[Meta] Ban excessive tripfagging

/metatech/ is pretty dead (last post over a month ago) so I'm posting this here.
Many people are sick and tired of these dumbass [k00l] posters (among others) that have been shitting up the fucking board like no tomorrow. I suggest we ban excessive uses of tripcodes (i.e. not just one-off shitposts but repeatedly using the same trip/name for no reason other than attention-grabbing). This is not a rulecuck attempt to ban all tripfags, but it is only a shot at chemo'ing Holla Forums even for a little bit.


Most tripfags are shills anyways.

It's no use, they can just use VPNs, hell, mentally ill retards like MikeeUSA don't even use a trip and anyone with half a brain can still tell when it's him posting, the mods tried banning him too but he keeps using a VPN

Turn on forced user, You'll thank me later

Forced user solves the issue of tripfags like removing the expiration date on milk jugs solves the problem of selling milk before it goes bad. Filtering is the only option on the user end.

What happened to the board-wide "forced anonymity" switch?


I'm pretty sick of Rustfags' excessive and zealous shilling against C and for their language, but I'm not asking for them to be banned.

stop posting

Just do forced anonymous already. Trips and names 99% of the time have only been for the purpose of fostering identity and attention whoring, undermining the entire point of anonymous debate.

What is a tripfag?

I agree.

no. rules are gay

It's when a fag rolls trips too many times.

I disagree as its harder to filter them if they dont trip


A miserable little pile of attention whores.

It's when you use a tripcode (putting ! and then a password in front of your name) to reserve a name for yourself and thus have an identity on what's meant to be an anonymous imageboard

Huh, odd. I suppose it could be useful for ERP threads, but in any other context that seems heavily self defeating.


Tripping/tripfagging is only acceptable if your identity is relevant to the thread, e.g: You make a project and people are talking about your project and you as the owner of said project must identify yourself in order to respond to said comments without accusations of larping

You're on Holla Forums, do it yourself.