neckbeards btfo
Neckbeards btfo
BLM is cancer
Wew. War must be going bretty bad for them to do this.
They see connection between their war against ISIS and black people's war against US police. What's wrong with that?
there's nothing to get angry about here.
nothing to be mad about
I disagree with BLM not on principle I disagree due to their praxis and the identity politics attached
BLM has about as much of a right as Israel and Kurdistan do to exist.
Rude sage.
It's also a question of effectiveness. It's a fucking hashtag polluted with liberals more concerned about fee fees than action to stop cops from gunning down niggers with no consequences. We've got to face facts, cops have a retarded fanbase that will defend them from anything and an internal culture more similar to gangs. You're not going to be able to reform what is ultimately a group of thugs whose purpose is to keep people in line.
But why?
Rojava is the SHIT
YPG+YPJ=kill fascist.
white bois mad that these kurd bitches want the bbc
dunno, mane.
Brown girls are often snowsharks.
Kurds regularly massacre christian militia members in iraq, fuck them, let ISIS hang them all.
Breaking news, user confirmed for fucking dumbass!!
They probably sympathize with what they see as another persecuted minority, they're not wrong but they also probably don't know much about the liberalism and idpol associated with them
Oh well it's a faraway thing, most of them don't kno much more than hearsay for international media, as a europoor, i remember buying into the "Yes we can" hype a few years ago.
user is a dumbass, but there is a substantial kurdish population in Iraq, specifically the north.
They're the ones with the boner for America.
Yeah and it's their right wing leaders and parties who are the problem not the people themselves
obvious photoshop is obvious
They very likely are not aware about what blm actually stands for
Why do they have all those posters in syria with the heads of people on a landscape background with a haze surrounding them?
It's actually sort of appropriate in some ways.
The PYD fight for self-determination for local communities, and BLM sorta does that same thing.
Sorta. Kinda.
Pretty much this. The thought is what counts here.
Their not black tho. Thats like - 50 progressive stack points.
What about PPK?
Have you taken the Ba'ath pill yet, mateys?
make your sons ministers,
hang people for critizing the gov't
felate neocons
no thanks man we got better shit
Technically BLM as an institution is horribly cliquish, radical and even racist but the battle they're fighting is just. I wish they'd pay more attention to victims who aren't Black though, they often paint it like an exclusively black issue.
I love the conflict in between the usage of the word "nigger" and the content of your post. You just gave /r/socialism an aneurysm, friend
Exacto, foreign media probably portrays BLM in a fairly positive (or negative in a good way) light- just like our own does, actually. You don't hear much leftist critique of BLM cause dass wayyshisht.
Wew, never thought I'd see 'human rights' next to 'muh'
Every proletarian deserves human rights except tankies. They need to be shot on sight.
typical anarchists, classcucked faggots through and through
blm is provoking Nazi masturbation fantasy instead of class war. when black proles fight white proles, porky wins
The anarchist are not the ones killing 100 million proletarian with their totalitarian state
Rebel pls…
is that paul chuckle in the background?
Institutions have no rights. Only people have rights. Institutions are only convenient spooks created for the purpose of organizing our thoughts better and organizing a society that brings welfare and peace to all.
I'd like too see you try user
What are you trying to imply? That we think black lives dont matter and cops should just shoot all workers because porky gets off of it?