I hate the gun laws debate. "Let's make guns harder to get" what's stopping someone from just building one. You think criminals are gonna care when you make it harder to get a gun. Arnt most shootings done with a stolen gun anyway I'm so sick of the debate just end it already it. Where was the on campus cop when the shooting happened. So many things could have been done to prevent mass shootings. Why is it no one fires back here in AZ everyone I know fucking carries, get a gun and defend yourself accept the fact that this shit is gonna happen and that big brother can't fucking control it. For fucks sake.
I hate the gun laws debate. "Let's make guns harder to get" what's stopping someone from just building one...
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Absolutely redpilled
Of course you do. You hate anything you are too brain dead to understand. All you can do is furrow your brow and say, "ug ug gib gun plz ooga ooga."
Leave debate to the grownups.
I understand you are too brain dead to even refute anything I said and just babbled nonsense so your post is moot.
The idea that weapons have anything to do with mass violence is just retarded. The reality of these incidents is boring and requires actual work to fix. That's why nobody is interested in even talking about it. Especially when kikes are implicated in literally every facet of the problems here, namely mental healthcare.
surely cutting medicare by hundreds of billions will help this
Why are ameritards so incredible stupid and unable to look at any country outside of their owns?
Your country is literally the only "civilized" country in which such things happen regularly. Do you realize this? Do you recognize this?
If it so hard to understand that your gun laws are absolutely moronic, idiotic and complete utter trash?
Are you ameritards really unable to comprehend that strict gun laws work? Are you really too brainwashed to see the evidence, or do you just don't give a fuck about "facts" and "evidence"?
In what way? The UK for example has more violent crime per capita than the US, it's just from knives and acid instead of guns. Why is that any better?
It was nothing to do with access to fucking welfare. Actual mental healthcare doesn't exist in this country and hasn't since kikes convinced everybody to close all the state mental hospitals to sell pills instead. We used to identify malcontents early on and have them treated. But now the facilities and structure for that simply doesn't exist. On top of that we couldn't implement this again because the social atmosphere is so toxic it would likely just be abused and cause even more problems. You can't trust cat ladies to properly single out people or treat the system properly.
This shit did not happen before the modern world took over. Weapons were more widely available 50 years ago but very very rarely did anyone go crazy and try to kill as many people as they can. The real difference between the US and European violance isn't access to weapons, it's the social and family structures. I don't think it can be highlighted enough how insane an american public school is. Eurofags can't possibly comprehend what this shit is like. Hell, most people in America have no idea what it's like. It's been degrading so fast and becoming so terrible that the last generation who went through it assumes it can't possibly get any worse. I can't imagine what it must be like to be in HS right now. I was a senior when Sandy Hook supposedly happened and that shit sent cat ladies into a panic of "WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING" and really all it does is further the prison-like atmosphere and further single-out loners. Literally everything they try to do to curb school shootings causes more of them.
So if we dumped all are nigger criminals in your country it would just be so hard for them to get a gun and they'd just give up? Mabye your gun laws work because your education system is better mabye it's just social conditioning mabye it's cause you don't live in fear of your gov.
You seem dull.
Violent crime isn't just murder, Johnny, rape counts too. Or is your dystopian island not including rapes commited by your precious muslim imports?
The UK actually reports more crimes under the classification "violent" than America does, so if anything the numbers are inflated
You're assuming everyone has the mental capacity to build a gun. Let alone a semi-automatic rifle. Furthermore, not everyone has the connections, to buy a gun on the black market. Not everyoe knows someone, who knows someeone, who sells guns. They should ban all semi-automatic weapons, or at least make it harder to pirchase those type of weapons. And don't give the Muh tyrannical government bullshit . Your government has been consistently fucking the American people in the ass, since the 80's and you still havent done shit.
Violent crimes > Rapes and guess who's number 1? Thats right, the USA
I'm sure that in countries where people can't drive cars or where cars are extreme rarity, road accidents also don't happen as much.
If you want to be armless sheeple who's need permission from big brother to be able to defend himself have fun.
Access to weapons should be birth right for any sane man, as it always was when European culture was still at it's peak.
Not yet replaced by Marxists and left wing retards, and their totalitarian aspirations.
No wonder why they wanted to disarm their own citizens so much.
As comrade Adolf said "To conquer a nation, you must first disarm its citizens."
As comrade Adolf said "To conquer a nation, you must first disarm its citizens."
Great up to date statistics buddy!
Nice one here retard.
Resorting to failed ad hominem so soon?
Have you never seen the ghost gun workshops? It's actually very easy. These 80iq retards making 1911's out of scrap metal and patterns for this cartel. If you actually banned guns completely from burgerland, sweatshops full of beaners would be pumping out unmarked weapons like there was no tomorrow. You dumb fucks don't seem to understand that the US isn't an island with a security camera aimed at everything. The amount of weed and meth produced on US soil is astounding. You can do the exact same shit with firearms. In fact, it would be even easier because all you would need is scrap metal and people. There's nothing about that operation that you can track from a helicopter with infrared. It's already extremely profitable to make guns from scratch. But nobody does it in the states because it's just easier to buy one with a serial number.
fair enough.
>implying both America and Europe aren't controlled by the (((JEWS))), and neither Ameriturds or Eurocucks do anything. Bunch of sheeps you are
and you think the average nigger knows how to build one of those? kek
It doesn't take a genius to build a gun. These nigs are doing it no prob
This guy gets it
Niggers do build these. That's who i'm talking about. It's a thing that happens all over the world
It's not a stretch to assume you've never taken apart a gun before so let me spell this out for you. A firearm is extremely simple technology. Even a gas operated M4 is not complicated. It's a series of moving parts and how complicated that gets is up to the weapon. You can build a simple cannon out of PVC and WD40, i've done it. Building a gas operated automated weapon isn't that complicated. I don't know if you know this but multiple people in the US alone have been arrested for building nuclear bombs in their garages.
you have no idea what you're talking about
Are you not adjusting for population to try and save face, or are you simply this ignorant? There is a population difference of over 300 million between the U.S. and U.K. you fool.
You still calling me a sheep while you are the one who supports even more power to the governments that you claim are owned by jews and you want to give the same govs the monopoly for guns… wow nice logical thinking right there.
Then after all that you want to disarm people (In case of USrAel) or keep status quo in pretty much most of European countries.
In the name of safety of course.
Are you fucking serious?
In top of that in Europe, black market is pretty well, or at least in my country, and thanks to retarded regulations that you support, I can buy myself AK47 cheaper that it would take me to pay for shitty gov regulated permission, then buying overpriced personal gun like pistol from gov approved shops.
Congrats, now criminals and gov(probably even worse than said criminals) have weapons and normal citizen don't.
What an improvement.