Ereader general

what kinda ereaders does Holla Forums have?

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android smartphone w/ fbreader app

kobo aura h2o

Nice dubs OP


Kobo Aura One.
Shorter battery life, can't use wireless Calibre Sync, the USB connection is dodgy. Reading is a decent experience, though. 6/10.

I like to carry around a nook simple touch but I think it's dying on me and I am looking to replace it. What ones do you have or recommend?

cheap refurbished kobo glo
works fine for its purpose, it's quite small but that just makes it easier to hold with one hand, it does the job so I'm happy with it, I just hope it won't freeze or brick because that seems to be a common problem

Kobo Glo, had it since 2012. Read just shy of 4000 hours on it (according to the stats function).

OS is unpredictable, deciding to reboot itself randomly once every 2 weeks, and the touch screen is shit (going back a page instead of forward occasionally). Backlight is a bit uneven as well.

Use Calibre to transfer books and that works fine.

5/10. Would probably buy a more recent Kobo to replace if these minor issues have been fixed.

ah yes I have this as well, pretty annoying.

browsing through the books on it is bloody difficult. I find it impossible just to move to the next page of the list.

top pajeet

I haven't really noticed yet, I only got it half a year ago and only have 5 pages of books on it. Only reading 1-2 books at a time. How often do you browse the books? Most time is spent on reading the books itself which aside from occasionally flipping a page backwards, is fine for me.
Obviously, feel free to upgrade if you have the desire and money for it.

An old Koby Kyros tablet (MID7015)
I only read pdfs, and mostly powerpoint-like presentations, so it suffices for now. But it is incredibly slow and old.

iBook ipad2

jailbroken kindle paperwhite with KOreader

I used a Nook Simple Touch. Cheap as dirt and got me into reading a lot more.

Decided to "upgrade" last year to a Nook Glowlight Plus so I could have a backlight. Big mistake.


but what about muh environment????

most of the time i read actual books but I don't wanna carry around 1,000+ page tomes with me everywhere. Having an ereader is incredibly convenient for that kinda shit man



I'm too depressed to read, but have a pocketbook 515w I haven't touched for more than a year (other than right now). It's pretty good, supports bash and everything.
Before that I had one from Sony I think, that one was sweet (no wifi, but I don't need it) but the fuckers stopped selling it so I had to get something else.

Fiction is literally women-tier. Fuck off faggots

Nigga where the hell do you even go you never leave your fucking room.

Mein Kampf isn't fiction you idiot

nice projection

What about reading science, math, or programming languages in an ereader?
You are truly a creative person.

The Boyue T63 looks good

I still have my refurbished Nook Simple Touch, and it still works alright

I have an old NOOK color that the USB is half-broken on it since day 1 so you have to position it just right for it to charge properly. My parents bought it for me when they first came out on a sale. Unfortunately the warranty was expired by the time I realized it was fucked, but I kept it for reading the in-game morrowind books and stupid shit like that. Mostly just used my laptop and then my phone.

I got a Chuwi notebook that I use for most of my E-reading these days and just convert everything into PDF format.

You sure you aren't accidentally hitting the main screen button?

Great for classics like the New Testament, Bluejacket's Manual, SPQR, etc.

I wouldn't be caught dead reading my weebshit LNs/WNs in .book format, and you can't really turn a VN into a book.

I've seen it do this several times while I'm not even touching it.

My local town library.



I have a Kobo Aura HD. Overall I'm not sure that ereaders are worth the asking price hardware-wise, but it has enabled me to read books I didn't want to buy or otherwise can't find.

Without addresing things all readers are bad at, like large format PDF and documents lacking metadata.
Has a slightly larger screen (6.8")
Can run Koreader, which is excellent and free software.
Is accessed as a normal block device over USB.
Runs mostly vanilla Linux, meaning you can run an sshd and scp books across. I think someone even got xorg running.
Has an SD card slot. The OS is also run from an internal SD card which can be removed.

The default software is crap, especially for PDFs. Use Koreader.
Hardware is pretty weak compared to Kindles, pages can be slow update sometimes.
You need a trick to use it without registering an account (insert some junk user data into an SQL database)
Has the standard pernicious spyware. Thankfully this can be removed once you have shell access.

Download Moon+ Reader Pro .apk and install it on your Android phone.
The end.

I hate normies.

Pro-tip: put on earphones, even if you don't listen to music.

On OP's subject, I have a Kobo Aura HD and access to a Kobo Glo HD.
Aura HD's screen size is great and with koreader it's really nice to have. That said, I prefer the Glo HD for long hours, since it's lighter. Plus the letters are so crisp that the smaller screen size isn't a problem.



What is this 1963!?

He got enough of his way for kikes to keep kvetching about him for all eternity.

Color e-ink is utter shit. If you don't know this, you don't belong in this thread.


Not him but I think it'd be really useful for technical documents which are the only reason I even want an e-ink screen bigger than 6inches

Nearly all tech docs I've come across are black&white anyway. You want good contrast and resolution first and foremost in your reader to reduce eye strain. Things like color are nice-to-haves, but ultimately way down the priorities list.

Since good color e-ink tech is still a few years away, you might as well fetch yourself what current state-of-the-art has to offer.

Me too

Just get a tablet.

You can browse the internet and read most formats.
Downside is backlight.

...and hurt your eyes. The whole point of a separate reader is to prevent that.

Any of you know about an ereader that is not worth above 50 bucks in Europe ?

Forget about it. The screen alone costs more to produce than that.
Your only option in this price range is to hunt for a used unit from a few years ago.

Why the fuck a black and white screen costs more than that ?

Because it's quite a bit more complex to manufacture than an LCD screen.

Just fyi: this is the kind of (sand)nigger we have to deal with in Europe