Armond White

Name a better critic. I'll wait.

Other urls found in this thread:

Name a better critic. I'll wait.

You forgot to change the second time the title is mentioned.

You forgot to change the second time the title is mentioned and the director.



Reminder there's a mega autist on 4chin Holla Forums who tries to emulate and push this gay nigger and tries to make the board emulate him.

Revenge of The Fallen
Jack and Jill
Jonah Hex
Assassins Creed
Gi Joe
Gi Joe 2
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Norm of The North
I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry
Dirty grandpa
Resident Evil: The Final chapter
Grown Ups

The Dark Knight
Transformers 2007
The Social Network
There Will be Blood
Inglorious Bastards

It's pretty obvious why Holla Forums likes this guy so much, he's just a pseudo-intellectual contrarian for the sake of being one. Sound familiar?

Yes, I have actually read some. Here's his Jack and Jill review. What the actual fuck?


Dude Armond liked Transformers 2. Which was a million times worse than the first.

Jack and Jill
Jonah Hex
Assassins Creed
Gi Joe
Gi Joe 2
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Norm of The North
I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry
Dirty grandpa
Resident Evil: The Final chapter
Grown Ups

I don't even like tarantino but thats retarded, basterds is one of his better efforts. Why didnt you mention the dark knight now thats one that is shit

Bastards is his worst film.

Jackie Brown > Reservoir Dogs > Pulp Fiction > Hateful Eight > Death Proof > Django > Bastards

basterds is one of the only ones I like

reservoir dogs
jackie brown


everything else

muh nigga

Somehow that's the least offensive one on the list

>Worse than BIG BLACK DINGUS The Movie

inglorious (((bastids))) is worse than all of these flicks

Nice try, that's clearly a nigger.

No it isn't even if they are all trash

look at what you're doing right now and try call someone else autistic again.

I like Armond White because he uses his platform to criticise elements of Hollywood and liberal reddit cinema that get universally praised. I only agree with 25% of this but who gives a fuck. I only read what Armond has to say for movies I'd classify as 'reddit'.

try get 8/tv/ to brigade against the 4/tv/ boogeyman some more, that's definitely not autistic.

half/tv/ is where plebs pretend to be patricians
full/tv/ is where patricians pretend to be plebs

Armond is always wrong hes a faggot nigger who likes the smell of his own farts

I agree, and I like his writing style, too. He's one of the few pop-culture critics in America who writes like an adult.


And here's the target audience of most critics.