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The rioting may be intensifying to a point where we may not be able to contain it.
I hate that europe plays along with americas propaganda. Long past due we tell them to go fuck themselves.
sanctions are only against its own population to crash the eu
I doubt you can even call the German government German anymore, fam
inb4 PIDF
Why contain it?
russia should just cut off eurapes gas supply
You do realise that sanctions against Russia by EU is bad for Europeans in Europe as well, right?
They've done that to Ukraine. Problem is, Ukraine's economy nearly shut down, but so did Russia's, since both Ukraine needed to buy Petroleum an Natural as much as Russia needed to sell it.
Bitch needs to get pummeled like that mayor.
Did you just wake up? Western Europe was an american satellite since the end of WW2 and Eastern Europe is an american satellite since the fall of the Eastern Bloc. Especially Germany is basically an american puppet state.
Funny, the evidence is that the US and Israel did those things.
Putin is the greatest chance for america and russia to overcome the jew-forced rivalry and restore our friendship to civil-war era brodom
Dubs confirm, user speaks the truth.
Putin knows Trump is going to become the next POTUS, either through the usual methods or after a brief civil war. This is why he's not falling for any of obongo's pathetic bait.
Question: How do you know a jew is running the world diplomacy?
Answer: He threatens and implements economic sanctions wherever he can.
Sanctions don't work on big self sufficient countries with large neighbouring great powers. It only benefits Russia since they get rid of foreign competition and home producers get stronger.
That no German have managed to off this genocidal whore, is a mystery to me.
And it's the reason for the Americans being responsible for the German Genocide, even though Merkel is a German by name.
What if I told you there was a group of linked internationally-aligned people who control the government of the USA?
She's a polish Jew
What I want to know is: how long has this been going on? How long has America been ((( America ))) ?
Since the republic died in the American civil war.
Crazy conspiracy theory, everybody knows Merica is a democracy were the people rule.
Yeah sure because amerikikes totally didn't rape all the french women they came across when they "liberated" Europe.
Jesus if you underline EVERY OTHER SENTENCE in red then it defeats the purpose of underlining.
The UK needed to become zionist first. Then the USA, Germany, France, and Russia were the targets. The german government did not fall to subversion, and the 1920's german communist revolution failed. The french government was subverted from the inside out.
Note most of these communist bolsheviks recieved funding from NY and Chicago kikes like Jacob Schiff.
We're now up to UK, France, Russia solidly on the internationalist jew's side. Then they put woodrow wilson into the USA and had all the major powers on their side.
Skip to the 30's and hitler and mussolini and moot are the only ones really standing strong against international banking taking over everything, so the jews forment a war with a) germany then b) japan
The rest is history
You can trace the UK's internal fall to Cromwell and his welcoming of the jews back to england
The US really fell at the turn of the century when kikes established media, university, and financial control, but they've been present since civil war where they were on both sides hoping to get a british and french intervention
Well, yes, but that's more of the english and french being cocksuckers who wanted the USA dead in its infancy, so they worked with the big finance of the south to attempt to make the war eternal.
This is covered very deeply by many people, but less about the jewish question of it, obviously:
It should also be mention that there were quite a few upcoming nationalist/third positionist movements that start gaining steam in the early 30s in the US that all suffered mysterious setbacks and deaths once people saw what Hitler was doing
What is Russia's Syria stance?
What is the (((EU's))) Syria stance?
… King Nigger ordered the bombing of a doctors without borders hospital.
The EU started as a CIA Op after the end of WW2.
Haven't you ever wondered why we nuked Japan, but let Moscow gobble up half of Europe? Spoils of war.
you're just pretending to be retarded right?
… Let's go with that.
I honestly have no idea.
Germany has been a US client state since WW II
Really faggot?
Syria is a russian ally. Always was.
The arab spring happened in 2011. This began with the taking down of libya, and moved to egypt and then other areas. It only successfully removed libya, tunisia, and egypt's leadership. Egypt is the only country from these to have recovered and has a non-terrorist government now, thanks to General Al-sisi BTFOing islamists.
Skip to 2013, (((they))) see a chance to get syria wrapped up in this "arab spring" meme, and so they send equipment that is enough to arm a solid 50,000 soldiers, with APCs and light vehicles and sam systems included (thanks obama!), I'd love to see that picture of all the brand new GMCs isis "found" a few years back.
Russia, having an alliance with syria, won't allow this to happen, and has been supporting assad however it can (they didn't deliver s300's till this year, though).
Now obummer is extremely asshurt and we may just attack russia because the kikes are getting impatient waiting for their war of revelation.
My summary sucks because I'm tired but to keep it short (((they))) want the middle east to collapse to total jihad so the "peaceful muslims" of the area have an excuse to flood into western countries. While also giving the jews a boogeyman to keep white people off their back.
Also duly note how (((they))) and the USA has never, not once, supported an ANTI-ISLAMIST uprising in the middle east.
Remember the green revolution of Iran? Obama told them they're wrong to protest the government and let them get slaughtered in the streets and applauded Iran for it.
It'ds almost as if the kikes LOVE islamist governments, because it allows them the easy transfer of low-wage workers across boarders with very little questions asked.
