Other urls found in this thread:
Get your head out of your ass and embrace the lulz faggot
OP is a fag but I still hope that's not fake news.
This one works just fine:
"It's not worth thinking about this as an isolated incident and instead a manifestation of what ails all of Silicon Valley," the employee I spoke to who detailed the document's contents told me.
This is actually bad. Jewgle might start using that data they collect effectively if this is the case.
Moldbug did his job. Techno-fascism arises.
Tay's Law must replace Moore's Law.
Full story is pretty good:
You'll never get me pot of gold!
That response is spot on and incredibly brave.
I'm glad the comment section is calling this fascist out for what he is!
It's good to know that there are some non-retards that work at google, explains why it is still functional. I was beginning to think it was just ran by aliens.
AT&T has a diversity problem. They keep hiring for MUH DUHVERSHITTY, and the quality of support keeps breaking new ground under the bottom of the fucking barrel. Most of the support is being moved to the Philippines soon, and the only person in that shitstain of a country who is worth a shit is President Duterte, because eh shoots bad guys and doesn't afraid.
All these triggered drumpfcucks.
Guess what? Meritocracy is satire. No such thing as merit exists or ever existed. Diversity is better for business. Keep trying to deny the facts drumpfcucks. Whitebois are freaking out over this existential threat called DIVERSITY. Deal with it. You won't have a job. You don't deserve a job. There are billions of people more capable than you.
Now fuck off with this racist ass article.
Kikes will fall globally because of that way of thinking.
>Holla Forums10335711
Now we know why m00t went to work for Jewgle.
They're already shitting the floor at the thought of having to pay more to US employees. Diversity is cheaper for them.
Bigots btfo!
Make it technopunk-fascism
Neon swastikas and USB body mods.
nice try numale. back to google/israel
Fucking racists deserve to be fired
Could you archive that in a non-shit archive site, faggot? I won't enable js for this "freezepage" website.
Is this what Holla Forums is, as a board? Pro-CIA/NSA/FBI backdoor worshipping to ensure those 'racists' don't have any privacy?
That has got to be stage 9 anime eyes
I'm pretty sure that was ironic.
I feel like I'm missing something here but why would an archiving service copy a webpage but still connect to the source's assets when you retrieve the copy?
Isn't she kawaii uguu~~
You don't understand the game. SV companies need giant piles of cash to launch things like youtube that eat billions before producing a dollar. They get this money from kikes who control finance. This gives kikes power, and they can insist you sow self-destructive dieversity. If you want to compete with these companies with billions to blow, you need kike money, too. So even though stuffing your programming team full of MTF queer transnigger "tech evangelists" causes you harm, everyone has to inflict the same harm on themselves. Thus 'healthy competition' cannot solve this and return us to meritocracy. Everyone will be forced to suicide together while fighting over the scraps.
Hi toxoglossa, fuck off back to tumblr.
I am beyond sick of this faux-rationale, nobody ever gives any reason whatsoever, it's always just
This is absolute lunacy. If you ask why it's important you're either not give na response or your response is "Sorry we can't employ racists and sexist, white male bigots like you have to be let go for questioning our hasty judgment".
On the topic of Google and whatnot, what's the better alternative for search engines?
there are only 3 search engines, google, bing, and yandex.
all others are metasearch engines that use their results
You forgot qwant. But that is owned by (((france))). So yeah all meta's except those four
I'm not too much of a tech-savvy guy so pardon my ignorance. Still, which one of them has the least amount of bullshit (censoring, redirecting the user) ?
the metasearch engines are still better for that, google and bing will still tailor results based on your ip, and drop cookies, logged in or not.
i don't know about yandex, i'd trust putin more than jewgle but russia does censor things.
i use ixquick atm personally
You know this is probably going to be a bit ranty but fuck it.
I'm sorry, I'm a little depressed and lost in life
I am in a similar position and remember these cunts will come begging for people who know what they are doing in the future. Just be the smartest engineer out there with a portfolio of stuff you made. When the time comes and kikes fall(if they fall before the end of time) then you can start your own buisness selling an application in high demand. Just pick something obscurely studied yet useful for everyone so it is marketable.
Man up you faggot.
Worst case scenario you know how to fix all your own stuff and never have to pay a dime for tech support. Or even any electronics if you learn enough.
Nigger this shit is concentrated on software companies and spreads a bit to stuff in their immediate vicinity. If you go into EE or something then go into embedded systems you'd likely be designing circuits and firmware for industrial applications. As far as I know this crap isn't present there.
how do you get that info?
