People on Holla Forums will never be harvard material
Now you can study Game of Thrones at Harvard University
What happened?
1. Cultural marxism
2. Dindufication
3. Post-modernism
British uni?
Black scholarships mostly.
Yup. Britbongistan is toast.
New Scotland Yard?
>What do all these (((things))) have in common?
Hmmm, I wonder? Though Kubrick is acceptable despite being a kike
Wasn't Kubrick a self hating Jew?
Not self hating but disliking the kikery, to be self hating he'd have to do what the rest of his ilk does.
I hope they teach people about Maisie
I doubt it. So too cute. Feminists will hate her
Thank you, user!
Why else do you think they killed him?
how old is she?
old enough, if you know what I mean
More nigga
where did it all go so wrong?
20 now, that time around 17
For you