Mfw a considerable amount of rad-lefties I follow are celebrating the cop killer as a martyr

Alright y'all, I'm going to be honest here. I'm starting to think that there are segments of the radical Left that are pretty fucking Al Qaeda-ish and now I'm not sure if that's my place at all.

I mean, if I were a conservative and I saw conservatives as a whole celebrating Breivik or Roof, I'd stop being a conservative because I'd see that as a sign of their moral weakness. So why not judge the Left by the same standards?

Other urls found in this thread:

You made this thread at least three times.

Why are you so triggered OP? Here let me spell it for you:


but I didn't

Just Ignore the Anarkiddies

Just because a bunch of edgelords said something stupid doesn't mean "the radical Left" as a whole supports these views.

Copcucks go.

Even normies think the cops have been asking for it even if they think it was wrong.

When the cops start coming down with ever more brutality because of it, it's going to become harder and harder for people to defend them.

Sounds like anarkiddies or other lifestyle lefties. Cops are the every day vanguard of bourgeois rule, yes, but this is nothing constructive or revolutionary at all. If you're triggered that a pig got shot, however, you should definitely reconsider your ideology.

Point and case

Radical edgelords are scum.
Some fascist kills some random cops and the edgy sectors of the internet are howling in celebration. Nevermind it was a senseless act of violence that will accomplish nothing for anyone, and in fact probably make things worse.

Police are going to get even "tougher on crime" which is something that the general populace has been upset and protesting. Please tell me how people being angry with the footsoldiers of the bourgeoisie is a bad thing.

Most people aren't anti-cop sorry you live in an edgy circle jerk

If a faggot being immoral is enough for you to give up your ideas, it just show that YOU have no resolve.
You adopt ideas because you come to the conclusion that they are right, not because it makes you part of the cool kids.

The difference is that social democrats have not systematically been occupying and killing norwegians.

Cops have been occupying and killing poor communities, including black ones for a while now.

The only rational system, if you want others to respect you is a reciprocal tit-for-tat system. Now the cops want the violence to end.

If you want peace, you must sieze it with violence.

Where do you think you are? That's right. An imageboard. If you don't like how a bunch of comrades are happy that some cops were killed, you don't have to announce that you're going to leave. Either way. Stop being so squeamish. If there is ever going to be a revolution, there will be blood. If you look back into those previous threads, no comrade wanted civilians to get hurt. Chill out user. This'll blow over soon enough and noone will be talking about Dallas in a matter of weeks.

Most people are angry with police brutality though you fucking illiterate shitwaffle. People are looking at the news and seeing literal summary executions and it disturbs them greatly. What in the fuck was going on at the Dallas BLM protest if it was not literally HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE PROTESTING THE POLICE?

What happens when people forget about this shooting thanks to the endless brainwashing media that keeps drowning people in a deluge of information but there are another four news stories about cops shooting people in the back over extremely minor things before the year is out?

Inevitably, if you partake in perpetuating a culture or a mindset that leads to actions like these you have to rethink if that's really the Ideology you want to be espousing in the first place. Should a muslim who preaches an extremist view of Islam never ponder if he's helping create future terrorists?

Blm is nothing but idpol. They're not protesting the police, they're protestin the police killing black people. And while i don't like what they've been doing, celebrating the murder of police is only going to hurt your cause. If anything the shootings have just inspired sympathy for them.

People are protesting the fact that police kill people, yes. And the fact that police are going to just get ever more brutal and terrorizing is going to have literally no effect on people's perception of it?

Nobody I have talked to has had much sympathy for the police. If anything they have all felt that this was something that has been a long time coming to repeated cases of police killing people for the most trivial shit.