Google's response is pitiful
SJWs will destroy American at the cultural level and Trump will finish the job by destroying the country
The diversity cancer isn't as ubiquitous as you think it is. It's just that cases like this and in major companies, the incidents get signal boosted. In 15 years of software engineering, the most imposition I've had is taking a 15 minute sensitivity training quiz, all on the computer (no HR meetings) at one company I worked for.
oh you
tell us more
this thread is again proof enough that we need IDs on this fucking board. So many shill posts, unbeleivable.
>unironically debating (((gender concepts)))
It's almost as no real person is posting in this fucking thread.
Take your delusions elsewhere, you niggers took Obamas surveillance state and put it on steroids, why the fuck would you think we like you? Half the time you dumbasses come on here asking for help and end up cussing us out because you're too unintelligent to fix your own problems. God damn I can't wait for you and Holla Forums to start killing each other in the streets.
RMS is a god damn communist and the tech field is filled to the fucking brim with Marxist SJWs trying to inject their brainwashing everywhere. Without Holla Forums you would be taking CoC's up the ass and LIKING it.
Stallman doesn't like or promote communism :^) Isn't it ironic that the proprietary software developers call us communists? We are the ones who have provided for a free market, where they allow only monopoly.
Feels good man.
Also to add to this, how would one create an environment in office jobs that makes it harder for incompetents to coast by? In manual labour it's easy to see who's not pulling their weight but clearly tech industries have more trouble with this.
Well done on outing yourself, I bet you also believe in intellectual property cuck, go back to your containment board >>>Holla Forums
Again with your delusions, we don't need you and we never have needed you. We were never ok with code of conducts, you're not some kind of saviour.
How do they even get away with is my question. You should have assigned tasks and a check in or stand up with your manager/lead/whatever in the morning and have to say what you did yesterday and what you planned on doing today.
The problem is, if Pajeets are getting away with getting nothing done it's because management doesn't care. So trying to resolve it through management doesn't work. You could add weight to it by doing it as a group and embarrassing people who aren't pulling their weight.
Socialists and Occupy Wall St types are just Nazis who don't know who the 1% is... yet.
Holla Forums has never accomplished anything in its miserable 3 year existence.
B-but like kek and Trump????????????? Amirite????????
Yeah, they can't even write a compiler.
>Oy vey! Dere ah still white goyim within the company! CALL THE DIVERSITY POLICE!
New info and official surveys at Google. The plot thickens.
To be fair, they've done alright with what they've got. Raids are bannable, organized harassment too; basically everything that made Holla Forums great. They have to do all of this on their own; unorganized.
Yet somehow they helped shift the overton window a lot. While they didn't elect Trump, they're directly responsible for the pro-Trump movement on reddit (as much as i hate those fuckers), and popularizing a lot of right-leaning e-celebs (which i still fucking despise).
I can feel your butthurt, your blood boiling, you triggering and raging.
Sounds like that senior software engineer won. Either the faggots leave, or they leave ad create competition.
Even though bing is microsoft, you do get paid to use it. I generally just don't give a shit and use yahoo.
The idiot just doxed him
This is why I'm an electronics technician and training to get crypto certified.
Trade skills are almost all male and you don't have to put up with this bullshit since it's nalsommostly conservative. The CISCO and crypto certs allow you to work on stuff other than process controls, and you can get promoted to an engineering position without ever getting a bachelors degree. Currently working as an electronics manufacturer making PCBs, but learning what I can code-wise on the side.
>tfw your inner city school didn't even offer coding and the most advanced computers classes when you graduated were photoshop
>tfw you're only 22
Group projects are exactly how faggots who can't pull their own weight stay in the field.
Will this fucking copypasta die already?
If Holla Forums is so good, why do Holla Forumslacks screech "Shill! Kike! 4d chess" if you link to news that suggest that Trump is a good goy? Or if you point out that he is incompetent at his job and uncapable of maneuvering an administration?
I used to actually go on Holla Forums a lot back in I think 2011ish-2014, halfchan and then here. I remember it being way less partisan and being much more focused on objective truths, documentaries and history. It's definitely turned into a complete partisan, christian, circlejerk of retardation. It's why the fucking owner has to sticky 10 threads at a time so there's at least a small amount of direction on the board.
I blame the second Holla Forums exodus. Used to tolerate NEETSocs before imkampfy replaced original BO.
Then again I've just used this site as a shitposting medium since the redditor chodemonkey took over.
That's halfchan Holla Forums though, no doubt they have the numbers to get shit done. I'm talking about the simpering turkroach bootlickers that shit in the streets of this site and regurgitate memes and news they had no part in creating, like the common 9gag filth they are.
People like you should be able to buy logic.
wew. this image is pure cancer
Holla Forums turned into utter BS two years ago.
This has some potential... Any of you guys got some Twitter sockpuppet accounts ready?
