Twin Peaks - 2 week break edition

Tonight's Episode 8 is being hyped up a lot. Next week there will be a break in the new episodes.

Other urls found in this thread:



Lynch is just fucking with them at this point.
They can't handle the surreal bantz.



you know, a bridge between worlds, the birth of evil.

Was this an episode of Twin Peaks or the unofficial sequel to Eraserhead?

Two weeks already feels like a long wait.

I was not expecting to be Lynched like this tonight.

So let's see here:
BOB was birthed there, death, destroyer of worlds symbolism. Evil evil evil.
Giant is some sort of alien.
Hitting the fucking death symbolism over my head even more with the poem, then again with a horse whinnying as the Woodsman leaves after he's gotten BOB a host.


What was his fucking problem?

Guy was kind of a dick.

At least we know where the CGI budget went.

Basically we just got an autistic Twin Peaks lore dump this episode.
This webm basically gives you some of the pieces to put it together if you haven't read Frost's autism book.

Forgot the webm
Season 1 episode 3

It's funny because it's true, social media is fuming with normalfags who just got Lynched and Frosted.

What does that webm have to do with this last episode? Is it because the midget says they're cousins?

Yes, basically. I'm tired but I'll try to explain.

We're dealing with a vast realm of spirits beyond the Lodges, or ayyliens or whatever Project Blue Book wants to call them. Giant (or ??????) creates Laura after the Experiment vomited out BOB.
Basically think of this sequence as as ??????? responding to the Experiment vomiting out BOB by sending Laura Palmer to Earth as the moon child, while Lodge bums get a host for for the vomit child.

Yeah I know this sounds autistic, because it is.

I read Frost's book before watching this season and I have to say is wonderfully autistic in the best of ways, it was like reading the mad ramblings of a conspirationalfag in a coke induced hallucination, it knows how to be autistic since it knows beyond a shadow of a doubt it can't pretend to be normal now.
Besides, out of 48 episodes and a movie one of them actually explains some of what's happening, I believe that's far from spoonfeeding, which I would think would be the next big complaint, anyways, even if its spoonfeeding I'm more than sure that's Frost's doing since he's a ballistic conspiracyfag with a fetish for connecting dots, now I'm more than sure he wrote his book as he was helping with this season.

Despite all complaints the execution is still beyond unique and the DEEP LORE Frost influence added is ar(u)tistic in the most entertaining of ways.

Pretty much this.
It doesn't feel much, if any, like a hack or poor writing Regardless if it is or not because you know that they're not delivering LORE because the fade of spoonfeeding is "hip", but because you know this is the nature of the people involved and they decided it was time.


I don't care what you all say.
We got no dialogue and damn pretty imagery in a TV series to deliver the LORE, even when they spoonfeed they don't.

This, this was a big normie filter.

Also, it was always ambiguous whether they were ayyyliens or spirits and I'm pretty sure it was never meant to be taken so seriously.

It really wasn't, I tell you this was Frost's doing, I strongly believe Lynch could've gone either way.

It has always been a major problem in Twin Peaks when and what to take something seriously.

I'll give you that, I never expected to see stuff like this on TV.

I also read the book and I believe the whole Ayyyyylien thing is a cover up to hide what the government knows about the spoopy stuff.

All you retards don't understand why this episode was shit. Nine Inch Nails. This episode would have been fine, but that bullshit cameo ruins the whole thing.



That 40-minute music video was pretty badass.

Yeah, inserting a famous band into Twin Peaks for absolutely no reason was just great. I'm really looking forward to when Madonna will do a solo at the roadhouse.

The bands are a break, telling you change is coming. In most cases, its the end of the episode, this time, its to explaining lore.

NIN was the indie dark punk band of the nineties, wouldn't be surprised if Lynch still thinks of them as such, anyways, the song was really in the mood of the episode until that point so your complaint comes really as hipster sperging.

It's hilarious how every criticism against Lynch is always deflected as there being something wrong with the criticizer by Lynch fans. You act like cult members. You think the 3 minute sweeping scene was also good film making? How about the deliberately slow walking of everyone in this episode? Tarkovsky used long scenes to get the audience thinking and to get them into a certain mindset, Lynch isn't doing that, he's just wasting our time.