Stop trying to apply early 20th century analytics to the modern day you faggot.

cop cucks get out

You don't have to hate the cops, but you don't have to love them either.
I'm sure some if them are pretty cool guys (some of my patients are cops). But don't fool yourself, the cops are not your friends, by their very function, you will have to fight them if the revoltion comes. Maybe some of them will defect, and they should be welcome. But a big part will fight tooth and nail for their porkys masters. You will have to kill some of them at some point. So yeah, dehumanizing them is wrong and all, but whe it comes to war it's unavoidable.

If he really believe in it, then he will condone that. That is the test if you really believe in something or not. It forces you to make your priorities straight.

If a muslim gives up his views because terrorism, that mean he prioritarize human life above his faith, if he condone terrorism that means the opposite, it's as simple as that.


1. This escalation of the situation won't end well. The populace is well conditioned to love the state and acts like this make people more sympathetic to law enforcement. At the same time, there will be more militarization of trigger happy cops.
2. The shooter followed a reactionary, racist ideology. Would you be happy if a Nazi or Islamist did a similar act?

There will only be more killings and brutalization of black people in the wake of this. Furthermore, the revolutionary potential within the community has been pretty well sapped on one hand by reformist liberalism and on the other by ethnic nationalism and tinfoil.

I don't disagree. However I'm a niceguy who wants as many people from as many backgrounds as possible to defect in favor of change. Hell, if we get a large enough popular movement, we might not even need violent revolution. Then again, there might be an attempt at a coup or something a la Spain in the 30s.


Revolution ain't a tea party, son. I may not agree with the positive politics of the killer, but anyone who desires to systematically kill cops for being the reactionary thugs that they are is alright in my book. Progress requires sacrifice.

Pure fucking utopian liberal analysis, comrade.

Well then we just live in two completely different worlds. But regardless, I can be fairly certain that attitude isn't felt by the majority of people in the us

Make me faggot

There's not going to be violent revolution in the west anytime soon, especially in the us. I'llsupport it if it happens, but I'm not going to go out of my way to bring about or call for a bloody civil war

yeah, shooting up a church full of innocent civilians is the exact same as killing members of an occupying army

Sounds good.
Le sboogs meme

Using terminology like that will get you laughed out of town in the real world

You are talking about people who are going to defend the cops no matter what. There is no point trying to appease them any more than people who try to appease Holla Forumsyps by trying to make concessions to them.

This is a talk about fencesitters and people with doubts. A lot of them are going to be shocked by the shooting but the fact that police brutality against especially unarmed people who committed very minor crimes or were innocent, has been something talked about for a long time means that this is not like someone just decided to randomly shoot cops for no reason. People are not so stupid that they can't connect very obvious facts that have been played out in front of them for years.

Listen, I would love it if the black community started creating gun clubs to patrol and keep cops in check like the BP. But clearly this was an act of random violence with zero revolutionary potential. I don't feel sorry for the cops who were killed, but likewise I don't condone random acts of terrorism as they hurt our movement more than they help.

I think what everybody is underestimating is the power of the narrative. The response to police brutality point of view will never reach the masses if we don't try to spread it as such.

And fencesitters will be equally shocked by the murder of cops not associated with the killing of innocent civilians. Dallas has some of the lowest rate of cop shootings in the country.

I feel sorry for them and their families because I have empathy. Most people can only stomach killing if they now they are saving someone else or they themselves are in danger.

Retard. Theory is only useful in so far as it applies to the situation in which it discusses. This is not the early 20th century and we need to re-analyze the situation and create a new theory.

This is still going to come down to the cops getting ever harder on the populace (which even 20th century theory agrees with) which means that this is not going to just be some "Oh those poor cops" and end there.

More like celebrating the death of an ideal of a cop. A spook in which all men and women who belong to the police are nothing but racist, dumb animals who protect the property of porky and sadistically abuse muh poor opressed masses who din du nuffin.

How funny it is to decry the police state by claiming the automatic moral high-ground an implied pascifist argument gives you; as if somehow the entire system of exploitation was upheld solely by the security apparatus, or as if servitude wasn't as much a construct of the opressed as it is of the oppressor.

