This one smells like niggers. They generally don't release the identity of juvenile offenders but is there any way we can figure out if this was niggers?
This one smells like niggers. They generally don't release the identity of juvenile offenders but is there any way we can figure out if this was niggers?
nogs been catching lots of people on fire lately, seems like a thing now.
We need their heads.
Just a prank, bro.
If only gambling sites would let me gamble on whether it was niggers or not.
If they don't release the identity it's guaranteed to be a non-white.
Fucking hell.
it's not attempted murder if it's a white victim
If he wuz black we wiz be rioting. Now we have an arsom case.
Gee I'm shocked
I mean, who else does things like this?
if/when this turns out to be the work of niggers, we can use this to start White Lives Matter, but we have to act right now.
why will this work:
Niggers or Muslims … or Nigger Muslims!
It is like nigger weren't bad enough bio-weapons then mudslimes converted them to Islam.
PLEASE let's do this, White Lives Matter irl got alot of attention
absolutely %100 percent agree
spread on twitter, but just too be sure lets wait for confirmation.
they never release the identity of kids unless they turn 18 during the trial.
someone needs to do some in-person style reconnaissance and find out if this kid hung out with niglets.
heres my ideas as to the steps we should take. feel free to change or add to this
if we can get the family behind us, we'll have an easy win. if not, we can still win but more work will be involved.
Kill yourself nigger lover.
How am I a nigger lover? The court system is fucked and needs to burn, need more transparency.
Contact the mother on facebook, find out if it was niggers, and if it was then kick the shit off and spread this like it's wildfire.
Keep shitposting you FOB cuckchanner, I'd recognize those one-liners anywhere.
He's implying it isn't niggers and we need to not care until that point. Learn to spot shills and turn your stupid brain on.
Kill yourself before you're burned with your pets.
No I'm not. I'm implying our courts are fucked and that fining out if it was niggers is going to require action on your part.
Gas yourself you lazy sack of shit.
Man you're trying pretty hard for someone who isn't trying to astroturf.
he wuz jus a good boy tryina get his life on track
lets not reach out to the family, they will be unlikely to want any more stress right now.
also we gotta make sure its a black guy first.
yes we must wait. i only suggest the family because thats how Soros took over BLM. we could even do a fundraiser for the boy's medical costs, let the family know what were doing and give them the money of course
Well we can't use it to kick off "white lives matter" if it wasn't niggers now can we?
Action should be taken, a new plan should be made in the off-chance it wasn't niggers who have a long track-record of setting whites on fire (see:
I bet niggers crowd around the special kid because they think he's funny and want to victimize him which oh look, they did. usually when whites hang around a retarded kid it's cause they feel bad for him and just kind of ignore him outside of school
And you aren't trying at all because you're a CIA nigger fresh outta cuckchan who just wants to shitpost in and fit in with the newest kool kids klub.
I'm really sure that he is not implying that.
I know what you are saying user. I believe in you! On RaHoWa we'll be slaughtering nogs together while that faggot is trying to figure out how to leave the house. Have a kittycat ^_^
hitler dubs wish you success
fuck off CIA nigger
kek, if you're not willing to do a little work you shouldn't be here in the first place.
waiting for the information isn't going to do shit.
get it for yourself and spread it you FUCKING RETARDED KIKE
you fucking yids are lazy as hell today.
Epic argument shilliam.
That's it I'm going to bed.
Goodnight, user. I hope you have dreams about imageboard shills and consensus crackers.
Beats the normal nightmare of living in a diverse city.
Consider yourself checked, praise Kek
yes , gotta make sure it is a nig first. Are there more articles about this?
I like this new term
There is nothing wrong with incinerating autists
Only if they're jewish or nonwhite.
That's a million dollar idea right here.
No the mentally ill must be purged!
He probably thinks we should kill low IQ whites because he doesn't understand anything.
But the family's Soros uses don't have to worry about being attacked for saying things. I do believe things are bad enough in your country that the family's well being may be threatened if the media ties them to something perceived as racist.