I wonder if this is a non-white dude who is lowering the bar?
it was invaded by reddit. can't go one day without a thread about some podcasting faggot
yids all look the same
This goes against the principals of an user board so no.
Learn to think and logic and you'll see that you don't need IDs.
One or two anons speaks their minds and one /pollacl/ losses his mind.
Partly true.
The SJWs are the ones who shout the most and are a minority.
They only have influence via the people who have time to read/listen to their BS, aka the ones who don't have a lot of knowledge, have a job, are young and gullible.
A good example of that is the libreboot fiasco with Francis Rowe who massively failed to slander the FSF.
SJW is a disease for which those who cannot think are vulnerable.
I fucking hope so. These fucking shitheads have been fucking things up for so long and I'm fucking tired of it.
I know user, I know.
I used to have bots to milk Bing rewards
Made about $150 before my accounts were banned
Mfw my school computer classes didn't advance past excel
And then china/russia take over.
how newfag do you have to be to think some homo nth generation subculture of chan culture are the one thing preventing imageboards from becoming SJW
If you're talking about Holla Forums here, yes, it's shit.
half-Holla Forums is quickly waking up to Trump doing a poor job. Firing the Mooch hurt him almost as bad as the Syrian Missile incident.
Calm down with this already. Yes, I shit on them too for that retarded ass padding, but at this point, pointing out "muh reddit spaces" is almost as bad as doing them.
Just call them out for being a fucking autist with their formatting. No need to drag reddit into this.
My favorite sport is knocking down strawmen!
Meet the creator of GNU Hurd
So this is why Hurd still isn't done
Thanks Jewgle :)
7 with you, hun.
Yeah, except that Google's employment figures show a disproportionately high percentage of Asian employees.
Let's look at tech-related jobs, which Google helpfully split out from the rest:
It doesn't add to 100% because of other negligible categories like 'Two or more races'.
This make-up is pretty much exactly what you'd expect based on measured IQs. Asians, whose IQs centre higher than whites, are more numerous than they are in the US population. Whites are slightly, but not too much, under-represented compared to the population, seemingly due to the over-representation of Asians. In terms of under-representation, Hispanics follow up and then blacks, who make up more than 10% (can't quite remember) of the US but make up 1% (lol) of tech employees, which makes sense if their IQs centre 15 points below whites'.
Maybe the guy who wrote the document got it wrong, but Google's own diversity figures are pretty damning evidence that racism and oppression are not at work (if they were, how did Asians get to be over-represented? Asian supremacist hierarchical structures?) but plain old intelligence differences.
Clarification: I don't mean to say it is entirely IQ. For example, it is not realistic that a few extra IQ points could over-represent Asians, 5% of the population in 2010 (thanks Wikipedia), eight-fold. There are definitely cultural differences as well which lead to the over-representation of Asians, slight under-representation of whites and massive under-representation of blacks. But it is clear that IQ plays a role; we have correlation (the data) and a mechanism - higher IQ leads to better school performance and problem solving which helps get you into Google.
Asians are overrepresented here because they lump indians and muslims in with real asians.
What? So you think East Asians + Indians + Pakistanis + Bangladeshis are 40% of the US population?
no of course not, but they specifically lump them all together because it looks better for them. they really don't want to break that 39% out and say
30% indian
8% east asian
1% arab
I see. I do know that there are big differences between Pakistanis and Indians, with Indians usually doing much better in terms of things like employment.
i'm sure there's not but there's a huge difference between japanese / chinese and indian, and they're both lumped into the same 39%
especially considering indians with h1-b's flood into the country at an alarming rate, and people waking up to it. google doesn't want to admit how many h1-b indians they hire (which is going to be 3000% more than american citizen hispanics and blacks)
they use kikery on those numbers for sure
They WILL go into some bullshit that stereotypes about Asians working to those employees favor. "There's a stereotype that Asians are more intelligent, so they are hired more. Asians are viewed as being more like Whites than Hispanics or Blacks."
This is just a "stereotype" about Asian intelligence, even though Asians are suing Ivy League schools because checking the Asian box is equivalent to subtracting 140 from their SAT score.
I only glanced over the paper: most of what I read I agreed with. Most of what I read has "science" that backs it up, though we really need to start calling some of the social sciences the pseudo-science it is.
The only thing I partially disagree with is women not wanting to code. Programming can be a high-pay field, and that attracts very competitive men. There are many people who can't handle the toxicity. Spoiled children of affluence frequently fall into this category. This is a child-rearing problem and not a gender problem. Leftists will note that there were far more women in Computer Science before video games and Bill Gates made it popular. Like all good lies, there is a kernel of truth to it.