If you wanna talk ethics, might as well go with the fact that there are no ethical class relations. Under Capitalism we are all a part of the very same oppression we denounce and reject, because we form part of its life support system.

And No OP, I'm not even siding with you here, I'm just salvaging your awful thread.

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best m8.

If anything, the only right thing to do is spraeding your vision of the events. Whenever people talk about that, point that police brutality will generate violent reaction, that killing cops is wrong but things will only get worse as long as they don't fix their own shit. You're the one you're waiting for.

Your wrong. Most of the people up in arms about this shit are black people cuz it's just racism. It's just dividing more people and more violence will just create a greater racial divide as opposed to actual change or anticapitalist sentiments


try again

Don't believe me, then why is Blm the only major protest organization involved, why is it always framed as a race issue, why do they get all angry when people bring up other races.

Because they are the special victim that gets to react without repercussions.

Okay, pal.
Enjoy your ever stronger police state.

Insurrectionism is pure edge.

They're not the noble lawmen propaganda makes them out to be, they're just jackboots of the state. Their primary purpose is to protect property and enforce order, and they were originally established as state Pinkertons to crack down on labor organizing. It's no mere coincidence that police forces were all established during each countries industrial revolution (or colonial occupation).

Something crushed ruthlessly by Moscow's troops.
Gandhi is the exception, not the rule.

True. But imagine something happening in a country that isn't a shitty client state.

Protest being cracked down? Like in Western European states in 19th century. Neither France nor England were exactly shitty client states.
I'm not saying that peaceful revolution is 100% impossible, but if you're not at least ready to use violence, you'll be laughed at.

I agree that "Kill all cops!" may not be a productive argument, but I reject your appeal to morals.
I think we should be highly critical and protect ourselves from them if need be.
My hope is that we can actually influence and turn them against the state.
I'm not sure if we can win without some Cops on our side, if I'm being frank. The militarization of the police almost requires us to subvert them in some way. I like peaceful protest as a tactic only because I know it creates cognitive dissonance in the minds of cops involved in the inevitable crack down. That type of thing breaks down resolve. I'll also recognize there is an time and place for everything, including violence. I'm just not sure it's advantageous right now.

Gandhi was the alternative to violent indian uprising. The place was already under considerable political turmoil and the british were forced to intervene militarily. He wouldn't have gotten anywhere without considerable civil unrest beforehand.

killing cops isn't cool but its an obvious and even likely outcome of the growing police state that Americans find themselves in.
The cops have been acting like fools for years now and they've been allowed to. Now there is material backlash from a small group of people and they act like it came from fucking no where.

Rolled 1 (1d1)
Basically I think we should push peaceful reform as far as possible, while having means of self-defense. We can either get porky to play ball and do Social Democracy 2.0, or, you know.

Maybe if we didn't have muslims allahu akbarring everywhere and niggers doing what they do best there wouldn't need to be a police state.

lol anarchists

I don't like the cops either man but I like a dude shooting up random people even less, cops or not. If he wanted to make a real difference he should have aimed a little higher up the chain of command.

How EXACTLY are cops occupying black communities and systematically killing them?

Blacks get shot more because they commit more violent crimes. Hell if you look at it proportionally, black people committing violent crimes get shot by the cops at a LOWER rate than people of other races committing violent crime.

I have no sympathy for the police, trust me on that one, but in this particular case your complaints are false.

hope all the white lefties realize when the Nazi masturbation fantasy happens if they don't side with white the POC will kill them & rape their women as their view of the world is not seen through a rainbow.

more white people shot to death in 2016 then blacks more than half of cop shooting deaths this year have been white. Or is this only happening to the poor white communities and not just idiots who won't stop resisting arrest ?

This is the most cucked thing I've read in months.


I just realized "Nazi masturbation fantasy" is something wordfiltered. I laughed for a minute straight.
I'm not taking sides between white or black IDpolers. You think all minorities are scary orcs because you're a retard.

