Admit it
You Niggers.
Admit it
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rm -rf /usr/bin/gimp
It is simpler to use. Your point? GIMP is free and you can edit the program yourself. That's where the upsides end.
but who does that ?
Everybody with a sense of responsibility. It is in the users' own interest to invest into their own software that they use. If they believe that Gimp is missing features that they need, then they will need to invest development time into their version of Gimp.
It violates all four of the user's four essential software freedoms. That's ample reason to avoid it. It also has a pattern of copying features from GIMP, like "content-aware fill" (known originally as "resynthesize" in GIMP) and "deblur" (known originally as "refocus" in GIMP).
Sauce user? It wouldn't shock me though if they did something like that.
I was thinking of remapping all the keys in gimp to be like photoshop. Somebody has probably already done it though.
wtf are you talking about user?
Sure. I don't see what the problem is.
You go ahead and get your warm fuzzies from being slightly better than 15 year old abandonware. I'll be over here using Krita and Blender - in the 21st century.
huh is photoshop better? i'd try it out but it's proprietary so why bother.
i never used those but they sound like memes (especially the way fags here post about them)
Learn to GIMP.
I think there's a program called gimpshop that's like that.
No, they're actually pretty good.
shitposting sage
Photoshop is indeed miles better than GIMP. But GIMP is one of the worst examples of free software of all time so it's a very unfair comparison in my opinion. GIMP is a low-hanging fruit. Freetards are downright delusional to say GIMP isn't complete dogshit. Krita is significantly better in almost every single way to GIMP but I mainly use it for drawing and no photoshoppery so I couldn't tell you how good it is at image manipulation.
You're a thieving nigger or a software renter. Either way you should kill yourself.
I own my software, faggot. The depreciated versions are not protectable properties; see Apple vs Samsung.
Photoshop has its flaws, namely, having different user flows to the same tool that Illustrator which is superior to Inkscape has, but it is actually fucking usable. There isn't even a fucking pointer in GIMP.
And there is this text cancer.
Admit it.
I remember when they fucked up the copy/paste functionality for no goddamn reason. That was when I finally decided to bother pirating photoshop.
Fucking around with brush settings in gimp is retarded as well, among many other things. Gimp has always managed to feel like abandoned software.
And here back in reality-land, nobody is doing that and no one wants to be a gimp user. People do not want to USE a program, what they want is the functionality it promises. A promise of infinite functionality is worthless if you demand that everyone become a fucking programmer. That's an ass backwards and user-hostile mentality.
Yeah, Krita is pretty comfy. Hardly perfect, but they are actually trying and improving things. It is flat out not suitable for image manipulation right now, though if you are desperate and you can get some basic stuff done.
Adobe is a plague on this earth that everyone wants to see erased, but their software is just too good compared to alternatives. They even have stuff that there's basically no viable alternative to, such as InDesign and After Effects. Inkscape doesn't even come close to illustrator.
Some photoshop alternatives have a few little features that photoshop doesn't have, but everything else including the general workflow and performance is just better in photoshop.
I'm still waiting for the day when free software devs pick up the pace and start making really good software for media production. Krita is a good step forward, but there's a lot of polishing and fixing to be done that don't seem to be happening any time soon.
This is a strawman argument. I am not arguing for users to increase their skills of IT and computer programming to the level required to tinker with any software. I am arguing that users take responsibility over the software they rely on (that is installed on their own computer). You are conflating the technical aptitude of a computer user together with the responsibility of a user who maintains a sense of responsibility. Users do not need any technical aptitude in order to tinker and develop software. A user who requires technical help ought to be responsible enough to go find a skilled helper for help.
Experienced GIMP users find GIMP much easier to work with than that nasty proprietary software. By the way, where's the version of this says GNU+Linux?
It amazing to see how retarded all these faggot who never used inkscape to draw vectors professionally thinks illustrator are better than inkscape. Not only illustrator are fucking bloated, it's nothing but garbage that were garnished with overrated redundant trash that no one cares about. Whoever the developers are, they never understand what simplicity really means. Might else just make another photoshop clone and just slap it with the brand name "adobe illustrator™" on it.
well too bad for GIMP that most artists arent programmers and arent willing to learn the convoluted interface
If I admit it, will you stop making threads?
Gimp devs purposefully fuck their own software over because they don't want to be seen as a FOSS photoshop clone. Don't have screenshot but I remember a thread asking why can't you lock layers in gimp and the response by one of the devs was basically "we're not photoshop, we're gimp". Photoshop is just fucking perfection. Adobe sucks ass but gimp feels like trying to move grains of sand with boxing gloves on.