You seem like a triggered hipster.


I never understood this Lynch vs Tarkovsky infighting bullcrap.
Like anywhere else in the web this isn't even discussed.
Is like saying apples are better grapes than grapes because they're apples.


the facebook response is now
and surprise surprise, i'm seeing it from anons too. normie filter traps are working perfectly

I don't think is the birth of BOB, in any means.
Maybe the electric energy the explosion caused was so big it summoned the Black Lodge spirits or gave BOB energy enough to escape the lodge by his own means.
Then again, the lodge is atemporary, probably future BOB went to the past to escape via explosion, then be part of Bob, the guy who would rape Leland.

This is shit. I can't fathom how anyone can enjoy this shit. It's probably the worst show of all time.

IKR, Don't you love it?
Anyone else having quoting issues.


Criminally under-checked trip dubs. Gotta light?

thank you aesthetic dubsman.


Why not? However it went down, this sequence was basically the 'birth' of BOB, if you want to call an extradimensional being vomiting out eggs and one of them being BOB a birth.
#1, that nuclear test site is related to the Nez Perce people. Basically, the US government relocated them off it or whatever.
#2, you see lodge bums frantically repairing him when his life is in danger, then cut to lodge bums swarming a convenience store after the explosion. Obviously we're supposed to take this as referring to 'the spiritual room above the convenience store'.
#3, cut years later and you see one of the eggs vomited out while lodge bum gets them a host. BOB likes to corrupt innocence so we see him for the first time (at least on earth) being a degenerate.
As for whether he was actually 'birthed', well there's that whole reincarnation thing and we're dealing with extradimensional shit so who knows. Same with Palmer in this sequence.

Anyways white lodge/black lodge is just some sort of proxy battle between the giant and the experiment with beings on the edge of reality. And I'm pretty sure the giant is supposed to be the manifestation of ?????, or whatever they call him in the credits, on earth. So, one in the same.

I didn't mean that it was autistic in a bad way. It's just that if you really explained it all, it would sound uber autistic versus normalfags description of the show being a special agent who drinks coffee and eats donuts.
Coop was meant to be Briggs successor on Project Blue Book, and we just got Project Blue Booked all in our faces. Meanwhile, normalfags think that this is 'Not Twin Peaks'.

When did william join kof?

I figured the implication of the bum convenience store scene was to show they where there when the nuke got dropped, hence the heavy light coming from the outside at the start and end of the sequence.

As far as the egg and frogfly goes, after the tall dude starts levitating and creates the golden Laura Palmer sphere, the fat lady sends it to earth and we then cut to the egg hatching.
I believe in a previous episode someone already stated Laura Palmer was no normal human (or something to that effect), the frogfly could very well be the primordial form of Laura Palmer, which has a connection with the Bob spirit, who helped Laura Palmer find a host, and eventually killed her because of cycles or something.

It's all just speculation until Lynch clears some of these things up in future episodes I guess, but I did really enjoy this episode, even if only for the fact that it makes the viewers brains think for themselves trying to piece everything together, which is normally something you only find in movies.


But the egg was in the shit that the experiment vomited out. There are two scenarios here: 1) it's not BOB, and is some other (implied evil) spirit finding a host, or 2) it's BOB.
It wouldn't make sense for the egg to be Laura, they're explicitly seen as different on screen. One 'birth' is from the Giant in the observatory thing, the other, or others (multiple) are from the interdimensional vomit.
You also have to remember the lodges, and the fact that the lodges are connected to the Nez Perce people, and the fact that this particular explosion happened on their land, and the fact that the white lodge is referred to in a past tense by Special Agent Earle. Almost like the white lodge having been replaced, or severely diminished anyways. All tying into the loss of innocence theme that Lynch loves. Innocence/corruption.

So, where the giant basically represents the white lodge, innocence, the experiment represents corruption. It's pretty clear that the being took the opportunity with the door opened by the energy (or evil) of the explosion.


There is another spirit, the woman spirit that slaughtered the teenage couple.