My second concern is that if we contact the family there is a big chance they will decline and ask that we dont do anything, that would put us in an awkward position going forward.
good points. so maybe not contact the family
I'm glad you agree.
I like the idea of putting out images on a twitter account, it would be a good counter whenever a black thug starts trending online we can put up innocent women and children to make the public really think about whats going on.
Should we not? I'm talking about actual autistic people not the people who took a online test that said they have assburgers because they enjoy a hobby
Quads of depressing truth.
what is it with niggers and lighting people on fire?
Not true. It depends on the state.
Here, they release the information on juvenile felony suspects, just not misdemeanor. However, the media doesn't always publish the mugshots because it's usually nonwhites.
Texas is fucked.
In Texas I'm sure he will do serious time for arson. Hopefully they are building an attempted murder case to tack that on as well.
This is also technically a hate crime on two levels: the boy's disability and his being White.
Texan here, the state is going down the gutter at the speed of light.
Anything south of Waco is Mexico in all but name, and in the north we have niggers.
Living around niggers is actually safer than living around spics usually since niggers are usually a minority. The places where it's 60%+ spics it's like actually living in Mexico.
I forgot, racism = power + privilege, and Whites hold ALL the power.
Don't forget it goy.
Look at the media, it's those pesky whites who control it! Look at the government, all whites!
Remember jews are white but they are an oppressed white minority so they can hold all power yet it's fine because 6 shekelllion.
Well, hopefully Texas is one of those states where the info. is published, and is juvenile "arson" considered felonious?
In my country we still call those "retarded" they aren't "crazy" or "autistic" they're fucking retards and get treated like retards either committed to a special facility not for criminally insane(not sure for english term of this) if family can afford it, or shut away in a cuckshed and the "assburger" autists who just like animu and shit are all forced to get shitty jobs in factories or with the post and have heavy restrictions on what kind of vehicles they can buy.
Also it sounds like they kill these guys in the USA with police, which is fucking stupid way of going about it.
He confirmed he himself is retarded. When he just showed that he has no clue how IQ or genetics work.
Arson is a big league felony, m8.
I'm guessing first-degree arson would include harming a person.
Make the Jews do work!
If Whites hold all the power, you wouldn't mind if I obliterate you bastards!
build the server on indian land
works for payday loan sites
Are the attackers niggers or what?????
That sounds accurate, let's find out if it was niggers already. I have been looking through texas juvinile shit all day to no avail.
You're clueless. Those responsible for the revolution being imposed on us, who control the media and perceived consensus, are committed to attacking White identity in any way they can. Black Lives Matters serves this purpose, and so stays alive. White Lives Matters will fail because it will not be spread and distributed from the top-down like BLM, and also because Whites are still not convinced they're engaged in a race war unlike the blacks.
Bump for exposure for this crime, though.
thats what adolph hitler did
there's really no difference.
Actual autism is a very serious mental disorder
notice how they look on in horror yet when blacks burn someone they hollar and cheer? makes you think.
Man, Jontron really went downhill after leaving Game Grumps.
These people don't understand what they're getting into when they talk about wanting a race war, they realize its not the darkies vs. the whities right? It would be a fucking free-for-all and it would be a race to see which of the non-whites killed the rest off first
unfortunately the site would quickly go bankrupt when the users realize it is always niggers
You lying sack of shit you will pat for this
This. At any point in history a gang of us would ride out and hang these bitches.
That's how order is kept. Not some bullshit trial by a tranny judge where they will never get sentenced for more than community service
Maybe it's a nigger taking initiative, showing the white devil how social programs for autistic kids will work when they is kangz.
every fucking time this gets posted one of you faggots has to type this reddit tier post seriously go fucking kill yourself you parrot
Golly gee, you sound a bit tickled, my friend.
I'm an oldfag who's been to China many times as part of my job since the early 2000s and I can tell you stories like that for days. Not just what I've seen myself but first-hand accounts from other people as well.
Even now I'm surprised China even gets anything done at all from firstly how crooked, and secondly just disorganized and short sighted they are.
solo jontron sucks a dick, his humor really took a nose dive when he moved out of LA, and was inextricably buried in the molten core of semen under NYC when he was making that inexcusably shitty star wars PR piece.
