was that Hitler had to come in.
No one owes you to be your interpreter, either learn to spell correctly or go back to mongoloid school.
Especially since it was meant to be a diss.
And he made it worst
It's "dis." Short for "disrespect." Learn to spell correctly or go back to Mongoloid* school.
*Properly capitalized.
So would anyone be up to editing this picture with Kamala instead?
Hey Holla Forums
We're not even at 1% of what the USA was like in the 30s and 40s, we ain't got shit on Nazi Germany. Snowflakes would get triggered if they even had to live in the early 90s.
Hearing all those thin-skinned adult-shaped babies cry themselves to sleep gives me such a massive boner I feel like I just hit puberty again.
This is more than worth the WW3 and my country ending up bellow sea level.
The house was already on fire, electing Trump was like throwing colorful fireworks in it.
Thanks America. You made the end of the world entertaining.
dere jelus ob are freedom :DDDD
Hot damned these are hilarous thanks man.
Not american, BTW.
Fixed it
Kind of iffy on legal green card holders. Like why? They earned their right to stay here so now they can't visit friends out of country. I understand but not agree wholly on something too strict against non residents but it sucks for the actual legal immigrants.
Am I the only one who gets turned on by crying women?
Go to bed, Truthseeker.
I had a horribly autistic idea earlier.
So I went to work. A conjuction of my tired mind and drive to remedy a bad situation with something new and dumb. My masterful skills in paint combined with a Donna Troy picture gave me this masterpiece.
>>>Holla Forums
Bro, she likes men.
First Adam Hughes with the Nazi punching, then Phil Noto with this shit?! Why are all my favorite artist blue pilled?! WHAT IS GOING ON?! Why can't I have any red pilled artist?! The only one I know is Frank Miller.
No he's right, if for no other reason than because he lost. His overly authoritarian stance didn't help either. If the post Great War social economic, social, and political environment sent people open arms into nationalism, then the failure of those nationalistic social movements sent them running into the embrace of social democracy and globalism.
Which is what we are dealing with now
There are no participation medals in the game of history.
But Frank's artwork has gotten worse over the years.
I want to say Frank Cho is doing alright… But on the election day I saw him campaigning for Hillary Clinton on Kikebook, though only once. Unlike all others, I haven't seen his reaction to Trump winning yet but he is still pretty anti-SJW (he occasionally shares some BleedingCool articles where he makes fun of the SJWs bitching about him).
Voted for Hillary
There may not be any redpilled artists, but there is one redpilled writer.
Because if they don't overexaggerate the situation and show all the poor-women-and-children sob stories in front of cameras and run around marching in solidarity protests against what they believe is true pure evil incarnate, people might get used to it and accept the situation as-is.
They're going to spend years busy at work throwing sabotage wrenches into anything they possibly can coming out of the White House, hoping to make everything such a horrible experience that they'll force the public into voting them into office again just to get them to stop tantruming, at which point dissent will flip back from being the highest form of patriotism to being racist again.
Are you trying to pull a Ben Garrison on Nick Spencer?
Completely impossible.
It's completely impossible for you that the guy who wrote Holy Terror voted for the woman who voted for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, over the guy who said Iraq was a mistake, and was against it?
Miller's been a faggot for a very long time
I am genuinely shocked by this… I have no words. Her supporters have completely tore him a new one and he is a raging Islamophobe. And she would most definitely turned the US into a new Sweden/Germany by importing the rapefugees. But he still decides to support her… I can't even right now.
Wow you actually might be unto something.
These tweets remind me of Max Landis. He is a leftist, but a very sensible one capable of self-awareness.
He's obviously not stupid, I've started reading his comics and he write well. I'm curious to see what he writes as the year moves forward. He got shit on hard by Comics Bloggers for making fun of College SJWs who try to stop people from speaking.
Well, while that comic made fun of extremist leftists, it was still anti-conservative given that not-Ann Coulter is depicted as a callous and ungrateful bitch that we are supposed to disagree with. It was more about trying to frame a more moderate left against the radical one.