That would explain why the workflow of everything in GIMP is so utterly fucked.
Well, it'd be a fucking embarrassing if it weren't
Now, I do believe that PS is actually "better" for professional artists, what with its 10bit editing and being an "industry standard" and what not. But for people who do not earn money by drawing shit /editing photos, it's overpriced and overkill
As someone who has used gimp for over a decade now, I find it to be easier to use than PS, just because I'm used to the former. Let's not pretend that PS is intuitive in any way shape or form.
more intuitive than a piece of shit like Gimp, ive had photoshop since 3.0 and the only complicated parts of using it was if you wanted to create a specific effect with tons of filters. Pretty much all of photoshops updates have been useful until they started adding bloatware syncing.
You're a dumb kid. GIMP is good if you take the time to learn it. You only rate it because you used PhotoShop for a long time, then opened GIMP for a milisecond, tried to do something without reading the manual and thought "LOL RETARDED PROGRAM FREE SOFTWARE SUX ROFL".
Don't fucking draw with GIMP, please. Nor with PS.
Use krita.
Not him, I used GIMP before ever opening PS, circa 2007. Then I tinkered around with PS until I had to use it professionally. PS tramples over GIMP any day of the year.
The simple fact that GIMP does not support high bit depths nor an absolutely required feature: NON-DESTRUCTIVE EDITING makes it utter trash. Not to mention no CYMK support. What kind of fuckery is this?
I used clarisworks before I even touched photoshop and even that shitty program takes a dump on GIMP in terms of usability. Only a complete retard like you keeps holding onto Gimp when there are better alternatives out there for free or cheap.
pic related when I showed a gimp retard krita.
If you find Krita easier to use than Gimp, you were doing it wrong. You're not supposed to use Gimp for painting or drawing.
Who are you quoting?
Funny how that works out that PS is better in both cases as an image editor and a create from scratch program, but you keep eating shit because its free.
You nigger.
Stupid shit program.
I don't know why you want to compare Gimp to Photoshop because Gimp was never intended to be Photoshop. Photoshop is its own thing. Gimp does what it does well.
Do this without image manipulation.
What is usability, for 1000, Jim.
What exactly does it do, then ?
It can't into:
multiple color profiles
lock layers
have artboards
snap to anything
work at fucking all
and other shit said in this thread.
How about instead you draw with a proper DIGITAL PAINTING software and then use an IMAGE MANIPULATOR like PS to MANIPULATE THE IMAGE?
Something vim has in gobs.
This is the reason I use Gimp.
meant for
Ever heard of matte painting?
Scripting is very useful. I use Illustrator's often for automating coloring thousands of print files at a time to ensure matching lineweights and textures.
Bloated text editor cancer
A buzzword. RTFM. Eat shit.
You had no fucking clue how photoshop worked when you first opened it either, nor were you able to easily figure it out like it was opening a window or drinking from a cup.
You're just jealous you can't read the manual like other users with less pigmented skin you massive african.
To larpers like poogle and pozilla and you.
Usability is measurable and is embedded in a product or service's ability to function as promised.
It is called
and GIMP provides no assurance that it can accomplish even simple tasks.
Who are you quoting?
I don't think you know what is a buzzword.
gimp sucks.
You GIMP faggots should have studied
then you wouldn't have become such utter newfag+summerfag niggers.
Please shill harder with all those buzzwords. It makes you a very clever man.
No one does. The point about usability is mapping a tool's function to the thought or expectation a person has about the tool's function. The expectation is based on prior knowledge + the current context. The current context being informed by the form of the tool, i.e.
Or maybe these are more buzzwords to you.
You are right. I should have added TRSodomite.
Training people based on hidden assumed knowledge is not what I consider to be usable. Expectations should be explicitly taught and trained, not assumed.
This doesn't imply you should expect to pick up and use a different program without having to learn how it works first, as implied by
at the suggestion of reading the manual.
Cant do things the way I'm comfortable with=/=cant do things
cant do things easily isnt even 'cant do things'
GIMP isnt great but neither are these arguments against it. Its not as good as PS but its perfectly decent for most image editing tasks.
guess what you dumb faggot, photoshop has scripts and plugins too and they are better. look on and cry at something gimp will never have.
This is why photoshop will continue to be the industry standard and everyone will laugh at your ass if you stay with gimp. It doesnt matter what you pick, photoshop is simply BETTER.
Photoshop is over-hyped bloatware. I'm sure there are a lot of artists out that that really make use of many Photoshop features that no other program has, but you don't, and you never will. Also only bad artists blame their tools for failure. While you might prefer PS for a number of reasons, if you are truly against proprietary software then there's no reason not to use something else. You can make due.
isnt that the guy who made the sims?