BOB has been gestating in doppel-coop for 25 years


experimenting with file size

What I've loved about this show is it still has the spirit of a police procedural mixed with a soap opera, except the clues make no sense to anyone except the people in the show.

The best scene for this was with Cole on the plane and he was explaining the meaning of the yrev/very encounter with Dirty Coop, and he did it by counting her fingers to the words and the weird word was on the "spirit finger." He explains it so matter-of-factly but it's so fucking obscure.

the clearest part of the episode is that we are watching the creation of BOB, i don't think there can be any real debater about that. all this time-jumping shit is just people misinterpreting what's on screen, nobody is resurrected back in time or thrown forward.

The egg is definitely not Bob, the experiment vomits out a bunch of shit, but clearly Bob is that black sphere thing, the spirit hobo's even half pull it out of him when he gets shot.
The evil hobo might be Bob though, even though Bob seems much more human in character then the murderhobospirit.

Considering the age of the girl that got frogged and the time, she could be the Loglady, being half possessed by some lodge spirit would explain her abilities.

Also consider the creature that vomited out Bob and the eggs, it's face is fairly similar to the Arm, combined with the fact that in particular it's arms are inverted it might be what later becomes the arm, or part of it, or some other connection.

No, it was definitely the same female figure that murdered the couple at the glass box. I have no idea what she is though. The "mother" the weird women at the purple place told was banging the door?

As I said I firmly believe Mark Frost's conspiracyfag ass wrote the book as he was helping with the series that's why it relates so much despire Lynch saying he didn't read it.

IIRC the Nez Perce lived in Washington and were moved to a reservation in Idaho but stuff from Twin Peaks can take the Lodges with them, like the guy who made his mansion out of wood from Twin Peaks and eventually he got hold of the jade ring (Book only).
And there was a nuclear plant to refine uranium near Twin Peaks that probably was used to fuel "Trinity", hence how BOB got there.

Wasn't that the ring finger.

Twin Peaks is just the David Lynch variety hour now. Not that I'm complaining.


Are we going biblical references now?

>Wasn't that the ring finger.

At lest it will never get as bad as Fargo.

It's similar to the glass box ghost, but not necessarily the same creature, the one from the first episode has normal hands, smaller tits and hips.
I wouldn't be surprised if there are more then one of whatever the hell these things are, corrupted injun spirits perhaps?

Didn't read any books related to the show, are they good/useful for making sense out of the show?

So I haven't gotten a chance to watch any of this, have been redoing the original series, halfway through season 2 currently, so what's the consensus on this so far? Found all the episodes up on Kickass so now I'm just waiting for the entire run to be finished. Does it live up to the hype or is it him cashing in on the brand?

IDK if it lives up to the hype but is nowhere close in the proximity of being a cash grab.

It's great, and possibly better than the old show, but it's very much it's own thing, and will piss you off if you just want to see all your favourite characters again and bask in warm nostalgic feelings about the early 90's.

I'm not so much interested in seeing the GOOD OL GANG all over again, but I would want a conclusion to the cliffhanger (apparently that is being addressed) and some more expansion on the Black\White lodge. It seems thats what is occuring so far, and as long as James never shows up again I don't think I'll be bothered too much.

James has appeared for maybe thirty seconds so far.

James shows up for maybe 30 second in the first episode of season 3, he sort of gets shit on and paid homage to at the same time. It was pretty amusing. He hasn't show up since



Still better than 100% of the other shit on cable TV with diversity quotas where half the cast is black despite only 13% of the population being moon cricket.

You gotta love the attention to detail and autism.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

If you don’t understand parts of the story, you’re probably really fucking dumb: Accept it. If you watch Twin Peaks and are confused by the story in any capacity whatsoever, your brain might as well be a goddamn litter box. All the surreal symbolism, dream logic, and non sequiturs are so, so easy to get, and if any of it flies over your head, then, shit, you’re honestly a profoundly dumb individual. Consider getting a home nurse, because people who can’t completely grasp Lynch’s exploration of man’s duality in its relationship to the balance and imbalance of nature are the type of people who need help bathing themselves and wiping.

