If you keep banning things that you can't accept as true, will that eventually cause them to no longer be true?
If you keep banning things that you can't accept as true, will that eventually cause them to no longer be true?
Wow what a cunt. These vols suck
Your wasting perfectly good vpn/proxy servers
I'm pretty sure you're the one doing that you bigoted fucking nigger.
The pedo last breath. This is what a butthurt pedo sounds like, ladies and gents
I do this for free tbh
Subtle way of say "I dont give a fuck"
You do it because you feel a sense of power over the userbase. Your reward is the delusion of power i.e. power tripping.
Nigga, why uou posting a child? More importantly. Why are mods allowig it?
Because I choose what I can or cannot post. Rules don't mean shit.
hope you get the paty v& tbh
And I hope you die in a house fire.
I just got home so no I didn't spend all day whining about the rules. Nice projection though.
jokes on you, i dont live in a house
Just save everyone the trouble and light yourself on fire, no house needed.
Obviously, you're not competent enough to be payed
hey mailfag
im going to give a lot of cool stuff to sexy kids tomorrow♡♥♡♥♡♥♡
Children can't be sexy tbh
this. report the report the pedonigger
shut up you ugly fat man
im white though
give me your address there
is this the pedo thread then? please i need one
im homeless but im in kent margate
give me your address there
hehe i think he wants to buy me somethingfor valentines day
i'll send you an invitation to FBI HQ
meet me at westcoast bar at 7 pm
wear a hat so i know who you are
I'm a friend of Sarah Connor. I was told she that she's here, could I see her please?
leave him alone you big poop
Your clothes. Give them to me. Now
childs should b posted because childs look pretty and inspire men to be good people
but i am not a gay and the cold might make my nipples hard
Wash day tomorrow. Nothing clean, right?
awwww shes a beautiful angel i would buy her things definitely