Fixed that for you, they are already firing all the competent people and then they will only be left with dregs. This is how companies die and I'm glad it's finally happening to Google, heard the same is happening to Facebook. Fantastic news really.
They fired him. So I Googled him. If it's the right man on LinkedIn: "senior" software engineer is probably around 28 years old. Has a PhD from Harvard, which is probably what gives him a senior position with only 4 or 5 years experience with the company, and less than 10 years of professional experience overall.
are 'competetive' men attracted to the field because it pays well really much better than diversity hires?
neither of them really give a shit about anything but money. Companies dont pay for something good, just something they can sell.
Loving the salt already.
Drumpettes think they can get away with anything- even racism. Well, the tide's turning and your bigotry will NOT be tolerated. I can't wait to see what ingenious idea the PoC woman that replaced him comes up with.
True geniuses/prodigies even most above average intelligence individuals peak around 25 to 27. It's not surprising that most of google's workforce is under 35 as the elderly are terrible at innovating.
Aight, he's an idiot, but at least google has gotten it across to everyone else that they care more about diversity than good workers, so maybe they'll go the same path as twitter probably not.
It's not brave. It's blind.
Here are some options for Google employees:
1. Start leaking like a motherfucker. Alphabet is working with Muslim Brothers to censor the Internet. Deep Capture thinks Schmidt is mafia. There has to be more shady stuff going on.
2. Unionize and protest. Rally, stop work, go room to room picking up people, go full Alinsky, don't stop until they fire every manager who wanted to fire that guy. Bring your friends and family.
3. Sue. Get some good lawyers to find something in state or federal law to sue them over. Put Google's federal funding at risk.
The engineer who was fired does have rights and could sue for wrongful termination of employment. But honestly who would at that point? Google shows their true colors and the guy who was fired keeps his pride and dignity.
Please, use the gender neutral "Drumpfkins" instead. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
He's suing
leftykikes fuck off. YOU did this.
That's not the author's point. Regardless, gender based differences exist but are more obvious out of necessity, or lack thereof.
You will find that in Scandinavian countries these gender based differences are remarkably more prevalent because there is no necessity on their part. They're wealthy countries, and gender discrimination is just not there. And yet, the gendered career choices are more clear than ever.
But back to the original paper, his argument is really about treating people as individuals, and that positive discrimination is bad. Well, no shit.
I had to to stop reading uppity Californians virtue signaling before I bler my fucking brains out.
I'd consider myself pretty liberal but it's hard to call myself a liberal with these people constantly shrieking and misrepresenting things that they don't like.
The person who wrote the paper was fired because uppity douchebags couldn't take the time out of their Twitter "struggle session" to read the fucking paper, and the few that skimmed it misrepresented overarching points.
Sometimes I almost wish that the mass extinction event would come. They'd be eliminated pretty quick when they wouldn't stop fucking shrieking about equality when the bare necessity is ensuring the survival and repopulation of humanity. Even in that situation, individualism would show itself, but the original point was about generalities.
Eeh, so much for walking away with his dignity intact. I doubt he'll win, especially with Googles lawyers and San Fransiscos corrupt as fuck judges who are most certainly lobbied
uh huh
"""Radical""" progressivism is a substitute for real radical politics addressing real issues and seeking real fundemental change, for them. I suppose frogcore meme facism is the rightwing equivilant. People feel like nothing can be done about the real material factors worsening the world and their lives, so they latch onto things that let them feel like the're valiant soldiers fighting the good fight. [LIST TOO LONG, TRUNCATED]-ism is EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME, and we need to FIGHT IT, or the afformentioned conservative version. Note how these two feed into each other. Also, as further proof that they have no hope or intention of actually changing anything for real, how they instantly turn into standard neolibs/neocons respectively when it comes to real political figures.(hillary and trump)
Don't, that term has been tarnished and tainted forever. You don't have to call yourself a conservative either, I think most "moderates" in America are in effect Classical Liberals. The term "Classical Liberal" is not pozzed yet and is very much different from modern Liberalism
< That's not the author's point.
In the author's own words:
My point was that, while he considers this more important:
I consider an entire generation raised to think that team sports means everyone gets a participation trophy to be the problem. I think that it is more cultural than biological.
It absolutely IS the problem. When you "give everyone a trophy" so-to-speak you are effectively holding them to a lower standard. Affirmative Action basically sends the subtle message "We actually think minorities are borderlined retarded and shouldn't be expected to improve!". Equality was supposed to be about holding EVERYONE to a HIGHER standard, not holding everyone to a lower standard. We are failing to teach children to be the best they can possibly be and are basically giving them non-rewards. I would not be surprised if the root cause of increasing suicide and depression rates in this shitheap we call post-modern society was solely because people are not expected to achieve higher anymore and are non-rewarded for mundane tasks.