Once again, nigger, you've outed yourself as a sycophant. There's nothing to get about a 4 minute sweeping scene, there's nothing to get about a Nine Inch Nails music video, there's nothing to get about characters walking like they just shat their pants. Lynch is so far up his own ass, it's obnoxious. Now go ahead and say I'm a retard because I don't like smelling his farts.

Oddly enough, nobody in Twin Peaks ever walks a dog on a blimp while letting a lit cigarette burn down to the filter and repeating the phrase, “Fresh snacks, Jack,” even though that sounds like a pretty David Lynch-y thing to do: At no point in the series do any of the characters in Twin Peaks board a blimp to discover an old woman walking a Pomeranian around inside while holding—but never smoking—a lit cigarette and answering, “Fresh snacks, Jack, fresh snacks,” to every question she’s asked, which is pretty strange given how Lynchian all that sounds. Weird!

Does that happen in the next episode, friend?

You should try listening to the lyrics of the song, maybe you'll understand what the fuck is going on there and that it was very appropriate for this episode. Reznor/NIN isn't that bad either, you just have garbage taste and act pretentious to mask it.


Looks purposeful at glance, but formica is plastic, not glass.





I wonder if you actually can't tell the difference in cinematography that Lynch's stuff has had over the last two decades. His newer stuff, Twin Peaks Season 3, Inland Empire, looks like YouTube garbage.

sure i can. but cinematography was never Twin Peaks' main appeal.

The song was not out of place, you fucking retard. The lyrics are screaming Twin Peaks, and relating to Twin Peaks characters, in no uncertain terms. In fact, I'd be surprised if that song wasn't written for this series outright. It certainly fits like a god damn glove.
Your autistic screeching about NIN as if it's some god awful teenybopper or edgy punk shit with no music merit shows your absolute dogshit taste and how you use pretentiousness to mask it. That's to say: Reznor has talent, it's not god awful, and neither is this series.
Now, you can go back to watching TLC slop or Fargo on FX, or you can fuck off.

Don't you dare claim I watch Ayy Lmao: The Show. Lynch has had 8 hours of Twin Peaks so far, at least an hour and a half, probably more, has been nothing but filler and deliberately long drawn out sequences that don't add anything to the show. But you don't care about this, because in your mind, Lynch is a genius, Lynch is a mastermind, anyone who doesn't like Lynch just "doesn't get it" Season 3 of Twin Peaks is allowing you to feel like you're smarter than the average pleb, when in reality you just have a taste for goofy shit.

Are you upset you had to sit through a sequence in the Roadhouse showing that the Renaults are indeed still as fucked up as ever, which may come back as an intertwining plot?
Or are you upset 'le damn fine coffeee xdddd' man hasn't come back yet after spending a quarter of a century in the soul destroying Black Lodge?
Or are you somehow not understanding that Phillip Jeffries is still out there and up until now was working with Mr. C, in the context of the Ray/Mr. C plotline.
Do you even know who the fuck Garland Briggs is and what the significance of finding his body is?
Have you even watched Twin Peaks or FWWM? Then why the fuck are you opining about 'filler'?
What the fuck is is the definition of filler here?

Lol, because we needed a long ass sweeping scene to get to the phone call. Because the only reason people would be annoyed by the Dougie stuff is because they want meme references. Also, David Bowie is dead, so good luck the Jeffiries shit.

No, I have no idea who one of the main characters from the original series is. No idea at all. That's definitely some esoteric knowledge there…

Shit like that, is why I can't even get angry at you retards. You genuinely think you're clever for being able to follow an incredibly simple plot, which pretends to be super weird and zany.

Woah-hoho, Laura Palmer's diary just happened to be in a bathroom stall at the police station?!? That's so kooky! Classic Lynch!

The entire log lady bullshit about Hawk's heritage was fanservice-meme-spouting nonsense and you know it. You're pretending this show isn't pandering when that's exactly what it's doing.

