Nigglypuff strikes again

Jesus christ these people need to be exterminated.
There is no way this shit just organically occurred on tumblr or whatever. Someone is guiding this fucked up SJW movement, it has all the elements of cult.

Are these people as fucking useless as they seem? Or are the SJW's dangerous and subversive force to be reckoned with? It brings me comfort to know that these people would die in a matter of days if a real happening were to ever occur.

Other urls found in this thread:



It's beyond satire by this point.

Also, noose them all and whatnot

Ugh. I can't stomach this shit for more than a few seconds without raging. Bump.

I couldnt make it past the white cis man part…


The finger snapping is bizzare. I've heard that the reason they do it is because clapping is triggering to some people and is seen as being too aggressive.

It's crazy how they're all aggressive and animated and pounding the table and shit, but you know the second someone on the other side started acting that way they'd be like "help! I'm being oppressed/assaulted/raped!"


No one wants your fucking broken up links you cuckchan faggot. Archive it then kill yourself.

Is this the coon version of clapping? Kill these fucking chimps already

Is cos dey got riddim and whitey don't

I read somewhere that clapping was triggering because of the loudness of it. I guess the only noises they like to hear are the sounds of their own voices.

It's something poets used to do in the 50's and 60's because clapping was too loud. It has been with Marxist activities for decades and now the millennials think it's a sign of classiness or etiquette.

This is good shit right here fam.

Then clapping must be an integral part to our future counterprotests against them. Triggering should be our specialty; this is war!

Niggers aren't classy

Brown/Blacks and everything in between shouldn't benefit from us it they hate us.


This guy gets it, and now the memes come full circle and we will reclaim America through clapping

Gonna need a webm.

Clapping is an internet association with America. Being anti-clapping is a subtle way of being anti-America.

Let The Clappening begin.

Somebody posts the clapping spurdo please.


Thanks m80

someone needs to toss a frag grenade into that room


is this satire? It's a video making fun of sjws, right?

im visualizing cho getting a Kill-tacular in that room using a nodachi

be the best americlap you can be.

Ffs, kick them out.


These are the morons demanding safe spaces, but seem to feel they are entitled to invade everyone elses spaces at any time.

What gives these assholes the right to disrupt another organization's meeting?

The hypocrisy and lack of self awareness is incredible.

I always hear about these people like they're memes and then I see these videos that remind me that The Cleansing cannot come soon enough.

Holy fuck these liberal cucks are rage-inducing…

I'm laughing like a madman and I don't even know why. I cannot physically understand how any being can be this retarded.
We need to start planning for that rope day.

These young kids always make the same mistake when met with these SJW faggots.. they try to have a rational argument with them. The SJW faggots want your attention and so you give it to them? Don't talk to them, just get up and leave, don't even acknowledge their presence.

Should you have to do this? No, but it's the only sensible option when this sorta shit happens. Staying and allowing them to scream at you and yell over the top of you just makes us look weak.

Why not use pepper spray ?

Fuck that.

How about instead when this happens, you go up to them and just turn your back and ignore them and stand in the way.

You should watch the video at 0:55

They're allowed to do that because the Constitution was written while black people were slaves and native Americans were being killed and because you're a privileged cis white male.

That'd suck if someone decided to go back to original intent

Clapping literally triggers them into having PTSD episodes because it supposedly sounds like men beating women. I wish I was making this shit up.

Why is it always some obeast sheboon leading these invasions on free speech?

Because they don't have a job.

Because niggers are naturally loud and obnoxious

You both are wrong, it's because some disabled people can't clap.

No, fuck sitting there and listening and giving the impression that what they have to say is of any importance. Them sitting there is an act of submission to the nigger mob.

By getting your things and leaving, you completely disarm the entire mob because it shows you don't give a fuck about what they have to say, they'd be left standing there with no clue of what to do next because you've taken your discussion room to your dorm instead.

Same tactic works when dealing with a child whos behaviour you don't approve of. You don't draw attention to it, you just ignore the bad behaviour and they get the point quick.

Because the kids here would get arrested for doing that and the cops aren't on our side for the most part so it's pointless to even call them to come and remove the apes.

jesus I can't wait until these fucks get drafted to die for israel


Just to add one last thing.. I'm only advocating leaving and not speaking to them because if you're not going to up and shoot one dead on the spot to set an example to the group not to step out of line, then your only other option is to get up and leave. You NEVER engage in conversation with them because it is a mistake to assume you can change their mind or have a logical discussion with such people.

They wouldn't be able to snap either. It's far easier to clap than to snap.

ok stefan. these aren't little kids, they are brainwashed adults. they need to be beaten to wake them up.

if anything clapping sounds like a woman beating a man.

