The history of communism is a history of failure and today Kek has further revealed this truth through divine digits.
Dominic Miller
there's a reason you'll die a virgin
Xavier Brooks
Adam Barnes
also the only way to get into space now is through russia using USSR equipment
Matthew Lee
Makes sense since leftists lack souls
Juan Barnes
And Russia is now capitalist since communism collapsed
Lincoln Brooks
Adrian Davis
they still use USSR equipment
Noah Robinson
Jonathan Reed
Jaxon Clark
Brandon Smith
Chase Morales
We are always victorius. How can you lose, when you have nothing to lose?
Daniel Bennett
Sorry guys, it was just [ideology].
Dylan Brown
how new are you ?
also here's some OC
Henry Edwards
Man that art is fucking ugly
It reflects the ugliness of the leftist soul.
Adrian Price
Logan Rogers
So first they don't have souls then they do? lol You're boring.
Andrew Long
Get gud
Matthew Butler
>pol copies apropriates memes all the time
Nice mob mentality yo got there, bro!
Caleb Martin
call me when a polack is able to make something under than rehashed le happy merchant drawings. and you're still posting with a stolen meme jesus christ
Justin Hill
I can't wait until Dolan stumps himself and he does nothing while the economy crashes and burns.
Nathaniel Allen
check these dubs
Brandon Edwards
Mason Rivera
So you're not(?):
In anycase, Holla Forumsyps are boring altogether, regardless of how many there are, and must be excised in toto.
Jack Baker
All dubs are mine now.
Connor Williams
Pepe the frog as a meme started on /r9k/ anyway bitch.
Jackson Ward
dubs are a spook
Joseph Morales
My digits may appear holy to you, but that is only because you believe in fairy tales. Relinquish them for the self.
I agree, me!
John Gonzalez
We must use the power of Dialectics to force the GET!!!!
SAY IT WITH ME Holla Forums
Jayden Anderson
if dubs OP has to suicide bomb a police station in the name of communism
Logan Nguyen
Aiden Gonzalez
It's like the artist learned to draw using "how to draw manga" books and thought "catgirls and shit are popular right? I'll do a whole bunch of them, that'll work."
Neither would have gotten far without relying on German scientists to do most of the work.
Carson Barnes
Oh Shit!
Do it OP, Kek commands you.
Dylan Thompson
what was the GET?
Charles Edwards
Julian Sanchez
Dominic Wilson
Sebastian Kelly
Camden Taylor
don't weasel your way out of it
Brody Ortiz
Yeah, sure.
Christian Russell
Someone doesn't know what that word means.
Landon Roberts
since when was kek a Holla Forums meme?
Cooper Harris
I bet you don't even grow your own food faggot
Eli Johnson
That is offensive. Reported.
Ryder Wilson
Ryan Lewis
literally every peace of OC leftypol makes is sooooo cringey tbh smh rn better luck next time, cucks
Ryder Perry
i mean come on it's 2016
Michael Roberts
ever since some polack decided to google "egyptian mythology" and started jizzing himself over a random coincidence
Nolan Perez
Except WW2…
Juan Carter
you sound kinda mad tbh fam
Anthony Thompson
You are on Holla Forums faggot its litterally not even mathematically possible to be more oblivious and projecting then you are right now.
Ryan Walker
dont approprate my customs and culture pls u middleclass richboi whitey btw ur girl left some stuff at myplace
Benjamin Anderson
Don't you have cuck porn to "research"
Jaxon Bennett
That's what its all about. We would prefer to grow our own food tbh, but 'jooz' have taken that means of subsistence away from people for the most part.
We're becoming the new anti-PC. I love it.
James Barnes
i understand that, but why does Holla Forums seem to think they own it now?
Eli Cooper
meh getting a GET on a slow board such as Holla Forums isn't really such a big feat.
try getting a GET on halfchan Holla Forums
David Phillips
Matthew Wilson
Juan Baker
James Cox
jokes on you I don't have a girlfriend wigger.
Landon Gray
Xavier Morales
Jason Ramirez
ewewewew pls dont do that this is not the environment for that thank you for understanding
Jaxson Hall
Landon Martinez
Robert Ward
Kayden Fisher
Luke Gonzalez
Eli Hernandez
Ryder Reed
James Gutierrez
Samuel Brown
Jonathan Morris
Ayden Bennett
Tyler Butler
Charles Thompson
Andrew Howard
Why does Holla Forums spam this image? Are they trying to offend us?
Counter-revolutionaries deserve death.
Matthew Roberts
Christian Cox
Isaiah Wright
Cameron Sullivan
check this 9 I got right here
Luis Stewart
Stirner is out version of saging. Or at least mine
Dominic King
Adam Watson
When did it all become so new? Then again it makes sense that this is posted on Holla Forums since they are all newfags.
Cooper Thompson
you still haven't allahu ackbar'd yourself kek demands it
Kayden Turner
Justin Roberts
wew lad
Nathaniel Foster
kek. Sad!
Benjamin King
Then why aren't you actually saging?
Could it be that you're mentally retarded?
Joshua Robinson
you seem frustrated user
Adam Rivera
Shit OP, double dubs
now you have to do it or Kek will punish you.
Lucas Garcia
If it triggers you so much, fine.
Jackson Howard
this is why Holla Forums can't into memes
Jordan Morris
kill yourself
Oliver Powell
(You) seem to reply, my property.
Luis Davis
Anthony Adams
No, kek demanded it of you, moron. This is why Holla Forumsyps can't even into verbs.