It doesn't matter here, he's serving his purpose in the plot. To say all of what we've had so far is even close to a quarter filler content is dead wrong. You're shitposting and you know it.
Then why are you claiming that even close to a quarter of this shit is filler? Are you seriously sperging out about the sweeping/Renault child trafficking scene? Or last episode? Which is it?
Now this is shitposting.

Also, just for my perspective, I thought the beginning was going too slow, until plots intertwined, and I realized that I was just acting like a faggot with ADHD.
I'd say there's not even half of an episode that has been filler so far. Everything seems decently paced in retrospect, because I'm not some faggot reddit memer who thinks that Coop is ever going to be the same after spending that amount of time in the Black Lodge, not to mention the fact that it's untethered by time in the first place so who knows how long really was spent.

Go take a gander over at the Twin Peaks reddit, they're fellating this piece of shit and claiming it's the smartest shit ever made and that it's th greatest television series ever.

Jeez, they're just probably having a literal meme thread and trying to "get" the LORE instead of enjoying the execution.

I never claimed that it was super smart, it's super enjoyable television, certainly more enjoyable than anything else currently airing, or has aired in the past year (or several, tbh).
I'm also not the one sperging about having to watch an arthouse short. God damn, if last episode's sequence triggered you, you must have no attention span whatsoever. By KHNO standards, it was certainly quite brisk. It's not like nothing happened on screen.

To be fair, we have fags here trying to tie it all together as far as the jade rings too, so it's not like we're immune.
But it is neat to see that Frost's lore is canon and how it tied all together this episode.
I really do wonder what's going to happen after lodge bums excised Bob out of Mr. C.

It wasn't the episode that triggered me. It was how ridiculous the people who enjoyed it were acting, they're acting like because they enjoyed it, that's make them geniuses, and anyone who doesn't like it is just a dumb serf.

But there's a difference between getting the plot and getting the LORE not in amounts of autism to be fair.
But here the plot elements are used to try understand what is happening, there they're trying to confirm their headcanons, I'm not even trying to play the high ground, those motherfuckers are writing thesis on this to PROVE their hypothesis.

They're trying to piss you off, dipshit.
No one cares if you didn't enjoy it, no one cares if you passionately hate Reznor playing a song which was almost certainly written for the series, and no one cares if you feel your time was wasted having to watch someone sweep a floor for three minutes before a phone call takes place, setting the scene for how casual child trafficking is in the context.

Douggie Coop best Coop prove me wrong.

Literally every faggot on the livestream and online was crying about how clever they were and how everyone else is a mush-brained retard. You're a sycophant. 100% a sycophant.

No one cares about livestreamers or Youtube reviewer faggots either, moron. Do you think we're all sitting around dying to hear what some dipshit with a youtube account or television column thinks about this episode?
If anything, it's hilarious seeing liberal arts graduates sniff there own farts and fail miserably at it, especially those who are paid to do it.
So, faggot, where did anyone in this thread give the impression that they were super duper smart for watching enjoyable television?

wow, way to show us you got some edge

Also, before you reply, is a copypasta. So, I see the problem here. You got trolled by a pasta. Seriously, no one fucking cares or thinks you're dumb for not getting everything of what happened in any sequence. People are just enjoying teleivison here, so quit being a faggot.

Mark Frost got the idea for Twin Peaks from an episode of Wheel Of Fortune where Pat Sajak was possessed by an inter-dimensional murderous spirit: Co-creator Mark Frost had been working with David Lynch for years to create a television show, but neither could come up with any ideas. One night, Frost saw an episode of Wheel Of Fortune where Pat Sajak was briefly possessed by an inter-dimensional spirit and murdered all of the contestants on air. Frost immediately picked up the phone to call Lynch and said, “I think we’ve got ourselves a TV show, David!” The rest is history.

The original run ended because they simply forgot to make more: Despite its overwhelming critical acclaim and massive popularity, the original Twin Peaks series only lasted two seasons because the show totally slipped both Mark Frost and David Lynch’s mind over the show’s summer hiatus, and they just forgot to make more episodes—honest mistake. Thankfully for fans, Lynch suddenly remembered one day more than 20 years later and frantically raced out of bed and called Frost to say, “Holy shit, we forgot to finish that thing we did!” then took a quick shower and wrote the third season.