Always remember: when TSHTF, these fuckers will be among the first to perish. They have no survival instinct, they have no life skills, they have no street smarts, etc.

The ones that live in urban areas will die on the first day at the hand of ghetto nogs.

They are little kids though. They need more than a flogging, but given no-one in that video is going to do that, then the only choice is to leave without acknowledging their presence.

It triggers me that they always seem to go after cuckservatives. Why don't they track down a stormer book club or something and complain to them about colleges being for white people?

It's like they'll only engage if they know they'll win the argument. That might also be a reason why they only seem to do this in large groups.

That triggered the fuck out of me. They're supposed to be places where ideas are exchanged, not partisan echo chambers.

I don't think the military will recruit some 300lb hambeast lesbian nigger with self diagnosed PTSD.

Or maybe they would. Even the military seems to be getting cucky these days…

CheKKKed, kek clearly agrees.

Those types of meetings usually don't occur on college campuses.

You're right. Their reasoning is because clapping is "ableist".They switched from clapping to "jazz hands".

You'd think that a shouting sheboon would trigger SJW's more than clapping, but that would be raciss and these obviously aren't the brightest bulbs in the box we're talking about here.

Yeah, that's true. We need more White students' unions.

liberalism is a cult user

Black people are still slaves in many part of the world, Native Americans are still killing each other, and I lost my job because of affirmative action.

Attacking the FBI is a bad idea.

Because there's no american-history-x-tier sekrit club meetups like that lmao this isn't homowood

i picture them going out to the streets preaching that

then they get hit in the head by a nigger with a hammer.

what makes you say that?

No wonder ISIS is winning.



What? Stormer book clubs are a real thing. Like the other user said, they're probably full of feds, but they're still out there.


For all their talk about the wrongful effects of slavery I've never once seen a libshit roll up xer shirtsleeves and attempt to tackle modern slavery, particularly enslavement of whites in Rotterham which they would probably class as an acceptable counterbalance to white evil.


They are notorious for remaining silent on rape and slavery when it's not white men as perpetrators.

This gave me an idea. False flag playing a stronk womyn on twatter asking for some completely fucked up instead of something else, 'cause it is triggering!

If we do it right we could make them literally dance everytime they have to say something.

Autistic people are usually fat and loud with irrational beliefs and ideas.

Without autism, they are truly just a hollow husk of a human being. They have nothing. They're deemed stupid, aggressive or whatever kind of insult you can think of. These people take up part of the internet's troubles such as Internet Tough guys and the likes. The reason behind all of it is, they're annoying, irrational, and hateful. A life of this without self improvement can make them completely hollow inside; for all normal people will throw them aside. When that moment comes. the moment when they can throw their negative personality out and not be shamed or hated for it, they'll hang onto it for the life of them. They defend it to the dead. They lead a charge or community. They have friends for once. They have control for once. They'll defend it and cast out whatever that threatens their position, they'll use their power to cast out or shame whoever they dislike and they'll fight as what makes them popular. They have been torn by their own stupidity and stubbornness for so long, but now they're in control. When that moment dies, expect them to hang onto it even in its death.

Just start doing Roman Salutes and speaking in German.

are those women or men in dresses???

Jesus christ no we're reformed people we celebrate hitler by living and dying through him not silly ovetures

What the fuck are you talking about, user? I never implied or said any of that.

Umm… excuse me, could you not place your heteronormative patriarchal binary labels on xhem please?

These are the people the left has embraced.


Niggers have to yell at everyone growing up if they ever want to get any attention from whatever parent they had in the house. Its just how they talk to each other in the home.

So when they are released into the wild they naturally lord over the meet white and Asian cucks in all matter regarding leadership. Others don't know how to handle them so they just take the lead.

The conservatives shouldn't have sit there like little cucks and taken it. I would have stepped to those bitches.


Why clap when you can use an airhorn?

Most normal people wouldn't tolerate that shit but the cuckservative students probably paid a lot of money to go to that school and if they just called them dumb niggers or something they would probably get in trouble. SJW's love forcing administrative action.

This would be a good deterrent actually.

Just double up hearing protection.

Must read for anyone interested in massive triggering.

Ignoring is necessary. We all know there is no reasoning with a hysterical woman. But at some point it's better if you just walk away with your head held high.

Also, record everything for your own safety and to share with others later if they act out of line. And by safety, I mean securing your fucking future if the demoness decides to lie and say you did something you didn't.

One more thing:
He was on the right of the SJW mob and spoke for a few seconds. My fucking sides.

Next time, hold your meeting in a smaller room so they can't surround you.

If they try, or block the entrance, call the fire marshal or police.

why not use a starting pistol? Or party poppers?