Fuck that fat sperg, his talent expired.
Calm down, guys.
it could have been mexicans
and you sound like a faggot, go the fuck back to wherever you came from
Your country sounds pretty fucking retarded.
Who, other than niggers, could be even capable of such a thing? Jews are too low-energy, and chinks just tend to stick to animals.
Youtube video related. Tejana song ends with dude burning his gf/wife alive because she cheated on him.
Which country?
notice the faggot with his TRS garbage
stop replying to his walls of text. remember the TRS shill posts?
is one of them. take notes.
also, dont forget to sage them
Remember that white 6 year old kid in Louisian awho was shot to death in a car by nigger cops?
Nothing happened, barely any coverage.
Forget it.
Yeah, they were supposedly attempting to apprehend the father for dealing drugs or something, and the mud cop seized the opportunity to take out a future competitor for White women.
No, thats bullshit.
thats just means that we should try to flood it with normies, so eventually they all realize that it is always niggers.
once everyone realizes that niggers are niggers, then we can move onto the next step.
What is BS, the part about the father being a suspect or the part about them killing the White kid on purpose?
Do you honestly believe they didn't know there was a kid in the car with him?
Someone collecting dump Trucks?
What's up with niggers and setting people and stuff on fire?
100 on niggers
100 on no rwds response
Why even ask that before reading the webpage?
Seems cuckchan is already migrating, lack of reading comprehension and lack of logical thought is a glaring sign.
But unlikely. This is not modus operandi for hispanic culture. Not even the commiefornia and detroit spic.
Young white boy burned alive falls under three categories.
-legit psychopaths
-Personal vendetta
-niggers who have no fucking humanity/leftist mob
Even kikes do blood ritual with knives, not fucking doused and burned.
All you had to do was say there was no warrant. But, there was a reason they had this goy pulled over.
If you want to improve this board you can start by improving your personal decorum instead of rushing to insult allies.
This. I miss Jon making Hitler, Nigger, and Jew jokes.
It's black magic boo.
it also has a physical aspect: decreased ability to tone muscle tissue
even if the poor kid lives he's going to be fucked for life. no one ever truly recovers from organ failure (odds are increased by having an immediate organ donor, depending on the organ). also third degree burns on 20% of the body can be a death sentence even without the organ failures.
Septs says let it be so!
Oh shit my time machine didn't work darn :\
just no.
our lives actually do matter. theres no need to imply they don't by trying to meme it.
would a truly democratic country need to meme democracy by calling itself the peoples democratic utopia of [country name]?
so don't stoop so low with our undeniable importance.
these niggers need to be promptly and efficiently destroyed
You are delusional.
Lets use this event to make people think twice about BLM, why not man?
they did him a favor.
autists and asspies will never have a successful, happy life. let's hope he dies. it's natural selection at work.
people who need to think twice about blm are worthless
you might as well donate to africa if you like lost causes so much
Its harder to remain ignorant when things are looking you in the face so strongly.
the media goes on and on about black thugs being killed, then you go on twitter to throw your conformist opinions out there. But you are confronted by the image of a boy in hospital, the text demands that white lives matter and explains the event of random violence that took place. You all of a sudden feel very uncomfortable and don't feel like posting about Tyrone's unjust murder by the police anymore, you notice that blacks are posting jokes and saying that slavery justifies it. White young women are posting that this is offensive and needs to be taken down, you can't help that your brain is having trouble making this all right with you.
You turn off your computer and think about things.
Yep. And then, then you begin to hate. I still don't understand how feminists, blm and shitlibs in general can't grasp that when they double down with their horseshit, they're creating more of us.
Gotta admit this made me laugh.
Also thread theme.
So cold to our own people. No wonder the Jew has done so much damage to us.
Austin, Texas here.
The schools outside the city are all right, all white.
The schools inside the city are 1000% nigger/mexican. Mostly beaners, that just dress and act like niggers. Sad.>>7766134