[cucking intensifies]


Would you say the same if you lived in an area governed by the Islamic State? If not, why?

I don't know what the original word is but is it " Nazi masturbation fantasy"

lmao I totally guessed it right

Read next time, Cops hang around poor communities to give people near lifetime jail sentences for even less than a gram of drugs because of jail lobbying turned the system into a business.

As poor white communities get poorer the same is already happening to them and that's why even the republicans of all people are starting to think about legalizing drugs.

You also answered your own question and the reason why a lot of innocent people get shot.

Going back to this.
Most crimes committed by poor people and blacks in general are not even violent, but over possessions.

And we are the LARPers?!?!

A single death is a statistic.
A thousand dead is a tragedy.

5 or whatever cops dying by a faggot that wanted to "kill cops in general cause specific cops killed a guy… It's not like when Nazis kill all jews cause some jews have money or anything", is not a "Revolutionary Act".

Off you fuck, bootlicker. One doesn’t need to condone killing cops (I certainly don’t) to recognize that you are either baiting or sincerely deranged and incapable of moral evaluation.

Pure ideology.

I don't think your input is relevant.

Go suck off your Big Other.


Holy fuck so many pig sympathizers here. Thought I was on Holla Forums for a second.

Pigs and their supporters deserve to be gunned down.

As regards the political assessment of the act, we maintain, of course, our old conviction, confirmed by decades of experience, that individual terrorist acts are inexpedient methods of political struggle.

“Killing is no murder,”[1] wrote our old Iskra about terrorist acts; we are not at all opposed to political killing (in this sense the servile writings of the opportunists in Vorwärts and the Vienna Arbeiter Zeitung are simply revolting), but as revolutionary tactics individual attacks are inexpedient and harmful. Only the mass movement can be considered genuine political struggle. Only in direct, immediate connection with the mass movement can and must individual terrorist acts be of value. In Russia the terrorists (against whom we always struggled) carried out a number of individual attacks; but in December 1905, when matters at last reached the stage of a mass movement, insurrection— when it was necessary to help the masses to use violence— then just at that moment the “terrorists” were missing. That is where the terrorists make their mistake.

Adler would have been of much greater help to the revolutionary movement if, without being afraid of a split, he had systematically gone over to illegal propaganda and agitation. It would be very good if some Left group were found to publish a leaflet in Vienna which would inform the workers of its view; if it branded in the sharpest possible way the servile behaviour of the Vienna Arbeiter Zeitung and Vorwärts, morally justified Adler’s act (“ killing is no murder”), but as a lesson for the workers declared: not terrorism but systematic, prolonged, self-sacrificing activity in revolutionary propaganda and agitation, demonstrations, etc., etc., against the lackey-like opportunist party, against, the imperialists, against one’s own governments, against the war that is what is needed.

Tell us also, please, how right it would be to regard Adler’s act as a gesture of despair? I think that politically it is so. He had lost his faith in the party, he could not bear the fact that it was impossible to work with this party, that it was impossible to work with Victor Adler, he could not accept the idea of a split and take upon himself the burdensome task of a struggle against the party. And as a result of his despair came this attempt.

An act of despair of a Kautskian (Volksrecht writes that Adler was not a supporter of the Zimmerwald Left, but rather a Kautskian).

But we revolutionaries cannot fall into despair. We are not afraid of a split. On the contrary, we recognise the necessity of a split, we explain to the masses why a split is inevitable and necessary, we call for work against the old party and for revolutionary mass struggle.

this is why i hate this board, noone here has to contribute anything. and while i was "just quoting" at least i'm not attempting to rephrase or just pull something out of my arse like you all faggots do. it's pathetic. radical wannabes, disgusting…


What is it?

the wrong kind of war.

I do not sincerely believe people in blue uniforms are the same as FEMA and PMC's.