This is a really good point. Those white kids are totally surrounded and it wouldn't surprise me for some nigger to get triggered into a random stabbing because the hysteria of the crowd set off his basic impulses. Remember, the niggers aren't there because they're smart, they're there because of diversity, they're still hoodlums all the same and liable to stab you on impulse.

I see your point, but the more we capitulate to them, the more we tolerate their obstructive and infantile tactics, the more emboldened they will be, and their numbers will swell.

At some point, people have to start taking stands. The hour is late.

I can size up that crowd of SJWs just from the short video. Most of them were female, and the males were weaklings, even the muds.

If one of them happened to have a knife, I would have already snapped five of their necks before getting stabbed, and would die an honorable death instead of leaving like a cuck with my tail between my legs.

Would Holla Forums support a gunman going to the University of Kansas tomorrow and hunting down SJWs?

Don't forget that they're terrified of physical confrontation. They'll scream in your face all day long, but the moment you shove them back, they panic and run.

First day at the bureau?

I'm serious about this. I have 10,000 rounds of XM193 ready to go.


Oh god..


Lock the doors and release the Cyclone.

The few non-SJWs will be honored for their sacrifice.






Don't forget that jews ran the slave trade.

Need to start pushing this narrative.

This should be brought up every single time a nigger cries "muh slavery". Fuck you niggers, it was your own fault for legalising and selling your own kind into slavery to begin with.

Don't give them another reason to cry about scary 'salt rifles.

These people absolutely hate Europeans. They hate us more strongly and more passionately than anons here hate jews. They want us destroyed and replaced while utilizing *our* social systems for themselves.

Imagine what a White minority US will look like - not a plurality where we hold some degree of political power- but a minority. Imagine this vehement hatred manifesting into policy, into social practice. Imagine the wildest revenge fantasies of POC being realized. How anyone can picture this and still cheer for demographic decline is beyond me. Those who still do can be nothing more than masochists who want to be punished for the "sins" of their fathers. Failure to halt and reverse these trends means a future where these screaming motherfuckers decide how you're treated in the country your people created and sustained. Can any sane white person want that?

i wish i was there, im from the Balkans, and i cannot understand how you put up with this shit, ANYONE, ANYONE interrupting me and yelling at me is going to get btfo, especially stupid fucking sjw fat niggers. Being from the Balkans get me a slavery shield because of "muh Ottoman slavery" something we never whine about.

It will become Brazil. Isolated all white communities surrounded by ghettos of angry listless shitskins. The life obsession of whites will be the accumulation of as much money as possible for no other reason than to not be on the wrong side of those walled communities. If you are a poor white, you quickly go extinct. Your sons and daughters will either be raped or mixed into to the sea of brown.

Autistic people have a hard time with loud noises


Sing something like "Panzerlied" or "Erika" (or an appropriate local equivalent - sorry, not familiar with many American patriotic songs). I imagine a bunch of white men drowning them out in disciplined chorus would be nicely triggering to their primitive tribal sensibilities.

Watch as they run blubbering to the school authorities: "Waaaaaah. They sang songs at us!"

How about a Glock 19?

Being involved with anything where a nigger is allowed to take the lead never ends well and is best avoided at all costs.


Only that you cant be shiftless above 45° North. Because Winter. And no economy can just spit out a grid and concrete forever, for free.

Brazil, where a mudhut counts as a house, different case.

USA chants trigger these people, so I have no doubt they were go ballistic over God Bless America or even out fucking National Anthem, good advice user

We don't need to imagine. Such a place already exists: South Africa, the microcosm of White genocide.

Man, I'm glad I live in a >=90% white country.

Because you realize we're living in a fucking dystopian nightmare that might've only just begun?


ROFL, Trips of truth.


kek. start a movement

or depending on your country.. Sing the national anthem.

If only it could be real..

SJW should be reclassified as a national security threat.

You don't want to maintain an army of ZOG bots, but without some sort of requisite military service, I don't see how you can uncuck this and the future generations. How does a man clicking his fingers to the tune of a jibbering BLM retard ever uncuck himself to raise masculine children?

As I recall, this started on some other campus somewhere where they said clapping was triggered because it was ableist, so somehow thought that snapping, a thing that some people with working arms and hands can't even do all that well, was a better alternative

I wish they would just tell the group, "do something physically to stop us or go and ahut the fuck up"
Like seriously. I'm ready to crack commie skills

lol, What a joke
And of coarse the "intellectuals" running our foreign policy are also women like:

Susan Rice
Samantha Power
Killary Clinton


Heres how to debunk these people in their lanaguage:

When one is impoverished, problems are immediate: physical safety, shelter, nutrition. You aren`t concerned with distribution of privileges, you are concerned with RIGHTS

Understanding privilege and its causes itself requires privilege, otherwise you are only looking at effects, things happening to you anecdotally. What I mean is that privilege is a cognitive, broad, and societal concept, it requires free time and introspection to build conceptualizations on, which means that you have developed past initial concerns of impoverishment.