Unions have existed long before Marxism, the Frankfurt School, the New Left or whatever it is that you have an issue with. And existed because it was in the self-interest of all employees to use collective bargaining to get a few pennies more off their employers.
Your rage against leftist fucks doesn't excuse you to be a sucker. Stand up for yourself.
Besides, you're wrong. HR and PR departments did this.
The author speaks in generalities but also talks about individuals.
He's not saying that individual women are unable to develop, or engineer software, or that individual women are unable to lead, just that considering general biological differences explain the preference and ability to not act like a sociopath as the leader of a corporate entity, or engineer complex systems.
Again, the author is not saying that women lack the ability to do any of this. The implication is that biological differences can be exacerbated, or diminished, based on necessity.
No one is saying that women, as a whole, lack the grey matter or grit to do any of this things. You know why twitter maoists don't talk about the "gender gap" in Scandinavian countries? Because they'd have to acknowledge biology manifesting itself when there's no necessity holding it back. It's simple. And of course it's about culture. Russia has an overload of female STEM majors. You know why? It's necessary for many of them.
And of course they don't want to talk about physical differences.
Why don't they push for consolidated men/women sports franchises and such?
Is it because, perhaps, that there's a basic general biological difference between men and women?
In generalities, it's pretty clear that a man fighting a woman is not a fair fight. In individuals, there's going to be some women who would beat the shit out of a man.
Men are biologically, generally, physically stronger. This says nothing of individuals.
I understand and agree with this. And pretty much every fucking leftist who has "read" the paper has asserted otherwise.
You are saying that women don't have a survival reason to enter software engineering, and so they don't because it doesn't suit their biological interests.
I am saying that it is cultural: women and a whole host of faggots don't want to enter software engineering because they were raised by a degenerate society.
No, Guilds existed before Unions. Unions are a perversion and a corrupted form.
Unions are the result of bosses and workers being split into different economic classes. True guilds existed in a time when every journeyman was expected to become a master eventually.
He's not though, everything is as planned.
Notice that the propositions "guilds existed prior to unions" and "unions existed prior to Marxism" aren't contradictory. In fact, they are unrelated.
Also, if you mean to say that "unions didn't exist prior to Marxism", that is also unrelated to whether guilds existed or not. What you're bringing up is irrelevant.
I hope it turns out that mootykins wrote this from the beginning
best timeline
They're getting work done, it's done very shoddily and rushed, but it just werks. That's the corporate way.
You are an especially dumb nigger
What in the world is a Muslim Brothers?
>Fellow goys, we'll just vote for the (((other side))) next time! That will teach them!
Trump is a pure americana insurgent fighting to take America back from the powers that be. If he loses we will all be genocided/enslaved.
if it wasn't working, then google would be in much deeper trouble
we need footage and a sacrificial employee
Diversity is better for busines (as in better for the CEO) because they can employ cheaper labour in foreign lands. That's basically it. Whenever in business or politics people claim to be doing nice things for ethical reasons remember ITS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY
diversity is also important because most consumers are curries and chinks
of course, Google caters to California in general, so pandering to niggers and avoiding catering to slavs, micks, cheesers and wops allows them to sell more units. Quantity > Quality.
Dont forget they're paid bonuses for meeting diversity quotas e.g. Microsoft
It works only in that it serves the (((globalist cartel))). There is significant benefit in being a part of such a cartel, but this is not how capitalism is supposed to work and serves no benefit to the common man. Companies don't implement their white genocide policies until they have achieved near monopoly status.
Control comes before money. It's about control. (((Diversity))) is a psyop to remove opportunity from those who are most capable of fighting the powers that be.
It's about control, but like the retards they are they don't understand that what they are doing is self-destructive. Google literally depends on their tech department (competent or not) for maintaining all of their shit. Google Search, Youtube, Gmail, Google Drive and all that other shit isn't maintained by themselves. This is 101 on how companies ruin themselves and it couldn't have happened to a company more deserving than Google.
I wish Holla Forums would leave so we could talk about why these people are fucking retarded without jewish meme arrows, le happy merchant, or drooling asperger retardation in general.
All they do is shit up threads and belittle any argument that could be made.
This, but apply it to Holla Forums as well.
To be fair, this sort of topic is within their purview, and they've been surprisingly coherent in this thread so far. Probably because there's threads for this on Holla Forums & Holla Forums already.
Just stop. Stop trying to provoke a board war and go back to your dumpster.
Not him, but agreed
What can men do against such reckless faggotry?
Imagine how your life would change if you attempted to articulate what was upsetting you instead of just riding the waves of negative emotions.