I'm beginning to awaken to how retarded black nationalists really are.

Yeah and his co-workers were all okay with it. Eat shit you fucking faggot.

Why wouldn't we celebrate him?

he didn't achieve shit and you should criticize him for not having had the thought of organizing mass terror rather than just getting a 5:1 K/D for the day

yep im cringing too

Keep going please, maybe we can do something constructive once you're all dead.

Is this how black nationalists think?

You say that as though he pranced around the station praising Trump and David Duke.

What have YOU done so far? Nothing kek just go to work like a good slave and keep saving up for whatever material shit you want.


He meant the co workers were okay with his Nazism.

I'm not understand what you're trying to tell me here.

Are you saying they should have wasted their time trying to work in the bourgeois system, which promotes white nationalism anyway and would never remove him, instead of trying to make an honest living peacefully?

This is really affecting my opinion of black nationalists.

Race war?

are you going to defend small business owners next?

i've done plenty back then when i was capable in giving my support to my party

one of those things i do now is studying and helping to educate faggots like you

At all events, we are convinced that the experience of revolution and counter-revolution in Russia has proved the correctness of our Party’s more than twenty-year struggle against terrorism as tactics. We must not forget, however, that this struggle was closely connected with a ruthless struggle against opportunism, which was inclined to repudiate the use of all violence by the oppressed classes against their oppressors. We have always stood for the use of violence in the mass struggle and in connection with it. Secondly, we linked the struggle against terrorism with many years of propaganda, started long before December 1905, for an armed uprising. We have regarded the armed uprising not only as the best means by which the proletariat can retaliate to the government’s policy, but also as the inevitable result of the development of the class struggle for socialism and democracy. Thirdly, we have not confined ourselves to accepting violence in principle and to propaganda for armed uprising. For example, four years before the revolution we supported the use of violence by the masses against their oppressors, particularly in street demonstrations. We sought to bring to the whole country the lesson taught by every such demonstration. We began to devote more and more attention to organising sustained and systematic mass resistance against the police and the army, to winning over, through this resistance, as large as possible a part of the army to the side of the proletariat in its struggle against the government, to inducing the peasantry and the army to take a conscious part in this struggle. These are the tactics we have applied in the struggle against terrorism, and it is our firm conviction that they have proved successful.

Wow, way to go. Whenever these black nationalist retards stop storming our board after their glorious uprising it will be great.

They're trying to wrap their head around this now in a way they could possibly interpret as positive, but there's no way they can.

Can't refute:

do you know why there hasn't been a revolution, why we accept having bosses?
do you know who's violence we're scared of on a daily basis?
spoiler: it's not PMC

The only difference is the quality of their gear.

This is some true idpol asspain. Why don't you go back to Africa, Europe, or wherever you think the "master race" is?

answer my question fam
how do you think submission in society is reinforced?
is it done by PMCs?
I think the answer is no

1. moralism and whining is opportunist liberal faggotry, fuck off
2. individual terrorism is anarchist edgy teenager faggotry, fuck off
3. read marx
see and

or rather lenin i mean, same same

god damn liberals

>muh degeneracy moral weakness
Blow it out your ass tbh fam. My feelings and opinions don't physically hurt anybody, unlike the people you're wringing your hands over and shilling for.

Everybody send all their conservitard friends to Holla Forums, this will be a kill-or-cure technique that will either drown Holla Forums in their newfaggotry and turn them off of conservitardery, or add more zombies to the pack.

i'm fine with this

The people storming out board are the copcucks. It's not the other way around.


Big difference



Communism is founded on the principle of egalitarianism that all men are born equal but some lives are less equal than others and deserving than death.

You realize that most cops in America patrol the regions they were born and raised in right?

Anarkiddie please go. You're fantasies of violence.

Enjoy life in the gulag.

If the commies gun down all the cop pigs in America and the commies gun down all their supporters who do you think will be left to prevent you getting gun downed?