It's called Cuckservativism. They talk a tough game about Conserving, but in the end they make who knows how many surrenders to the Leftys if they aren't just secret Leftys themselves. See NRO's Kevin Williamson and his contempt for Whitey.
God fucking damn it!
I love it when they turn on each other
He asked for this shit
He only has himself to blame by being a libshit in the first place
Truly disgusting.
You know what these people's problems are? They can't differentiate between reality and fiction. I don't think Nick Spencer understands that. These are people that honestly cannot see the difference. They're the ones that'll gasp at fictional rape in a fictional movie. They're the ones that want to censor books like Huckleberry Finn because it says 'the n-word' too many times. Why do you think they think killing real people is okay? Because they punch and kill Nazis in movies and comics.
They can't tell the fucking difference.
I got bad news for you, fam. Latest cover and description for it.
Then they wonder why their comics sell like burned pancakes.
>our favorite Hawkeye
This can't be real
More bad news, user.
Don't tell me you thought the ride was over?
What are the paths in life that led young Adolf Hitler to become the "WWII dictator Hitler"?
He's only banned muslims that come from terrorist ridden shitholes and it's only for 3 months.
I wish these liberal cuck-a-ducks would stop over exaggerating everything Trump does.
One of these little bastards?
Don't forget about them also being the most technologically advanced nation at the time.
lol, I read that as designated.
Alright, that's pretty funny.
Its still pretty callous and mean-spirited for libcucks.
What does that even mean? Did he mean to say it the other way around? Because all I can think of is 'speak softly but carry a big stick.'
He is saying Trump shouldn't piss off the fuck out of the EU, as if anyone is going to fight for the them save for a couple of retards and obviously mudslimes. Then again, this 'army' that the EU wants to raise will not be deployed against foreign armies; it's to suppress European insurrection.
No it's not. Nothing in the Constitution forbids discriminating against non-citizens in whatever way the government wants to.
Really? This is what its come too? Was Kate Bishop always bad? I remember some of the earlier Young Avengers issues and she seemed ok in it.
Even in Fraction's run she was OK, but now that they're trying to force her into being the "real" Hawkeye, just fuck it all. Burn Marvel to the ground.
You can't expect people to remember things that happen more than 5 years ago grandpa. Technology is so advance, one day might as well be a 1,000 years. You can't demand people use a search engine to find out facts. If it doesn't appear on the first page, then it doesn't exist or it's a lie by people with differing opinions from em. We need to be fed the emotions we should feel from our mainstream media. Then we can relax as we watch our favorite cape kino in theaters and rage our political diatribes on twitter, tumblr, facebook and reddit.
They can't. If they cease wailing like a JAV star, even for a moment, their fellow liberals turn on them for betraying the cause.
>dat Animal Farm quote, tho
I don't thin they even understand it.
More like German scientists made America and Russia the most technologically advanced nations.
Are we choosing to remember where Germany was left after he An Heroed?
This is.. highly confusing.
I don't like the boots but the rest looks cool.
perhaps they are culturally appropriating the term from Holla Forums.
Yeah I was mixed on the boots too. Glad you liked my idea a bit though. Wish I could draw well. Then I'd spend all day redesigning heroes.
It started with being rejected by art school.
This is your God now.
I recommend "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain." It helped me improve my drawing skills.
Well he is a business man.
I think I'm pretty good on drawing faces. But I can't do hands and feet well. Getting better at drawing bodies but not super comfortable drawing full body sketches. I really just need to find more things to practice sketching.
Leftists always try to appropriate the tactics of their enemy. It just takes them awhile.
agreed he needs to be more hardcore
It's not even exclusively Muslims. It's anyone traveling from those counties without prior US citizenship.
because these fagaloos don't actually look up any of this shit, they are far too busy virtue signaling and calling white men bigots, don't you know how important that work is?!
I thought Hitler's plan was
You're thinking of the Soviets only they couldn't manage a bubble. More like drops of spit and blood.
More like kill your entire workforce, declare war on everybody, suddenly remember you actually need to trade with other countries, and your high tech utopia is stuck using horse and cart to supply your artillery, because you are an art major and cannot into economics.
