Why do third worlders never kill themselves? Why is it a first world thing? Are they that brainwashed
Suicide general
But they do you moron.
It took them ten thousand years to invent a stick, give them time
What's going on in the second webm?
Because they know at least they're not Anthony Burch.
Third worlders are less likely to kill themselves because they don't understand what it's like to live as an individual. You ever notice all those webms of packs of niggers running around? That's what they consider is the default position, big groups of people, they feel the need to be "a part of something" and have no sense of self or self-value. They barely even have self-awareness.
Usually when you read threads or posts by depressed and or suicidal people, many complain about poverty, debt, low income, etc. If that applies to you, I would like to ask you, do you think money would change the way you feel about life?
In my case, I think it wouldnt. my dad owns a rental business, he has some houses and flats and rents them out. He lets me stay in them while they are undergoing repairs. My life is going to be very easy once he dies, but I'm still depressed and suicidal. I stay inside all day and just surf the net all day. I used to play videogames but it's hard to stay interested in them these days. Sometimes I don't even have the energy to get out of bed. A few years I tried signing up for some college classes but quit because i lost interest a few months in. I also tried exercising/working out etc. Same result. I have 0 friends. I tried meeting people but they instantly realize something is "off" about me and leave. I m turning 29 this year. All I can think of is shooting myself. Nothing interests me. A few weeks ago I tried getting back into old 90s videogames I used to love when I was younger and couldn't get past the first level in most of them. Years of NEETing has turned my brain into some kind of gelatin. I'm pretty sure I will kill myself this year, or the next.
I believe that no amount of money could change the way I feel. My dad could be 10x as rich and I would still feel like this
dont stop eggsersizing my dude. keep moving, even if youre depressed
What would it take for you to stay in this fucked up place?
my life was x1000 worst than yours. and i've never thought about killing myself.
toughen up cupcake. the world isn't meant to be your friend.
New Zealand has the highest suicide rate in the world. It dawned on me why - this is it. The last place on earth. The 80 iq streetshitter can drag himself out of bed, & tell himself that if he shits on those streets super hard, he might just save enough rupees to escape to somewhere like New Zealand or America etc.
We don't have that luxury. We're in it. Get to work & sign that 40 year mortgage agreement because there's nowhere left for you to run. Space is out of the question, and everywhere else on earth is already overpopulated, even if they did accept immigrants (something only western nations seem to do..). We're sitting on the deck of the Titanic watching it sink, but the band plays on, and everyone carries on as if this was the plan all along.
It requires that one must exist atop their hierarchy of needs before they can adequately appreciate the serenity of death and its' contrast to the misery and utter worthlessness of existence.
It's easier to delude yourself when you are stupid and ignorant about everything which is a thing in the third world because real education is virtually non-existent in most of it. So most third worlders don't kill themselves because they truly believe in religious fairy tales which say that you cannot kill yourself and that it doesn't matter how shitty things are because you are going to pass eternity in heaven after this life but to be able to go to heaven you cannot kill yourself.
This might change soon tho, because of the internet and access to information.
Decide where your boundaries are, and breach them. Every day. Push them away from you. Forget about other people, what they demand and expect.
I used to be exactly like you. I've squandered all the money, took me a lot of time to learn. But I'm happy now, in my 40s with (finally) a lovely girlfriend, and I'm still doing whatever the fuck I want, with whomever I want. I did get 2 college degrees, they're not all important and deciding in the end. But they do help. So does money.
Whatever you do in life: choose something that leaves you as many options as you can possibly get. Fight against things and people that limit your options.
Serious answer? cultural marxism is aimed to people with high IQ, not thirdworlders.
its mostly genetical programing
survival gives you a purpose
you function better in a life crisis because you are build for that not for wasting in front of a pc/office…
some modern day use that predatory instinct in other fields
ofc with all the porn and immediate self gratification today is hard to tap into that…
Sorry for samefagging, and thirdworlders die a lot too for other reasons (including heart problems for eating too much) so sudoku is hiding between propaganda and shit life.
That can be fixed rising standards in your mind, we are living in the number 6 extinction so your point isnt real if we arent talking about propaganda, just check "social studies" there is a lot of overrated retards out there.
Struggle gives men purpose. The daily fight for life only makes them more determined. Contrast this with western culture, where you have to go out of your way to challenge yourself, and if you dont you risk feeling empty and purposeless. I dont envy the nigs but this is the truth of their predicament.
Seriously GTFO newfag that meme is ancient
so you believe that as a species we have evolved that much in a few hundred years?
hundreds years explanation:
we take the vast majority of the planets population as an average
lets go back 1k years what is the life style of your normal fag (a feudal peasant in the best case scenario) but even wit agriculture and stone wood/stone shelter he still fights disease and nature at a paleolithic level
check out what the infantile mortality is just 120 ish years ago (and that will give you a hint for the overpopulation in 3rds)
my life was x6000000 times worst than yours. and i've always thought about killing myself. settle down muffin. the world is my friend.