Fuck off, aspie. Your dumbass board war was never funny and the only reason "muh Holla Forums" exists is because of the same kind of nu-Holla Forums faggotry that overwhelmed Holla Forums from 4chan just because moot changed a stylesheet and added some wordfilters for a few days. Not for any real reason, unlike the people who originally flocked to this website months a year before you did.
Choke on a fat one, faggot. You're cancerous.
You got it 100% right.
You didn't. The worker's deterioration of conditions was precisely due to (((Capitalists))) and (((Bankers))) outlawing Guilds through their bought (((Democratic Politicians))).
Unions tried to fill the void (just like other institutions tried too to compensate the void the elimination of Guilds left in other areas), but they were shit from the start, not functional and harmful.
Thing is: End Private Banking and every other Private Financial Institution, Sponsorships, Advertisement and even limit Donations.
Do that and you simply destroy every problem of today, also restore the Guilds and end with shit like Unions and Generic Schools and Universities.
No one fucking needs garbage like (((Marxism))).
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
> My concrete suggestions are to:
> De-moralize diversity.
just another shill puppet. dont stop diversity just make it less obvious because the goyim know, oy vey! also stop hurting muh fee fees :(
you're not welcome here. try >>>/suicide/ instead
Google Memo link dump
spread it around
Got it
Well good luck to him, even though he has 0 chances of winning the case.
Google is owned by the NSA and by the government (as well as owning the government). The government isn't going to find itself guilty of adhering too strictly to its own diversity policy.
hahahah edgy memes, well done!
>>>/reddit/ is that way
feel free to go back any time!
Care to give a source or is this another computer-generated Holla Forums post?
I know you're one of those autists who take hyperbole literally, but Google is part of PRISM
You're way too fucking early for the GET my halfchan dude
Please don't use hyperbole when trying to teach technical facts and present reality. It is very distracting way to give a clear and simple message.
First of all the hurd works.
A kernel is never truly finished like a lot of software.
The reason the hurd isn't more advanced is because their isn't a lot of people on the project.
What's this? We have one single Holla Forums homosexual trying to think-tank Holla Forums into not speaking about the Jews? Using fake consensus and loads of samefaggotry?
It's pretty blatant that you are just one buttbasted shill, m8
That's the funny part, though. This faggot isn't anywhere close to the weight-lifting frogposting hackernazis on steroids that they're all afraid of.
He's a light blue grey teamer, a solid staunch lolbergtarian, who solely objects to what has become obvious lunatic cancer eating away at all our institutions. He WANTS there to be more women in tech, and suggests how to do it, BECAUSE the current methods are moronic.
And the dumb fucks ate him alive for it.
Every day they alienate themselves further. Every day, normalfags wake up and realize, these fuckers are BATSHIT.
Profound kek.
I love the irony that people at Google fired this man because they projected this vicious misinterpretation on him: that he simply wants to do unto his peers exactly as they do unto the users - treat them as interchangable cattle, figures to be optimized in a spreadsheet.
He's not your retarded spic
Pathetic. This is propaganda by morons.
One more time: use Brave.
Why can't I embed Youtube desu?
Peterson: "Why did you do this?"
Damore: "About a month and a half ago, I went to one of our diversity summits, all of it unrecorded and super-secret and they told me a lot of things that I thought just were not right."
Peterson: "Ok, what do you mean 'unrecorded and super-secret?'"
Damore: "Most meetings at Google are recorded. Anyone at Google can watch it. We're trying to be really open about everything...except for this. They don't want any paper trail for any of these things."
"They were telling us about a lot of these potentially illegal practices that they've been doing to try to increase diversity. Basically treating people differently based on what their race or gender are."
Peterson: "Ok, why?"
Damore: "Because I think it's illegal. As some of the internal polls showed, there were a large percentage of people who agreed with me on the document. So, if everyone got to see this stuff, then they would really bring up some criticism."
End quote
There is a bigger scandal here than Google's screeching at one engineer's autistic memo.
Damore is being very smart here. He knows he has Google by the balls on big time on employment law violations, maybe racial or religious discrimination violations, breeches of pay grades, and my personal suspicion would be that even shadier shit is going down.
Damore's "exit" is ostensibly about this gender shit, but both he and the company know what he knows. Don't be surprised if there's a big settlement here. The bigger it is, the more Google is hiding.
user needs more info on these internal unrecorded meetings. Google is not what it seems.
Sorry, Google memo man: women were in tech long before you
It's worth reading to the end. She basically says that women invented programming and were 'pushed out' by men who took all the credit. Wew lads.
Amazing posts. I'm glad to learn that "consensus cracking" is what that behavior is called.