America has an awful lot of faggots and queers for a white nationalist state.


Hey now, it sounds like truth when all one knows is the inside of a basement.


For me the worst part isn't even the violence - violence in itself is useful/necessary in radical resistance. The problem is the uselessness of this particular act (killing police who weren't really doing shit but sitting around and will be easily replaced) and the fact that so much of the left is masturbating to this violence. Violence should be an unfortunate and sad yet necessary means to a greater end, not revolution porn that armchair activists romanticize and jerk off to.

Fucking anarkiddes man

your flag

It is meant to be ironic.

I do say that the people in the thread calling for more cops need to grow up

see and
(brecht would be spinning in his grave seeing a performance like that)

*more cops to be killed

It's especially revolting seeing so many stupid anarchists and marxists cheering the deaths of innocent human beings. I love how idiotic leftists suddenly think that being a police officer is the same as working for ISIS, and yes OP, the Left has a very edgelord, cringey habit of support Al Queda, ISIS and other "victims" of "imperialism" and "oppression". I mean, this is do nothing for your so called "big revolution" and it really shows how revolting and disgusting leftists really are to ordinary people.

I mean, if the Left is cheering and celebrating over the deaths of innocent men, I guess if BLM protestors, people who mostly deserve to be gunned down for blocking traffic and attacking people, eventually killed more police officers, then I would like to an international backlash against the Left.

I love how you all think that killing cops is "revolutionary" because, if that is who you people are, and if you will kill anyone that disagrees with your views, well you deserve to rot in concentration camps. I mean, if this is the Left, no wonder people sanely support the far right.
The Left is filled with pedo defending murderers that lack the capacity to give a coherent plan on an alternative society that isn't "Muh worker cooperatives, muh workers revolution".

Nice generalizations.

greetings fellow leftists!

If every leftist followed Micah X's example, we could have socialism tomorrow.

This thread is filled with anarchokiddies, cringey marxists and leftist edgelords trying to compete for "internet shitposter domination".

I mean, why the fuck would anyone want to support the Left for seeing such vile comments in this thread? Saying that celebrating the deaths of police officers is disgusting doesn't make me a "boot licker".

>white liberals want to wait until things get worse because it isn't hurting them enough to care yet

These non-stop shitposts defending the cops are fucking unreal.

Somebody's afraid the revolution is going to kickstart and they're doing massive damage control.

That or this board is full of fair weather leftists.

I wouldn't mind seeing him lynched by Holla Forums.
Actually, having the BLM protestors bombed and all shot dead would be an improvement.

I love how you idiots keep going on "the revolution will happen any day now".
Actually, this event is perfect ammunition against the IDPOL, black supremacist BLM folks and their supporters.

It's so adorable seeing Leftypol, that prides itself on being against Idpol bullshit, suddenly supports Idpol idiots because a moron killed some cops.

Honestly it's probably both. Holla Forums shitposting hard and false flagging combined with gullible newfags or borderline-reactionaries who were already here.

So what?
I'd rather have the police torture Micah.
Oh, better yet, hand him over to ISIS to be tortured. And have Trump elected so he can crush these Idpol leftists and BLM with dictator tactics.

Hi Holla Forums ;^)

Is that your general insult for everyone that you disagree with? Or is it when your pathetic insult "liberal" doesn't satisfy you and you call the person a "fascist"? I swear you are no better than r/anarchism and r/socialism.


So edgelords, anarkiddies and beret-wearing retards here who are celebrating Micah, why don't you also celebrate 9/11?

It was, after all, an anti-imperialist attack on a symbol of world capitalism. Shouldn't this be, according to what you've been preaching, a good event because of all the people there were capitalism's "lackeys", maaaan?

The shooter wasn't from BLM. According to the cops he was mad about the killings and BLM inspired him. There's nothing to indicate he was a black supremacist. He supposedly wanted to kill white people (specifically cops), but that's because he'd seen too many black people killed by the cops. Racial supremacy is not the same thing as vengeance.

