Why is Daisy Ridley such a bad actor?

Why is Daisy Ridley such a bad actor?

you're doing it again. stop.

Cast because she reminded JJ of his summer camp boyfriend

A better question would be why did they try to make her look gross in star wars? She is way cuter than she looks in those pictures, it's like they intentionally made her look clammy and disgusting.


Lmao that's weak shit.

A healthy woman will produce healthy children, they should all be doing light exercise on a regular basis.

Because she is an unknown actress, so she is cheap. She is also part of the current trend of plain Jane protagonists. Women don't feel too threatened/inferior in contrast to her than other actresses so will watch but (((they))) can also further degenerate beauty standards to the average.

She trash selected because of its mediocrity to give all the ugly feminists a "hero" they could relate to.
Disney should be raided & clean out of jews for spreading subversion.

I want to rub my dick on her teeth while she makes a face like pic related

She is fuckable, if you wouldn't rape her in the mouth then you are a faggot. End of discussion.

She's cute in this pic.


fuck you idiot. you're probably the director that CGI'd jessica alba crying because the real thing was too ugly

just to add

fucking disgusting

Yeah, good thing he had that idea about fixing it in post.

yeah, that must be why the movie ended up one of the worst marvel movies of all time

Wasn't it a Fox movie?

jesus, I will hurt you.
it's a marvel property, jackass

She's too feminine, and females can't act.



I don't see the problem…

Yeah but made by Fox, not on the same level as the MCU.

this is besides the point

I haven't actually seen any Fantastic 4 movie, so I guess so.

Because she never went to acting school as a kid like most british actors who turned out to be really good. She cant emote and has the same stupid face for 90% of her scenes and her voice is fucking annoying and has no tone to it.

No one will care after Episode 9.

She'll be the next Hayden Christiansen.

you forgot your hehe and your *:^)** shlomo


The first image is too scary :/