Hey anarchist communists, how do you intend to stop me from having private property without the existence of a state?

Hey anarchist communists, how do you intend to stop me from having private property without the existence of a state?

How do you intend to stop me from violating the NAP all over your gf's tight asshole?

Sleep in your bed and restrain you fam.

I think it won't be hard to convince your sl- i mean workers to kick your ass if there is no police to protect to protect your private property.

Nihilist deathsquads.

With force in the name of ourselves individually but in an union of interests.

And by that I mean with raifus.

But this is volunteerism at work user, if you don't want this to happen then provide adequate working conditions.

You can't have absentee property rights without a state OP. If I live in Germany while owning a house in Spain, it's the police who will expel squatters.

How do you intend to have private property without the existence of a state?

Why would they consider to have the fruit of their labor taken away from them as the better option?

wtf I hate communism now

Private security forces user

How is that different from a state?

No taxes.

It's not I'm just taking the piss

How is paying mercs to taxes?

*different to taxes

It's voluntary.

If you stage an uprising and kill the management I'm pretty sure you could keep the stuff

that definition of "state" would mean that even a homeowner is a state.

It is a flawed definition and he has no reason to accept it.

It' not really a choice when without it your private property would be curbstomped.

autonomous anarcho-communist droid killing squads? (I tried)

OC lads

It will be illegal in any case, so you might get imprisoned/exiled.

Maybe this deserve it's own thread but how are rules enforced under anarchism? Do everyone have to be part of the local militia at some point in life? Or does some specialization exist but is kept in check by the guns of the rest of the commune?

In anarchism you are responsible for you.
Anarchism = Brute mechanical chaos.

lol do you even dictionary definitions

Dictionaries are bourgeois and must be burned to prevent philosophical totality.

and you're here accusing anarchism of favoring chaos lol

The moment you let people interpret freely is the moment they become reactionary revisionists. There must only be the sacred decree of the Party.

1984 shouldn't be a how to manual tbh.

That book should be burned too, right along with Fahrenheit 451.


So, Marx and Engels' theory on history is BS, society will always lead to monarchy, monarchy will always lead to communism, republicanism or democracy through rebellion, all of those three are retarded so you will end up with monarchy again. It is a wheel that is always spinning.

oh sorry I didn't realize you were retarded and/or trolling. my bad.


Dictionaries don't define words and there's no consensus on words.

You're right

The peacock that can be spoken is the the true peacock.

Also, those are pixels, not penguins.

Hey ayncraps, how do you intend to stop me from having communal property without the existence of a state?

Anarchists don't understand that the body that takes over the roles the state filled becomes the de facto state.

i rape you

Just try talking about an ancap on what capitalism is.

Simple – you steal from us, and we kill you.

A state is public by nature.


And what differentiate public and private if they do the exact fucking thing.

Essentially, all the workers would be armed and presumably prepared to handle any crime or external threat with said arms. If you ask me, this means anarchism can't be reached directly after the revolution. There has to be a stage in between the revolution and anarchy in which society matures to the point that people won't just instantly declare themselves the king of the local furniture factory when the state is dissolved.

t. retard

forgot shitposting flag


Given they don't give a shit wether you're a child rapist or El Chapo as long as you pay them, yes they're mercenary.

At worst, it would be the same thing as any country right now. so no big deal.

They don't give a shit about who they defend as long as they're being paid. That's the textbook definition of mercenary behavior.

Yes, so not anarchy, AnCap is a contradiction because hierarchy still prevail.

No state != no social organization or the use of violence to enforce societally agreed upon laws.

But how does this work exactly? No sarcasm, i'm genuinely curious. Is there any work about that patrticular point?

In my experience mos left anarchists just want a state with direct democracy but are too pedantic to let ordinary people know what their talking about

It's a highly democratic system so it is, i admit, somewhat hard to say just how it will work because I can't really predict what people in the future will choose to live by.
However, by and large people are given to decide what the regulations they will be subject to are. The law is written by the people who are to be subject to it and how they are enforced. People who want to enforce the law will be given a vetting to determine how well they are capable of actually following the laws and that they have proper responses to the situations they will likely encounter.