It's listed in the credits as 'Experiment', and is also probably what is referred to as 'Mother'.
In Frost's book, it's also referred to multiple times. President Nixon shows it to Milford, and Milford recalls Parsons ritual to summon "The Mother of Abominations".

Man… Holla Forums would have a fucking field trip with that book.
Especially if you don't tell them Twin Peaks is fictitious.

Yeah, the rituals are not (entirely) fictional and the occultism of the founder of the JPL is documented.

People have this awful habit with trying to explain every single inch of a piece of fiction nowadays. Capeshit is to blame for this, I think. With comic books, you're constantly getting more. They can keep expanding upon shit until there is 0 mystery or intrigue, and when there are a million plot holes and contradictions, they just start over and make new ones. So today, when people go to see the latest capeshit movie, the faggot who is aware of all the horseshit backstory will be able to explain every single character and location to their unenlightened friends, feeling like they are the smartest person in the world. When really they have just numbed themselves to good fiction.

No shit, it would be their fucking Bible was Twin Peaks real, I'm inclined to believe Frost is a Holla Forumsack at some degree.

No one had the light for him.

spot on bro

damn it lynch

This should be the new title sequence.

burned oil

He just wanted to satisfy his nicotine fix.

Fucking hell Lynch

Mother/Experiment is able to send BOB & his crew thru to our world because of the Manhattan Project
Mother/Experiment is able to materialise in our world due to a project located in Manhattan
If you watch carefully the glass box is not a single cube but two cubes, one inside & one outside, separated by the building wall with that circular opening joining the 2 halves


Why didn't you just type "bump"?

As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a BOBster
To me, being a BOBster was better than being President Truman of the United States
Even before I first wandered into the convenience store for an after-life job, I knew I wanted to be a part of them.
It was there that I knew that I belonged. To me, it meant being someBOBy in a Lodge that was full of noBOBies.
They weren't like anybody else… I mean, they did whatever they wanted, they resurrected dopplegangers and nobody ever gave them a ticket, in the summer when they asked for a light, nobody ever called the FBI.


you get my garmonbozia

you don't need to look closely; this is the weirdest part of the shit I'm reading, people keep being amazed there's 2 boxes.

It's the thing that was slamming on the door in the Mauve Zone, the woman called it her Mother so everyone's been calling it mother. It clearly is the same creature that gave birth to BOB and the rest of it. Something came chasing after Coop.


This is pretty titt, the videos are nearly equally long, is like wanting for someone to discover it.

If I was any good at editing I'll do it myself, even the fading of the logo and actors list.

kek, tbh it has been stated that he's pretty red pill but very pasive about it.


What level of gnostic though you are on to state something like this?


Fucking kek.
But seriously what was MJA thinking when he said all that shit?
He didn't even dwelled deeper on it.

What's so bad about that.
His worst confirmed action.
Probably the only thing we all know can't possibly have happened.

going dark side of a little bit, you can swap the new lynch sequence over "we'll meet again" in strangelove almost to the frame.

does anyone speak autie here?

Translate please

wtf I deathpraise Lynch's black masses now.

Everything Lynch does in TP is not only intentional but unironically luciferian.
Shit, at least Jack Dyer made the point that the dark symbology wasn't meant to be taken as a good thing.
Also, still not mentioning that it was Frost the conspiracyfag who added all the dark rituals.
To his credit he mentions that the dark forces might be inspiring Lynch subconsciously

So is he saying TP its satanic or raising awareness about Hollywood Satanism.
He also didn't mentioned DreamWorks pedosexual reptilian contracts.

I like to believe that the b lastn episode was literally about the birth of BOB but in an atemporal way, kinda like if we inadvertently we jump from humans controlling nuclear explosions to a comparison to the origins of the universe and BOB was there.

imo lynch is raising awareness of how (((satanists))) are the ones incontrol under the shadows, much like the scenes in mulholland drive showing the dark sides of (((hollywood)))

type bump

To think it all started with just a humble parody of 80's soap operas.

