Xexizy is right about something
Does he have an audience outside of the ten or so people who shitpost here?
I also agree with him completely.
xexizy pls
Slav-love seasick is like a clown who people love to hear but only some actually listen to.
I love the guy, he's great.
It's not good that people are dying.
The good thing is that people are shooting back at the cops. That they're resisting. That the police come to understand that from now on its tit-for-tat.
But it's not Slobberdog Siseck.
choose one
some spooky humanism tbh
At first I thought he was going to be "but BLM are terrorist" but no, I think he handled it fine.
Careful with that edge.
He wasn't appealing to humanism, it's that the police are acting in their own self-interest.
Propaganda of the deed and leftist-motivated terrorism isn't going to do us any good but I disagree that we can't cheer on resistance to an oppressive system we actively wish to overthrow for the sake of vague
Celebrating the killing of cops is certainly not the same as the attitude of "using revolution as an excuse to kill".
Pure ideology, and so on.
This has twice twice the amount of pure ideology as my own.
Is there something wrong with humanism ?
Admitting humans and human life has value is bourgeois blah blah.
Human rights and individual liberty are a reactionary spook, and so on.
copcucks do not belong here
That's really edgy
Only answer I got tb'h
Dehumanise yourself and face the bloodshed
I like my humanism spooks. Disregarding all rights and totally devaluing human life is 2edgy4me.
Why don't you masturbate to your riot porn anarkiddie
It's probably Stimulator.
I think that in the formule of Trotsky, Socialism needs rights like the human body needs oxygen.
ethics and morality are dictated by the material conditions of society, they are a very serious matter and play a big role in revolutionary work and socialism itself. To denounce ethics or morality, rather than approach and view them scientifically, is idiotic, for they will always play a role in society. Even under communism there will be objective morals and ethics formed by that society, and going KILL DA POPOS muh moralist spooks does nothing but alienate you further from the proletariat. And furthermore, celebrating random acts of violence against the police that have nothing to do with socialism is childish overall.
You all need to read Marx.
Yikes. So it's objective, but it's also culture dependent? You seem to be confusing ethics and morality.
He's using objective as short hand for not subjective, ie nor dependent on a single person. In the same wat snlt is """objective"""
English is not my main language.
You need to improve your reading comprehension.
I didn't even reply to you, what are you on about?
You did. I just didn't have a shitposting flag :3
is this what you are on about? I quoted you more for reference than to shit on you, honestly.
Comrade, I'm drunk.
Regionally produced piss lager and cigarettes are revolutionary.
i don't feel particular animosity towards cops and i don't cheer on their killing
why am i wrong Holla Forums
there is literally nothing wrong with doing that
Which one of these things is not like the others?
Which one of these things upset Xex enough to make a video?
Mostly anarkiddy SJW idpolers applauding the act.
Same fam, why are anarchkiddies so edgy?
Enough with the "only anarkiddies aren't cop bootlickers" meme
N-no! I need to feel better about myself for sucking up to authority!
Pure Cancer the Post, holy fucking shit.
Morality is a system of principles defining what constitutes right and wrong behavior. It implies some absolute outside of individuals by which they are to define themselves, a commonality of all people that makes certain principles applicable to everyone.
I don’t wish to deal with the concept of the “commonality of all people” in this article: My present point is that whatever morality is based upon, it always stands outside of and above the living individual. Whether the basis or morality is god, patriotism, common humanity, production needs, natural law, “the Earth,” anarchy, or even “the individual” as a principle, it is always an abstract ideal that rules over US. Morality is a form of authority and will be undermined by an anarchic situation as much as any other authority if that situation is to last.
Morality and judgment go hand in hand. Criticism—even harsh, cruel criticism—is essential to honing our rebellious analysis and practice, but judgment needs to be utterly eradicated. Judgment categorizes people as guilty or not guilty—and guilt is one of the most powerful weapons of repression. When we judge and condemn ourselves or anyone else, we are suppressing rebellion—that is the purpose of guilt. (This does not mean that we “shouldn’t” hate, or wish to kill anyone—it would be absurd to create an “amoral” morality, but our hatred needs to be recognized as a personal passion and not defined in moral terms.) Radical critique grows from the real experiences, activities, passions and desires of individuals and aims at liberating rebelliousness. Judgment springs from principles and ideals that stand above us; it aims at enslaving us to those ideals. Where anarchic situations have arisen, judgment has often temporarily disappeared, freeing people of guilt— as in certain riots where people of all sorts looted together in a spirit of joy in spite of having been taught all of their lives to respect property. Morality requires guilt; freedom requires the elimination of guilt.
didn't expect anything other from you either, the only shitposter worse than blackflag poster is Rebel, and the one better than blackflag poster is Yui.
Like clockwork fam
nah, I have had great discourse with both anarchists and marxists, but you personally are philosophically and ideologically crippled to the point of being a shitposter in my eyes.
He's just a edgy shitposter.
the state of this board has deteriorated so badly I am not sure who is a shitposter and who is not anymore, to be honest.
This board was pretty good a year ago
That's not n1x but the furry nihilist
I do, you just don't agree with me. I've most certainly read more than most of the people on Holla Forums. Shitposting is just more fun and basically just as valuable since anything you post on this board gets thrown into a vacuum of stupidity.
why do people keep posting images of Göring?
what the fuck?
100% agree, I've been trying to articulate this since day one.
I'm especially annoyed at any black person who thinks it was a good thing - way to stir the pot that is police/minority antagonism.
If black folk had actually condemned what happened, maybe something positive would have happened.
Instead they just turned shit up to 11
It was good faggot
around hoxha posting and when we werent in the top 5-7
I, and I'm most certainly not alone in this, already saw this coming when some faction (tankiddies and lelninbabbies, though interestingly not trots) started regarding meme discussion as essentially more fruitful than actual arguments, and basically insisting that having more influence over the community (a fucking ephemeral imageboard community, at that) was more important than the actual discussions that were had.
Don't call it a grave, it's the future you chose.