What's your WPM/CPM, fuckers?

What's your WPM/CPM, fuckers?

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Average of 10 texts, ranging from 75-101 WPM.

that's pretty good, what test did you use?



wow I am shit, good thing typing is kind of a useless skill now

Typing speed is useless for me, since it takes me forever to form a proper sentence


Even if this is a datamining thread, who cares? I don''t mind giving data to creator of that test. Is this a meme?

are donkeys real?

I got 76wpm then I tried typing in dutch and lost my score. I need to cut my nails.

This is a shitty website for testing. It gave me 124 WPM.

Not bad for just getting out of bed I guess. Went for accuracy over speed, so not bad at all.


how i typ on da fone


I thought I'd get like half that. Typing speed is irrelevant for coding though.

that means fuck all.

join this discord server if you want fun wink



Got 102, OP is a nigger who can't type for shit