Oh you

Huh, I also noted the circles between the pillars/bars symbology but just thought it was supposed to be a ring seen from upwards not the literal Masonic Twin pillars/Peaks.

Not really obscure.
That finger has been associated with the heart for a long, long time, hence wedding rings are placed there to "bind" the hearts of the man and his wife.
Possibly connected to the fact that there is a vein direct to the heart from that particular finger only, none of the others are direct.
Spiritual meets material, and there are no definitive answers, how apt for a Lynch thread.

If you watch the moment when Bob separates from "mother's" space puke stream, right afterwards, an egg also detaches and drifts off.
Is it possible that this egg is the one that hatches the froglocust?
It certainly looks the same.

The lodge bums are basically the woodsmen who died in the night of the burning river. I think there was also something in Secret History about those woodsmen being cursed having pissed on some indian ground or something and their punishment was the black lodge. Heavily referencing the meeting above the convenicne store.. Either it's atemporal and the abominations spawned by "the mother" were always there, or the implication was that there was an experiment with individuals in the government who brought them here. But obviously, the scene clearly depicts the birth of BOB, and possibly other "evil" spirits.
And there's obviously some battle going on between the white/black lodges. Heavily referencing Moonchild.
Regardless the lodge bums took BOB out of Mr. C. So he's on his own.

I think that wasn't BOB birthing, he was way too happy, like if he was escaping.
Besides we saw BOB decades before the trinity project when one of the two brothers (The mayor and the secret agent) saw the man sized owl, it only acquired BOB's shape when the Robertson rapist raped Leland.

My theory is that just like with Dougie he has several failsafes, after all the nature of the lodges are atemporal and that wasn't a flashback, he gets killed by Ray and unlike Leland he can't escape the body before death so the woodsmen take him from Coop's body but knowing the future in 1945 BOB makes a failsafe and escapes trough the explosion electrical energy, the failsafe becomes the frocust which survives until now and that's how he revived in the present.

Lynch does pretty heavy Christian themes for a guy who does meditation as his personal crusade.

The way Lynch promotes his meditation is very interesting, it's never attached to any theology or even ideology. I think he's still Christian deep down.

I just found out that a season 3 music cameo is the guys who made the "Drive" soundtrack.
Why good things are connected?
Probably fucking up beyond redemption but what's the SocJust consensus on this.

lynch likes pretty girls and dreamy music. Chromatics are a godsend for him.

Almost done downloading tonights episode, here's hoping for another crazy surreal weird shit happening episode.

plenty of weird shit as always, but it was a mostly straightforward, plot-progressing episode as needed.

another website with references to the current episode

I'm not even mad about Twin Peaks going DEEP LORE because when it does it goes…
Like some spiritualistic scholar thesis on 18th century dark presages, if half the DEEP LORE in other shows knew their shit like Frost does it wouldn't be such a cancer.





Is the series going into some kind of meta "the TV show is real and connected to the viewer's reality" or "the show is now about a reality outside of the Twin Peaks TV show" zone?

In the last scene with the two chicks in the bar, every time the one with the armpit rash picked up and put down her beer can, there was a really exaggerated "this can is empty" sound effect, but she kept on acting as if she was drinking. It also makes an empty sound when it hits her teeth. In the first ep, the guy watching the box is very obviously drinking from an empty coffee cup. I remember how striking it was and thinking "how did Lynch let this amateurish stuff happen"?

In older, less sophisticated movies and TV shows, this empty cup effect was a giveaway that what you were watching was clearly staged. Given that Lynch has incredible attention to detail, I can't help but feel that the selective "empty can/cup" effect is intentional. Is this to drive home that what we are watching is a "TV reality"? Apologies for the autism.

Where are you finding this stuff?

That song playing during Sky Ferreira bit was litty.

Not the guy but apparently there's a message board which leaks lines from upcoming episodes, like one line per episode.
Is a message board in the middle of nowhere internet about people hating TV ads.

Uh, you don't get to bring friends, Diane


I work at a shop that sells Trinitite from the explosion depicted in this shot. We're only one of a handful of places that have the legitimate stuff and sales have boomed after this episode aired. Thank you for Frosting and Lynching us!
