Go to a board outside Holla Forums

welp, never doin' that again

If only they weren't so afraid of womz, feminism might be successful in destroying civilization…


stealing that one

I was recently browsing /s/ when I stumbled into a "caramel girls" thread or something. Some user got so triggered he started posting white chicks, until somebody complained and he just SAGE'd out of the thread.

Hbomberguy i-i-is that you?

That's some advanced autism

I know which food board you post in ;^)

Fucker probably posts here.
Also Xerxiy or whatever his name is, also Maoist Autist News guy.

Too bad Holla Forums is fucking slow

It's a shame so little people know of Holla Forums in the first place, now that it's removed from Google searches especially, not only would it increase the number of posters, but also perhaps convert more people

No one will ever take communism or socialism seriously in a 1st world country again, full stop, this is reality.

google only blocks Holla Forums for me half of the time. The other half it works just fine.

it's such a shame that we're stuck in liberal democracy forever.


Is there anything to fix this?

Is it google itself that is doing the censorship.

Holla Forums shows up just fine to me btw, it's Holla Forums that's probably censored.

That's not a bad thing, more people find Holla Forums directly and not the Nazi trash of Holla Forums and the other boards. We should tell the De-class cuking memes guy on Facebook to shill more leftypol.

I feel bad for you

Jason get out ree

we have some lefties over here and people aren't as pretentious as on Holla Forums
overall it's just adding more memes to spooks but it's fun tbh

What kind of autistic retards care about politics when they go to >>>/s/ ?

Hello NSA!

this is why Holla Forumsyps are the worst

Krautchan's /int/ used to be great. It's pretty stupid how all their best stuff gets credit given to 4chan, but they wouldn't want the normies swarming them anyway.

I ventured onto Holla Forums (both fullchan and halfchan) since Steven Universe is coming back and saw nothing but complaints about SJW-ism and waifu'ing. Awful.

On the bright side, I don't feel nearly as ashamed of myself by proxy.

SJW's deserve all the shit they get. And pretty much everyone here knows it.

Sure, they deserve it, but do they really need it so much that it's all anyone cares about it?

At some point you have to get tired of rambling about how that blue haired fat woman at Starbucks pissed you off.

I think they do. They aren't a minority. They're infesting the media just as much as nationalists.

What I admit is annoying though is that anyone and everyone who disagrees with the stormfags and the so called "alt right" is labeled an SJW.

Sure why the fuck not, but does Holla Forums deserve it? Does Holla Forums? It's annoying, couldn't even talk about star wars much without people crying they should make the black guy white, but we can't forget how racissss it is to make white characters black. For Christ's shitting ass I'm tired of having to read people whine about things when they go out of their way to find things to be offended about. Hypocritical trash I just want to talk about video games man.

sometimes i just want to talk about if the hulk could beat up superman and not about what some faggot artist said on twitter

I don't see how refusing to discuss something other than them will help this. They aren't conniving, nor are they intelligent enough for this to become a distant possibility; they are useful idiots for failed entertainment media producers and unsympathetic bureaucrats.

Why even bother starting an Overwatch thread to discuss strats if it's going to devolve into butt pose controversy circlejerking?

Will this autism ever end?

Wether they deserve it or not is irrelevant when it comes to Holla Forumss usage of the terms. Everybody who disagree's with any part of their "opinions" is automatically an SJW/cuck/jew/whatever.

It's clear that this is going way beyond something SJW's "deserve".

don't forget

I saw an argument the other day and one side was insisting having emotions, struggling with shitty situations, and being empathetic made you nu male and thus scum.

that's true, but nowadays KC is pretty desolate

This is my experience about it. It's like the wizardry thing, only politicized and even more obnoxious, if possible.

Why are you so defensive and insecure about it? If some dude said some dumb shit then people will roast him, that's how it is.

Threads made that are focused specificaly mocking sjw's are ok by me. But bringing that shit on topics which have nothing to do with i is fucking annoying and little else than the cancerous consumer revolt mentality of Gamer Gate, that derails every thread until it reaches 300+ posts.

This is why /tg/ is the best board, it stays on fucking topic no matter what.

Honestly, when there's a thread bemoaning the godawful practices of some company or another, it will be fairly normal posts then some turboautist will shitpost about TEH JOOZ and it all goes to shit from there.

This is by far the worst shit I've ever seen. Why do these people have these autismal talking points they go to. Why. Why do people not point out how autistic this is

And you take it seriously? kek you deserve it.

You could say with any of this bitch in the thread you bitch.

Anyone who ever says kek from this day forward deserves to be executed by firing squad


Fucking die

kill yourself my man

Sure, everyone you disagree with is Holla Forums. It's not like normal people with common sense or anything!

An-fem poster continues to remain the best poster on this board!


although I'm not autistic enough to justify it like that



Honestly agree with anfem poster on this, you literally need to go



My tribalistic cultural marxist race baiting sex is going to continue whether you like it or not.

When it memes like a cuck
And posts like a cuck
And won't shut up about SJWs like a cuck

It must be Holla Forums

I don't care. I hope you find happiness in your life.


anyone asked tits from this one yet?

You were going to get purged during 'the great namefag purge' anyway