No, retard. People are telling YOU to fuck off. Take your shit back to Holla Forums your attempts to create a false consesus are pathetic.
Fuck off stormfag, you're literally just as bad
You're doing a good job changing the subject to Holla Forums and Holla Forums infighting, but I'm afraid we'll have to let you go since you're not diverse enough. This is your final payment.
This. Both Holla Forums and Holla Forums need to kill themselves the adults are talking
The deal was 2gb you fucking jew
Wew, indeed. The positions that many women held back then were made obsolete by advances in the field of technology in which they were working.
Reminder that science is sexist and you goyim should be ashamed of using it.
That's a honking great nose. Did you photoshop it?
user please, you should know that memes are now real.
Attacking science? Our best and most enduring framework for understanding the objective nature of reality?
This will be the death of human civilization.
kek no
As they become more anti
they will suffer a brutal brain rain which will leave a bunch of idealogical idiots in charge of tools they don't understand.
Expect more crazy in the vein of twitter.
That's what happened at Yahoo when they started hiring more and more women because "muh diversity". Went from the #1 online company to getting bought out.
Lucky. My high school's "computer" classes ended with Keyboarding 2.
>flattery really does get you everywhere
So when can STEM workers just create our own country? It's clear that America is only going to keep getting more and more retarded and repressive, and most other countries don't look too much better. The average American, and arguably the average person, has no appreciation for what scientists and engineers do. What this guy said was pretty inoffensive and he's still being treated like he just shot up a busload of kids while proclaiming his love of Hitler.
She's completely right though. Or at least the headline is; science does not equal truth. There are two sides to most current scientific debates, whether it be IQ, gender differences or what have you. Both sides are scientific but both cannot be true at the same time. Not to mention that the more humanity-like 'sciences' - psychology, sociology, social anthropology - are full of bullshit because they fundamentally differ to hard sciences like physics and mathematics.
I think properly executed science is usually an accurate method for truth. The problem comes when you have scientists inserting their biases and then manipulating or outright making up findings. It's the whole bill nye climate/Syria thing all over again. People think that's 'science' when it's just obvious nonsense for personal political reasons. History has a lot of these problems too because people tend to make shit up to use it for modern political reasons or just omit findings because it would negatively affect their careers.
I think you could make the case these are genuinely not actual sciences though, more like advanced social studies or something.
this can't be real
This is the vast majority of academia tbh.
Pretty much. Somebody has to call out academics on their fake science, but nobody's really doing anything on that front right now. How can we fix this?
I don't think we can really do anything without a large amount of support and opposition towards it. What we need is to wait for the eventual failure these people and companies will go through from having used bullshit data and then just create a massive opposition against them and their obviously flawed methods. The problem is people are so stupid and prefer to listen to perceived authorities rather than actually proving their own positions correct, so you end up with reddit tier circle jerks over false information and views. Eventually it should implode though. Hopefully...
A bunch of imageboard faggots took on video game journalists and won, if not by getting them to change their ways then by massively eroding their credibility. Granted, academics are a bit farther up the totem pole, but the same sort of thing should work. Now if only academia would produce an Eron Gjoni figure, we could get this party started. We need to start keeping a lookout for things that could be used to start a mass movement against academia.
True but lets remember that science like archeology is their to research the facts.
If you read carefully the "debates" and more importantly read the studies and reports you'll see that most of the public debates in scientific magazines are just there to sell more (besides the voluntary political agenda/disruption) because the theme about it is popular.
and the sun will still rise tomorrow.
nothing wrong with this chick to my knowledge. vice's media spin twisted your perception of her.
Whether that's true or not doesn't really matter; she's now the HR Cunt meme. By the way, do you remember the time that CNN doxxed a 15-year-old?
>(((intellectual property)))
stay salty
become woman
Orthodox turkish christian, the kind that touches little boys without the catholic sense of self dignity. Nobody has to pull strings to censor in imkamfy's turkey because rape is a sport over there.
And to think it's still a good 2 years more practical experience than all of Holla Forums combined.
Only if you count all the heebs as white. Same trick they use to hide the massive underrepresentation of whites in colleges.
If all of these meetings are "unrecorded and super-secret", does this mean there is no hard evidence at all of these Google diversity summits?
If this all goes to court, don't you think Google with their legions of the best lawyers money can buy will take these unsubstantiated allegations apart?
I'm not saying I like it, I'm just saying Damore is fucked if none of this can be proven.
IQ is bullshit but this is... worse.
James Damore's AMA on Leddit, if anybody is interested
Find me one retard with genius-level IQ, Pajeet. You can't because IQ works, although it can't distinguish between very high IQs due to limited samples.
