Free speech huh?
Free speech huh?
Other urls found in this thread:
only the global rule, huh
that's clearly cp
for a permaban, you must try harder
Where is it written that you have free speech on Holla Forums?
This hellhole was once known for allowing free speech.
fuck off scum
Yeah, but where was it written?
This place has never allowed free speech. If it did, then there wouldn't be any rules. You are fucking retarded.
It took plenty days for that shit thread literally to be removed, so be happy OP. Good riddance btw.
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate you for liking poo and I wouldn't mind if you posted it on a >>>/poo/ board. But god damn am I happy your shit thread is finally gone from here.
there is no free speech in this shithole tbh
suicidal much?
Obviously not suicidal enough, but I appreciate you asking. Cringe yet?
And don't act as if we don't have enough shit threads already, including this one.
It didn't have to be written.
Sexual pedoshit, and silencing everyone with spam isn't free speech.
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Mods don't have any rules you fucking imbecile, did you just roll in from stupid town?
bet that was Way
How to evade bans?
Scatfags should be gassed tbh
What is wrong for liking a big poo? Life feels so much better after one.
no tbh
Hotwheels himself said that this is freedomchan
His name was Fredrick Brennan.
His name was Fredrick Brennan.
His name was Fredrick Brennan.
His name was Fredrick Brennan.
His name was Fredrick Brennan.
His name was Fredrick Brennan.
His name was Fredrick Brennan.
His name was Fredrick Brennan.
His name was Fredrick Brennan.
Literally on the front fucking page of the site, retard.
7.5 keks/10
I, at least, smiled, if only momentarily.
That's reason enough to hold on for one more day. Thanks user