Also, the current narrative is one of plausible deniability, you can say anything about any race and deny what white people say because they "don't know what its like". This neccesitates conflict since there will always bee a language gap and disagreement, common language must be found and this approach is terrible for that.

White people imposed systems onto others, but they impose systems on themselves they must understand, and they themselves "appropriate" culture. Whats the difference between having culture "pushed" on you, and it being "appropiated"? It is all an exchange of ideas, much like speaker and listener, you can't choose what information to select from, and you can't choose what you are hearing.

Also, to understand other cultures requires privilege: education, language, and extraneous relationships must be developed. Privilege goes up, cosmopolitan goes up.

Essentially, as far as you can understand what its like to be white and you yourself aren't white, that is your privilege.

And ultimately, if we can't have white people denying white privilege, we cannot have a university/scientific community that can resolve conflicts civilly through words and ideas, and we might as well regress through history and resolve these conflicts through the sword and duels. The act of denying isn't direct opposition, understand from my white perspective that we are very distant/linear-thinking/systems-orientated people and it is an obligation to have a dialogue, so we do not "progress" to an unquestioning political slant. You cannot assume that a hypothesis is brought up immediately because they have a biased interest, that would undermine the entire industry and you should be cautious because that is happening today.

There, looks a lot better without that bald faggot.

I've watched as White people all across the world, even in fucking Europe of all places, have given up more and more and it has never been enough to make any of these Marxist assholes happy. White people giving free shit to blacks has been going on since before I was born. All they will ever do is bitch and moan and demand more, and take out their anger violently on random White old people and kids who don't have anything to do with their lives.

Meanwhile, Europe is being taken over by Muslims, Australia and Canada are both being bought by China, and the Dutch in South Africa are being killed down to the last man, woman and child, after they already gave the entire country to blacks to make them happy (it didn't).

Yeah. I'd rather the whole thing just collapse and we go to war at this point. I don't want to exchange ideas with people who can't comprehend them because their IQs are equivalent to room temperature.

Get out of here with this left-wing nonsense. They don't want to hear us talk, and I don't know what more we could possibly have to say to them at this point.

Well put. They don't want a dialogue, they want a monologue. Their monologue. They want to take over, take what we have, and reduce us to third-class status in the lands our ancestors built up over hundreds of years of blood, sweat, and tears.

nothing makes me want to go on a shooting spree more than a fat negress getting uppity with the rest of her colored folk.

I'm praying that day of the rope will come soon.

This. There is no dialogue to be had. Only mockery of them and their sad lives.

They don't clap because some of them would have to leave. If they get caught on camera not going catatonic from clapping, they'd lose their PTSD bux.

then how did a fat baboon get in there?


Quora attributes the finger-snapping thing to:

>From (where the writer also describes some pet peeves about snapping): [1]

tl,dr: faggotry

some advice

I like all the communists with their iPhones and credit cards.


This is why we had segregation. If you let them lead your society without question, they lead you where niggers lead each other.

Blacks all see slavery as that one scene in Roots, where white sailors anchor off a pristine African beach, run into the jungle, and snatch up some negro kids.

SJWs have become a parody of themselves

I wish men could be men again. Tell the loudmouth cunts to shut the fuck up, and if they try to get uppity give them a god 'ol Sean Connery smack across the face to remind them they are not now, and never will be equals.

I wonder how long he waited before he fucked the kid?

I disagree.

Arguing with them at least gives good ammunition in the form of videos like this that show how ridiculous and overly emotional they are.

If you just ignore them and walk out the room you'll only be giving them what they want and look even weaker in the process.
It'll be a video of a large "diverse" crowd confronting some evil straight white males who when confronted with their racism, privilege, or whatever feel ashamed and leave to go hide. The crowd will then cheer, or excuse me, snap in celebration of expelling the evil racist whites.
That's what the video will be, a few annoyed and defeated students walking out of a room while a crowd of cunts snap.

Rather than that these videos should be spread and students should be encouraged to prepare for occurrences like this so they can have the proper counter arguments ready rather than being caught off guard. Think of how fucking sweet it would be if we could get more videos like this of sjw faggots losing their shit while also getting intellectually owned into dumbfounded submission.

Here you go:


Why are they attacking YAF? What is YAF?

Young Americans for Freedom or something. I think it's just a slightly conservative pro-Constitution group. In other words, people who care more abut civil rights than those pro-"equality" communist fucks.

I have no words for this. It's like a parody of my worst nightmare. How can this be real. How did it come to this. Why has humankind fell so low with no one to stop it.

post yfw you realize that the freebleeding trend was made by textile manufacturers to sell more clothes.