But that's simply the culmination of my views. I'd be glad to be proven wrong. But my theory is sound.
More or less this, but to add on
Syria is also a location that the Gulf States and burgers want to run natural gas and oil pipelines through in order to economically choke Russia, now Turkey and Israel benefit from that by partitioning up Syria, and it also weakens the Iranian stance in the Middle East, historically speaking Iran tends to be the dominant power there and recently they've moved back to that position
As far as Egypt goes, while yes they got rid of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sisi isn't based, he's firmly in the pockets of the Sauds and Israelis. I suspect he made a deal with the Sauds to give support in exchange for them dropping the MB, especially since Egypt has been giving military support in Yemen since that kicked off.
Russia's only port on the Med. is also in Syria, so losing that would be a huge strategic blow to Russia's global position
Al-sisi got zero support and begruding acceptance by Obummer and Israel, though. You can't deny they only forced into accepting the Muslim Brotherhood's removal.
Fuck Isis
Fuck the """""""moderate""""""" rebels
Go Assad
Fuck Isis
Fuck Assad
Go """""moderate""""" rebels
The problem is that the supposed moderate rebels don't really exist.
Putin isn't helping Assad out of the kindness of his heart; if Assad loses, then a pipeline will be installed that will destroy Russia's energy market in Europe. It's a typical middle eastern war in that it's about energy, but it's atypical that the war is being fought to fuck Russia specifically.
It's not about energy, in my opinion. It's about opening the floodgates permanently.
All signs point to energy.
Obama I agree doesn't like Sisi, but the moment Morsi suggested opening the Palestinian/Egyptian border the Israelis were clamoring for a change in government
Sisi tends towards more of a rogue player, he's made overtures towards the Russians as well, I suspect he's going to wait until all the chips are down before he sides with one side fully. Not to mention that Egypt is still highly unstable, if he isn't careful his own men might overthrow him.
Most of the invaders aren't even from Syria, so not really
It's a useful side effect/justification, but this war is about setting up for taking down Iran and then Russia
Haven't the already extant sanctions been cutting deep into the German economy? How long till someone whose lost everything to the sanctions and rapefugees kills Merkel in the street?
You need to look at things from a layer above.
Sure, that can be considered a reason, but it's obvious that's not the motivation for this.
Do you also think
Instead of the overarching goal being the removal of, once again, a non-islamist regime in a mostly islamist country?
The kikes don't give a fuck about more money. this is their final hour, in many ways, their desperate attempt to keep the facade going until scrupulous eyes turn inward around the world. I see them wanting to bait russia more than anything, and wanting to facilitate the complete removal of europe second.
I agree, Sisi is a rogue. I think he's just pragmatic, though, and pays plenty of lip service to the kikes aka USA federal government knowing the alternative.
We'll see his true colours come out with a Trump administration. I'm not privvy to what they discussed, I wish I could know who knows what they talked about, but those foreign meetings flew by with no reports.
I mostly worry we're careening toward that stupid nigger actually striking some Russian positions on "accident"
So American become blameless, as they can say they live under ZOG?
Fact is that Germany is occupied by a military force, while the USA is not, so the USA becomes responsible for the German genocide.
Nice d&c lad
This isn't about money. This is about fucking Russia's economy.
The Syria situation is already an existential crisis for Russia. That's why they're never going to negotiate any real deal with the West that doesn't involve Assad keeping power. The only two scenarios are the West pulling out of Syria or changing support to Assad or continued escalation with Russia.
I expect we'll be bombing SAA positions in Aleppo within a week, the official call is going to happen this weekend
Aleppo is the lynchpin of the whole thing, if it falls, then for all practical purposes, the rest of the war is mop up, then forcing the Turks out
If this fails, Assad needs to fall back and rebuild before pushing up again, plenty of time for the Turks to link up with Aleppo and ensure that it can't be taken
They're doing fine, man. It's if something bigger happens out of this that they're worried.
I never thought I would say a line such as this….but russia should
cmon now… its more like (((Fuck Isis)))
It's an existential crisis for Russia in that if they lost access to the European market, economically they'd collapse
They've started to divert to Asian markets, but that won't pick up slack from a loss of European exports
The US is going to lose a bunch of aircraft then.
And the pilots will die for the ZOG's folly.
Im not supporting the sanctions, brush up on your reading skills champ.
Roughly 50% of Russia's economy relies on energy (including sectors that rely on the energy to be profitable). Most of that is exported energy to Europe. You're delusional if you think they can survive losing the European market.
I was talking about their narrative. I though that was clear enough from the last part of the post.
im a spaz i apologize
This; even as a burger I recognize that we're basically the new slave owner on the block. And we all know who runs burgerland.
To be a critic is easy. To come up with a solution, now that is a challenge!
It's ok, user. We all have our moments.
This situation is a little interesting because it shows value of soft power. The US didn't have to exert any influence to get the European powers to fall in line after the Ukraine ordeal. Hell, I'd venture to say that powers that be in Europe pressure the US concerning Russia more than the other way around.
Its about religion, see how the NT, talmud and the qran see the end of the world, the bad guys for the NT are the ones controlled by talmudists and the same that the muslims worship (phalse prophet, 666, the beast).