Bet you beleave that cops protect and serve you dont cha.

You are the best lad Yui.

All authority outside of me should be abolished, may it be police enforcing the idea of state or radical islamists enforcing the idea of islam. Only person that has authority over my life is me.

NEVAR 4GET :'(((((

The proper question is, why don't (((You))) celebrate 9/11? BUY GROUND ZERO FOR ONLY $$$29.99!11!

The vast majority of those deaths were proles. The attack didn't target imperialism or capitalism (although that's what it was a response to). It targeted the American psyche.

The Dallas shooter targeted cops in response to cops. Zero proles died.

What's wrong with Trump killing Idpol and BLM?
It would make you social rejects and failures look more appealing to the masses, thus bringing communism a bit more faster than praising disgusting attacks on Western nations.

It was a great tragedy.
There's something to be said about people who will defend terrorism because "But But the West is always responsible because muh imperialism, muh cultural appropriation, muh racism, muh neoliberalism".

You are no different from Third Worldists and leftist that defend ISIS because "hey, they are fighting the USA".

Try harder Holla Forums, using jew tactics doesnt work on proto zionist cultural marxists.

When they're online, most people who celebrate left-wing or SJW terrorism are usually hiding behind anime pics or photos of Ho Chi Mihn, but irl we should make a point of out expelling them, by force, of any of our organizations because they might a) discredit us b) influence people in there towards individual violence c) freak out and kill us because we're all "revisionists" or whatever.

Just look at how Shaun King and DeRay are now getting rekt by all sides for not fighting the BLM activists celebrating the murderers. People like that are a disease that will kill cost any group its life eventually.

Yeah, okay, faggot.



Seven eleven was a part time job - Dolan Drumpf

I wasn't blaming jews.
Try harder tankie.
I hope you die to see some fascist rise to power, long after either Shillary or Trump has taken the Presidency.

I find leftist edgelords who celebrate the deaths of cops to be pathetic, it's like Jerry Falwell celebrating the deaths of gay activists.

Leftypol doesn't understand that their boner for singing praises for the cop killer will make them repulsive to the masses. Of course, such people think "Islamic communism" will happen and will stupidly defend Islam. And the same idiots can't decide on what Leftist society they want.

The one good relief is that, this board as well as other leftist circle jerks will remain circle jerks, and forever miserable.

antifa are the real fascists btw

We are happy at your buttmad.

Normies get out pls.

Also how can you think Islamic communism will be repulsive to the masses when religion is the opium of the masses?

In my view, killing 5 or 10 cops will make no difference. The police force in the US, or here in the HUE land, will continue to exist - because just killing people will not change the system itself. Capital continues to expand itself, even after the killing 5 cops (Wow, how surprising).

Just like wanting to "clean" society from "degenerates", and the "jews"….right? And if you really think "Islamic communism" is a threat, do you agree that "Christian Socialism" is one aswell? Because I do.

Just like Holla Forums!

cool dude you read animal farm too? did you know orwell was referring to soviet communism specifically and years later fought with the poum (a communist/anti-stalinist party) in the spanish civil war?

meant for

my bad, animal farm was published after the civil war

Fucking idiots this is more
Helter Skelter
then a commie revolt.

Sounds like fun

So by cops? you sure you arnt a fascist?

Cops are dead. Will this change anything significantly? No. Does it stop me from being overjoyed on seeing the enforcers of bourgeois exploitation getting their just desert? Not at all.

It's not really hard to realise that neither side in this (idpol black supremacist faggot or the repressive state apparatus) are the good guys.

Rude sage.

I don't think the killer was a martyr, but I do think he was a useful idiot.

Sorry to hear you've never heard such filth back on the farm. Maybe if you don't like it here you should get the fuck out.

glug glug glug