Potentially people could vote for private property to be reinstated but they could just as readily vote for feudal lords or slavery.

how do ayncraps intend on stopping me from being dictator without the existence of a state?

They'll have mercenaries to shoot you.

exactly so p much a state
private property is also the same as a state because natural rights are a spooke

It's not endless, fascism is the final state. Literal perfection.

Nay It would mean that hierarchy are not coercive


How will ancaps protect their property without a state? There's only so much space an individual can protect by himself.

The point


Anarchy= no hierarchy. Ancap produce hierarchy. Therefore AnCap can't be anarchy.

I'm not even anarchist but this is basic logic.

Political anarchism itself is a flawed, contradictory ideology. Anarcho-capitalists, agorists, and mutualists aren't "anarchists" but that's as much a pejorative as saying they're aren't completely mental. Not that I agree with any of them, I'm more old fashioned.

social fascism strikes again laddies

What does that bluish green in the egoists' flag represent?

that we're running out of colours

the community would defend itself from you, as private property is a de facto declaration of violent intent (anyone who interacts with this inanimate object i claim, i will attack violently)


Stalinists are at it again! Run for the bunkers.

I feel like people conflate ayncrapism which is a very specific and batshit insane form individualist anarchism with all individualist anarchism

Ancaps are subhumans

if it were it wouldn't be really anarchist duh

The pics are fucking annoying.

"anarch(o)" being a prefix was a mistake.


I guess socialism is capitalism, because it fills the role that capitalism filled.

yeah socialism is the class rule of the bourgeoisie
kill yourself you fucking retard holy shit

You generally get jailed for slavery, not impaled on a spear. Though I don't really mind the outcome. My problem is that in real ancom the slaver will get away.

we don't. aslong as you're hurting anyone

the power to do [evil] will always exist as long as there isn't some authority to specifically stop [evil], the question here is whether collective or individual tyranny is preferable.
isn't "prohibited" in Anarchy the same way child prostitution isn't "prohibited" in AnCap, they both rely on individuals to consider the well being of other against their own interest, the difference is Anarchy doesn't set up any established proper set of conducts or organization and lets the community adapt to the situation at hand, while AnCap creates invisible lines which people need to respect because some misinterpreted Enlightenment philosopher said they should.

If only everybody respected muh negative liberty, we'd all get along?

I guess, Anarchism is the rejection of all unjustified hierarchies as well as the questioning of all justified ones.
It's not that no one has the power to claim "this is mine", it's that no one has the authority to force others to respect that claim, to deny the use of something because it is his.
When you try to make politics moral what you get is statism.
t. Philosopher King

reply to


He'll trade with you what you don't have for what he wants.



It's basically impossible to have everything unless you have all of the knowledge in the universe and access to the same. This is of course on the assumption that the trader is from outside of the society or that he's made something that no one else has even thought of.

Reread: Already FREELY available
But the trader we're talking about is inside the ancom society, it even says so in that shitty strawman image. So if you wanted to make that argument, they would have to be outside the ancom society by default, which basically destroys the strawman because it would be saying "This is what happens outside an ancom society…"
What's to stop the commune from creating the exact same products he made with the materials he got from the commune in the first place?

Not what he's offering.
Then he's inside.
Nothing, if they know how to do it themselves. He could be selling the finished product they will take apart and learn how to make themselves, or the knowledge itself.

This is just me being stupid and thinking out how this could work. Unless we're talking about beyond Star Trek levels of technology which renders a lot of it moot.

No response
Private property is a threat of violence

How is that not a state?

Literally how?

It's horizontal ,no bureaucracy or chain of command, any management positions are assigned bottom-up and there is no immutable rigid constitution or law, the idea is to make things as local and decentralized as possible.

People don't tend to take into account the actual logistics needed to even try and make that a reality.

more like how do you intend to stop the workers to collectivize your property without the existence of a repressive state…

come back when you actually stop following your meme ideology


How do you intend to build a state without extracting surplus value and how do you intend to keep your property when the town votes to take it by landslide majority?