Also invade Russia during the winter, spend your war budget on impractical and possibly Freudian phallic superweapons, and let Churchill troll you into blowing the Luftwaffe's wad on blitzing London instead of, oh I don't know, AIRFIELDS AND FACTORIES, you know, something that would help the war you started? Because you were a crap soldier who got shot in the nuts and cannot into military.
Don't forget the fact that all of the European countries were sticking to tradition in warfare tactics, which is the only reason Germany was winning as much as they did until the U.S. joined in.
Churchill? You mean the asshole who ran the world's biggest empire, declared war on neutral countries, rejected numerous peace talks because of the possibility of peace, induced a famine on India, and bombed his own cities?
Isn't that what actually made Germany so successful at the time? He took a huge load off government spending because of the amount of people killed or put in work camps till death. Which he used to fun a bunch of social programs.
Yeah, totally neutral.
Care to explain Iceland's alliance with Germany, Italy, and/or Japan?
Don't forget he wouldn't let the Australian soldiers come home to defend their own country when the Japanese were practically knocking at the door.
Their minisubs were sinking ships in our harbour.
And you could probably make a case for the Cap Arcona happening on his watch.
But he did play Hitler like a fiddle. He knew that bombing his precious Albert Speer Lego city would goad him into wasting all his bombs on London.
So really you could credit Churchill with bombing Berlin AND London.
And I'll give him that he was the first to argue that the Soviet Union was the next Big Bod.
Care to source that?
Patton did that without being a total shitbag. Let's not forget that Churchill also took no action to deter the Soviet Union during their numerous annexations during the same period of time he declared unprovoked war on Germany.
Lol, maybe he needed room to breathe.
leftypol, pls go.
The Brits had no reason to go to war with Germany. Hell, the Germans had a very reasonable agreement drawn up in terms of Danzig.
But then those faggoty Frogs got involved and told the Polish to STFU and cease negotiations.
Alot of blame can be put on the Brits, but more can be put on the French.
Patton didn't just say that the Soviets were the next big boy on the block, he outright said that if we don't invade them now, we will never get another chance. And then he was assassinated.
Yup Patton knew we would end of fighting the soviets, but (((they))) wanted a cold war to distract the populace.
You betrayed yourself with this sentence. Only a weak country needs another country for it's stability.
But hulk was never white, he was green
Read a history book, faggot.
Grey isn't white either
What that user posted were basic facts about Churchhill that anyone who went through Highschool should know.
that's a grey hulk with white lighting
I've never heard of her before.
Might be that I stoped giving a shit about Marvel some time ago already though.
She started off in that Young Avengers series from the mid-00s, and then she starred alongside Clint Barton in the Hawkeye series by Matt Fraction that went, uh… I want to say 2011-2013?
Aren't you supposed to wait until the other guy is dead until you wheel out your shitty legacy hero?
I mean, there's a new freakin' Wasp, and AFAIK Janet Van Dyne isn't dead. Whatever may have happened to Ultimate Wasp.
nope Marvel now does two versions of each capehero, one for girls and one that sells
I don't know about Wasp, but Hawkeye is worse than dead - he's a straight white male. He must be purged.
Soon they'll be 3 of each character like captain America
You're misinterpreting it. Hulk is white in the same way that Batman's cowl was blue in the 70's.
But Kamala is just the writer into the Marvel world, which means Kamala is a retarded liberal. That's her character, she's le quirky tumblr slut.
Think it'd be possible to bully the writer to just stop writing all together? Think about it. We could meme magic comics better by bullying them with their own shit creations.
So Holla Forums, == PLACE YOUR BETS!!! ==
How long till this series gets cancelled? 10? 12?
Make your guesses now!!!
Red text is on a new line only, user.
I bet 5
Egyptian here. We were never pro-israel but politically we "play nice" with them unlike some other Arab countries.. We pose no threat to trump.
How do you guys feel about Saudi Arabia?
Saudi Arabia is a pretty cool guy. eh kills gays and treats women like slaves.