Afghan war veteran guns down five Dallas police

By Patrick Martin
9 July 2016

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This is actually a pretty good insight.

Excellent article, thank you.
Where are all the edgelords defending the shooter now?

Shut up, retard.

Yeah, those links look legit.

I don't want to defend the shooter, but at the same time I don't have any tears for the cops he killed.

The part about the cops just straight up murdering him with a robot bomb was something I hadn't really thought about either.

In the end it's two enemies that ended up killing each other. Oh well.

Yeah, I don't agree with WSWS on everything, but they tend to be pretty insightful when it comes to leftist analysis (imo).

Can you just go ahead and dump all of these cute asian pics please?

I need them.

yes police violence is to uphold the bourgeois state, but it's ridiculous to pretend that black people don't suffer some particular level of violence from the police. recognizing racism is not ignoring classism.

this whole obsession with trying to ignore other forms of oppression and make every single thing ever into a class issue is stupid and part of the reason that socialism in the us is seen as being an area that only white college students are interested in

i know its pedantic but i mean…….

I'll pretend that this isn't bait

Can you prove it?

Except that's exactly what you're doing.

what makes this "form of oppression" unique to black people, and why doesn't it affect all "black people" (or whatever spook you want to use) uniformly?

aside from being untrue that doesn't invalidate a class based view

It sounds like you've absorbed the Hitlerite racial narrative and you need to seriously read Zizek

You're missing the point. The point being that police violence in America is often framed as an exclusively racial issue, rather than proles v ruling class or state v citizens. Look at the toxic ideology the shooter followed; He was a black nationalist tinfoiler who saw the conflict as black v white.

Most people killed by police are White. Spinning shit as Black vs White will only pit Black proles against White proles, and in the end cops will keep doing what they want.

It makes even less sense to consider this exclusively a racial issue because by portraying it as such the bourgeois state would be actively working against itself by exposing its inherent racial bias.

This, which is exactly what they point out happened in this article.

You cannot fight racism without getting rid of the cause. It's simple as that.

Even if you kill all the whites (and asians and mixed and whatever), in the next second there will be some new division and there will be new racism.

Take a look at Africa. Tutsi-vs-Hutu genocide is the most obvious, but practically each state has some form of black-vs-black racism thing going. In Eastern Europe you'll have no problem finding white-vs-white racism (occasionally even state-supported). The same is true for Asia too.

There is no obsession with capitalism. It's just the root cause that should be dealt with before we can hope to solve other problems.

There was conversion, no?

Wow WSWS has gone too a new low in defending the pigs. They define a "crime" in the terms of bourgeois law and not from the perspective of the proletariat. This shooting is "Divine Violence" and there is no right to condemn this man.
This shooting was generated by the class antagonisms in USA which has manifested itself in the form of national oppression (wealthier whites vs poorer blacks) and should be understood in that light and not resorting to the liberal way of condemming "both"

The shooter framed it as being black vs white because no one told him about Marxism or class struggle you idiots. What did you guys expect? Did you think oppressed peoples spontaneously know of class struggle? This is the Nationalism of the oppressed.

The idea is to promote ethnic tensions. Black people want Saint Obama to come stop the racist cops and white people want the police superheroes to stop the scary black thugs. Both groups are being made to hate and fear each other so they appeal to the greater authority of the state to save them from the other.

i don't know why some people here get so mad when you point out the obvious truth that black people are more likely to be victims of state violence than other races

acknowledging that is not the same as saying that other people of other races aren't also victims of it

Is there any way to know if he actually hated white people other than police report?

Shooter is Anarchist at best.

somebody posted a screencap of his facebook. He liked all kinds of tinfoil black nationalist pages. The kind that suggest white people are ayylien devils and Africans had a space program in the bronze age etc.

the problem is that it's empirically false


but it's not

the prove it

OP, please.

Sorry, you'll just have to stay tuned.

Do we really need ten fucking threads on this non-issue?

Nobody cares about dead cops


Ok let's be clear, in absolute numbers, Whites are killed the most by cops. However, when you bring this to the respective % of each group in American population, blacks are more likely to get shooted. And they also are the group most struck by poverty. The purely racial effect is neglectible compared to the economic condition. Race is a counterproductive veil put on what's actually happening.

google it moron, i'm not your personal research assistant

okay but then the question becomes why are black people so much more likely to live in poverty, and unless you buy into nazi race science the only answer is racism

Are you so incompetent you can't search by image on google?

Well, no. But I'm bored and the lunatic who claimed that Ian Banks Culture was Communist run away.

Because they've been born poor, Einstein.

Have you heard about social mobility?


you intrigue me.

so you have no proof to back up your assertion because you learned to parrot it from tumblr or reddit


lol, wsws does it again. what a shitty website


he ebin meme nuffin

t. leftypol

what's the root cause?

The shooter himself was spooked as fuck and everyone knew it.

It's just darkly amusing to watch American society reap what it has sowed. I say this as a US citizen.

Good read, hot picture.

Excellent post comrade.

t. Holla Forumsyps

I see your point.
I'm just glad I don't live in the city. It's gonna be even more trigger happy cops, black nationalist terrorism and white nationalist freikorps all over the place.

Trashy woman, horrible article.

Disappointing post, comrade.



xexizy a whiny baby
dis nigga got trigga'd

tbh I almost feel like I should make a response to this utter retardation

Well, when you get them you'll probably get hit harder.

Do it.
What's you channel name?

He's right, but he's also wrong

The pigs deserved to die, but that doesn't make the reactionary that killed them our hero.

I think the
argument retarded, because this is sort of thing is just another step on the road to revolution. By that I mean

I mean, where does he think the vanguard comes from if its not produced by the conditions that make revolution necessary in the first place?