Do you legitimately have brain problems? The guy who made the Sims was Will Wright, one of the most well known and respected game developers of all time alongside Shigeru Miyamoto, Gabe Newell, John Carmack, and Hideo Kojima
None. Prior knowledge is not hidden. Presumptions are based on this prior knowledge.
In which case:
A - Never used any software
B - Never used art software
C - Used art software
In cases B & C it is not unreasonable for a person to require that all functionality be accessble from the menu. However, you fags argue for a fucking manual. GIMP customization requires a fucking manual because "muh codes".
It is always the designer's fault. Even the devs are designers, as they make designations.
Besides, I am talking about form, in-forming people as to the intended controls of the thing they are using. If there needs to be a fucking manual then why not just ditch the GUI and use the fucking comand line.
There have been no special features listed as issues, you fucking faggot. Simple things like copy, paste, move, and align, these are all failures of the GIMP team and every user that thinks "me stoopid must reed manual" and blames themselves and not the fucking devs.
I encourage all you fags to read
by Don Norman, and discover how wonderful the shitty things you use really should be.
This isn't teapots and doors, nigger.
Please kill yourself and take whoever taught you that with you.
No, the program should not do everything the user wants for them just how they expect it to.
What does this even mean? Its computer software. It is code.
reiterating, im not even saying GIMP is particularly good. Its perfectly fucking adequate though.
"design" fags are the most hopless autistics ever, I swear.
Many Linuxfags will defend GIMP, but deep down we all know that it's the biggest embarrassment to free software there ever was. This is coming from someone who uses Vim, so to a certain extent I do know the difference between an "obtuse" program and one that just has a different philosophy behind it. While Vim gives you a way to edit text that's unlike any other editor, GIMP just feels like a shitty imitation of other image editors.
It's no wonder that GIMP has been largely forgotten as an open source project when using it feels like a compromise you have to make in order to use the OS you want.
This attitude towards gimp is pure autism. "Its not as good as the other one WHAT THE FUCK HOW CAN I POSSIBLY EVEN USE THIS NO ITS AWFUL REEEEEEEEEEE"
GIMPs interface was easier for me to figure out than photoshops, and its been perfectly fine for all the minor image manipulation ive done.
If you do serious shit with image editing its probably not suited for you. It could be a lot better. Its perfectly fine and does what I, and most any random imageboard poster need from it perfectly well. Its fine. Alright. Definitely good enough for what you need an image editor for. Probably more than you need, youd probably be better off with something closer to windows paint.
Did you edit that post in Dreamweaver, pajeet?
wow you graphics fags are amazed by the smallest things.
That said, so what? yey photoshop does a lot of things better. Who cares exactly? I will continue to use GIMP personally.
Did you not read my point about Vim? I actually think GIMP should be even less similar to Photoshop than it already is. But because it works in such a similar way to other editors, then why not compare it to them besides for ideological reasons related to free software? If it loses in terms of features and usability then I would at least like for there to be a performance advantage. But GIMP doesn't even have that. The fact that it's free and open source is the only thing going for it.
Im not saying its fantastic. I'm saying its adequate, if crappy, and you're massively overstating its problems.
Im not trying to mindfuck you with rhetoric you really are just a faggot for equating "not as good as the alternatives" to "THE BIGGEST EMBARASSEMENT EVER"
Photoshop objectively is you nigger. You dont need a manual for photoshop, you need a fucking class. Its even less intuitive and discoverable than gimp.
You can find a class for fucking microsoft word, this doesnt help your argument.
And thats why the only ones who use gimp are gimp shitters right? People would rather spend 600$ or pirate it than to waste a second in gimp. Gimp hasnt advanced past being a stagnant ghetto Photoshop 3.0 decades ago, meanwhile Photoshop keeps making shit easier for dumbass incompetent niggers like you.
I don't read science-fiction.
It is absolutely teapots and doors. What do you think a Graphical User Interface is for, looking pretty ? I will bet that you do
It is unclear what you mean here. The designer of a thing, not the person using it, is at fault for the thing's failures. This, of course, presumes a thing's use within it's intended function. Image selection is within GIMP's expected functions, as are many of the failures listed here by others, such as having no CMYK profiles or ability to lock layers.
Not to people using it. It is a tool to create and/or alter images. No different than a paint brush or spray can.
It's 'Autists', user.
And if you write code, unless you are a fucking cuck and only code other people's creative efforts, you, too, are a designer.
Go be a kike somewhere else.