Isn't it unfortunate then that these stupid faggot google managers have tweeted openly about their biases, blacklists and general hostility?
I reckon google will settle out of court.
People equate IQ to those stupid test on the Internet not realising an actual test is quite intensive and exhaustive.
See pic related
Citation needed. Since meritocracy has built some great companies and civilisations I think you might just be a retard for stating that.
Diversity of thought yes, all other 'diversity' is meaningless and going by today's social experiments such diversity appears to be incredibly harmful.
kek not if you go by history and statistics.
Everything around was built by whitebois. The most innovative and radical social changes came from the UK and Europe.
Triggered shitskins feel very insecure when they seem their nothing place in history
Still waiting. All my interaction with different flavours of pajeet has been incredibly disappointing and niggers next to non existent in this industry.
t. triggered nigger.
when will you get it through your thick skull that meritocracy is a red herring? You need a person who's good for the job, not a retard with the fanciest-sounding diploma from an expensive degree mill and the highest number of references.
It's as retarded as deciding a programmer's worth based solely on LOC contributed.
Jesus Christ do you have one chromosome too many?
a society governed by people selected according to merit.
the quality of being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or reward.
Having a qualification is a merit if its worthy one BUT DOES NOT EXCLUDE ALL OTHER FORMS OF MERIT.
I have a 6 figure tech job and I have no degree and no certs, I got here because I worked my ass off. I was able to do this because I was judged on MERIT. In my experience companies that too hung up on fancy qualifications are shit companies to work for and you probably didn't want the job anyway.
You clearly lack merit since you do not know the meaning of words but argue like you do. Get educated or save some oxygen and kys.
Fuck of nigger
You literally just called meritocracy a red herring and then described the need for meritocracy.
you are a fullblown retard.
So... a meritocracy.
That was painful to hear.
There's also a marked gender difference. Plenty of young women can go through school and university without ever failing once. Even IF they get a bad grade on a test, they have long since realized that whining and bitching will make the grade go up/the problem go away. We're dealing with a generation that has never encountered even the simplest hardships and failures.
Fuck no. You Holla Forumsacks are board parasites and the main reason for the decline in quality on Holla Forums and you would have ruined Holla Forums too if Holla Forums didn't start banning you retards for being the cancer that was killing Holla Forums. Holla Forums was better before the fucking election drew you maggots here, and it will be better once you fuck off. Just because a number of Holla Forums users share a measure of concern over SJWism (myself included) doesn't mean they are Holla Forums ideology like you retards or that you're welcome here to spread your cancer.
Holla Forums was better before the shithole moderators inflicted a coup and ruined the board also. But you aren't old Holla Forums which could produce interesting and insightful discourse. You're neo/pol/, filled with 4chan kids and stormfront retards and a few genuine autists, and you idiots think everywhere should be low IQ Holla Forums shitposting like you.
Welcome to Holla Forums. It's about Holla Forums, not Holla Forums. And we hate stupid people. Now fuck off. The whole reason we're not /g/ anymore is because we were sick of /g/'s low effort idiot shitposters. Getting Holla Forums shitposters now is even worse.
can you please go to the catalog, count the threads about browsers and post that number here?
what's with all the shortlinks ITT? this freezepage shit doesn't even load for me. and your archive.crap only loads because cuckflare didn't block me today.
i like how all these people who unironically use archive.crap don't even know how to use it properly.
obvious hearsay is obvious.
normies dont see the lügenpresse for what it is
As a communist i think this is great.
For years we have been trying to bring down the mega corps by stealing their trade secrets but as it turns out all you really need to bring capitalism to it's knees is to elevate women into positions of power so they can slowly rot the foundations away like the useful idiots they are.
And let me tell ya. They are truly useful idiots in every sense of the word. They believe they are fighting for economic equality for women but in reality they are just helping us dismantle the very system that supports and enables their privileged bourgeois way of life.
honestly, what is appealing about communism?
Nobody cares >>>Holla Forums
Ugh, please don't even post dthr*mpvfitler's name or at least post a trigger warning first, I'm literally shaking because of rhis.
Everything on paper, nothing in reality.
It's as ridiculous a pipedream as utopian anarcho-capitalism, failing to account for human nature because "muh ideology" refuses to acknowledge it exists.
Nice old, dead memes, friend.
The current political and economic system is not reflective of human nature. Human nature is primitivist anarchism.
I dont say that as a bad thing, the ideal political and economic system shouldnt contradict human nature too badly, but should allow more organized, industrial society. You can guess what I think that is but this shit barely Holla Forums thread doesnt need more arguing.
the actual ideology and propositions of far leftists is not "dude lets just all share and get along" or "BIG GUBMINT FREE MONEY GIMME THEM GUNS".