Not an argument nigger
You are confusing complexity with complication, user.
Usability it isn't about ease of use, it's about ability to be used.
A product or service must function as you expect for it to be considered usable. The expectation is established by the maker of the product or service. It is their sole obligation to provide assurance as to the function of their product or service. Failing to function as a design feature and then blaming the user is something a jew would do.
meant for
You must slow down to speed up.
The same is said about Photoshop by those who use GIMP. Both programs have rather steep learning curves. To me, GIMP is a lot easier to use than Photoshop.
user's statement is not an argument, but it is an astute observation.
Literally everything in that video you can do in gimp except for taking a layer and tranparently combining it into another layer. But you may be able to do that and I just don't know how.
cianiggers need better coders. So they push it here so it memes to the rest of the web. Preety smart idea for a nigger tbh.
most pro people IRL I know who have tried gimp/inkwell ended up going back to photoshop/illustrator, because there was always functions missing in the gimp/inkwell stuff that they were used to using and didn't want to do without
--and no, "program it yourself" is not a solution. These people are graphics arts designers, they don't know shit--and don't want to NEED to learn shit--about coding. At all.
I have ancient copies of photoshop and illustrator, from like 2002.
Recently I downloaded gimp and inkwell to try them again. I do this every 2-3 years or so.
Inkwell-on-windows is broken; the whole layer palette doesn't work. It doesn't let you lock paths or layers at all, and it saves ALL your layers into one layer when you re-open the file. And when you try to open a multi-path SVG file created in Inkwell, in anything else,,,, all the paths are on one layer, AND joined as a compound shape. For anyone who does complex art, this simply isn't acceptable.
The sad fact here is that Inkwell is still struggling with functionality that Illustrator had ~20 years ago.
You might say "well why don't you try it on Linux?"
And I'd answer "because I wouldnt bother to set up a linux PC unless there was good software,,, and why should I believe it works any better in that version? There is user complaints about that version too?"
gimp is working okay, but it tends to freeze for 1-2 seconds at odd times. The 15-year-old Photoshop doesn't do that.
and gimp's tools just don't seem to work as well as even the 15-year-old Photoshop tools do.
And for that matter, LibreOffice also tends to freeze at odd times--(especially when auto-spell-checking an odd word)--and MS Office doesn't do that either.
Tho I still use LibreOffice a lot, as I don't wanna pay for MS Office.
When you have a leaky tap, do you have to know anything about plumbing to get it fixed? The answer is no. What most people do is consult with a professional plumber to get their plumbing fixed. Graphic artists who need certain features that are missing in Gimp do not need any programming skill to program it themselves. What they need to do is find an expert programmer who is willing to do the job.
But why should they do that, when there is already an alternative that has those features?
Adobe Photoshop is proprietary software. This means it doesn't respect their freedom! Gimp is free software which means users are always allowed to develop it to perfection.
Photoshop "owners" are like bums eating out of dumpsters behind rice and roti. They literally eat Indian shit and they love it.
Industrial Design™®© is using Electron for a single progress bar :^)
Industrial Design is paying $600 for a professional graphic design product and getting 5fps banner ads in the startup screen
Industrial Design is paying 15% more on your monthly subscription because you signed up with Firefox instead of Chrome
Industrial Design is having banding in your gradients and no future in your career.
b-but user it aleady ==just works== with adobe photoshop cloud solutions.
Why would I want to invest hundreds if not more when I can just spend 30$ a month ?
No, this isn't subjective. What some asshole wants to do with it does not define what something is. There is no such thing as a 'tool for making images', even in real life. a 'tool for making images' isnt a thing, its a description of what you want to do with something. What something is is not defined by what you want to do with it, but by what it actually fucking is. What you'd do if you were to make it, not what you do when you pick it up.
Controlling the program. Programs with a gorillion complex features are going to be complex and any graphical interface to all of them is going to take figuring out. Its retarded to expect it to be automatically intuitive to someone who hasnt already learned it.
Define "failures." Not meeting some random users expectations is not a failure. Anyone might expect any number of things from a program, it shouldnt try and do every goddamn thing any asshole who installs it thinks it should.
Everything you've posted is incorrect at the most basic philisophical level. Its drivel based on nothing except what marketing has decided will make the company money. Dont believe everything your teacher says.
There's Nuke.
Good luck filling any government forms in pdf without adobe reader
Not everyone can be a retarded worthless faggot like you watching japanese cartoon shows user
There's nothing wrong with printing out a PDF form then filing your form in paper and in person.
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Then rescan it and email it?
What a great way to be requested to 'properly' refill the form