How do we stop gay people from spreading their genes? Seems like there's more and more of them every day.
How do we stop gay people from spreading their genes? Seems like there's more and more of them every day
kill yourself faggot
You know the answer
It's a fun thing to think about while drifting off to sleep or daydreaming at work, but what about realistic solutions?
technically they've already stopped themselves from spreading their genes…
gay sex being inherently unreproductive and all…
anyway, i'm not seeing more gay people lately - maybe its just you op
A population of human cattle that have had their hormone levels deliberately fucked up. Gas the jews, save the world.
Do you really think the Jews could be behind this?
The problem isn't their genes, given that faggotry is not genetic. In a way, you could think of it as a problem related to the original idea of "memes". Societal genes, if you will. The best you can hope for is that the problems associated with faggotry and trannyism become self-evident to the point that people reject the propaganda. I'm hopeful that will be the case once the current generation of millennials grows older, becoming a bunch of ghouls with irreversibly fucked up hormones and HIV.
No, but they certainly encourage it. Really depends if you count the larger power structure as jewry (i.e united nations et cetera) which I do, so yes.
you havent been going to gay bars lately, because trust me, as a purveyor of gay bars, in the past 2 and a half decades ive been in the business, they have skyrocketed.
I am a homosexual man, and I am proud of it. I enjoy the whole going-out/dating thing, and the ensuing sexual intercourse with an attractive long-haired-blonde blue-eyed trap - it's their eyes that make my knees weak. I prefer being on the bottom tbh. My favourite thing is when [she] cums all over my back, and then licks it up, and feeds it to me. I enjoy the taste of my own seed… but then, the sensation of being stretched open wide as your lover unloads inside you is also an inspiration. Being 'gay' is such a feeling of freedom, plus it's such a fantastic lifestyle - it's not all about sex. Happy Rainbow Bubbles to you all!
3D homosexual aids ridden poop eaters will never looks as good as cute 2D traps
we should all act like murderous genocidal nazis
that'll definitely get the country on our side
3D homos cannot compete with 2D cuteboys
gays don't reproduce in significant numbers
you'll need a better explanation than genetics
die in a fire
3D homos cannot compete with 2D cuteboys
3D homos cannot compete with 2D cuteboys
3D homos cannot compete with 2D cuteboys3D homos cannot compete with 2D cuteboys3D homos cannot compete with 2D cuteboys3D homos cannot compete with 2D cuteboys3D homos cannot compete with 2D cuteboys3D homos cannot compete with 2D cuteboys3D homos cannot compete with 2D cuteboys3D homos cannot compete with 2D cuteboys3D homos cannot compete with 2D cuteboys3D homos cannot compete with 2D cuteboys3D homos cannot compete with 2D cuteboys3D homos cannot compete with 2D cuteboys3D homos cannot compete with 2D cuteboys3D homos cannot compete with 2D cuteboys
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Hey, you said it, not me.
Semen Fun-Fluid Goo Man-Chowder Sperm Jizz Cum Egg-White Baby-Batter Mother's-Milk Wad Daddy's-Drink Spurt Cummies Nut Squirt Nut-Butter Man-Milk Sprog Cream Jism Ejaculate Orgasm Salty-Milk Skeet Spunk Love-Juice Sex-Milk Man-SeedSemen Fun-Fluid Goo Man-Chowder Sperm Jizz Cum Egg-White Baby-Batter Mother's-Milk Wad Daddy's-Drink Spurt Cummies Nut Squirt Nut-Butter Man-Milk Sprog Cream Jism Ejaculate Orgasm Salty-Milk Skeet Spunk Love-Juice Sex-Milk Man-SeedSemen Fun-Fluid Goo Man-Chowder Sperm Jizz Cum Egg-White Baby-Batter Mother's-Milk Wad Daddy's-Drink Spurt Cummies Nut Squirt Nut-Butter Man-Milk Sprog Cream Jism Ejaculate Orgasm Salty-Milk Skeet Spunk Love-Juice Sex-Milk Man-SeedSemen Fun-Fluid Goo Man-Chowder Sperm Jizz Cum Egg-White Baby-Batter Mother's-Milk Wad Daddy's-Drink Spurt Cummies Nut Squirt Nut-Butter Man-Milk Sprog Cream Jism Ejaculate Orgasm Salty-Milk Skeet Spunk Love-Juice Sex-Milk Man-SeedSemen Fun-Fluid Goo Man-Chowder Sperm Jizz Cum Egg-White Baby-Batter Mother's-Milk Wad Daddy's-Drink Spurt Cummies Nut Squirt Nut-Butter Man-Milk Sprog Cream Jism Ejaculate Orgasm Salty-Milk Skeet Spunk Love-Juice Sex-Milk Man-Seed Semen Fun-Fluid Goo Man-Chowder Sperm Jizz Cum Egg-White Baby-Batter Mother's-Milk Wad Daddy's-Drink Spurt Cummies Nut Squirt Nut-Butter Man-Milk Sprog Cream Jism Ejaculate Orgasm Salty-Milk Skeet Spunk Love-Juice Sex-Milk Man-Seed Semen Fun-Fluid Goo Man-Chowder Sperm Jizz Cum Egg-White Baby-Batter Mother's-Milk Wad Daddy's-Drink Spurt Cummies Nut Squirt Nut-Butter Man-Milk Sprog Cream Jism Ejaculate Orgasm Salty-Milk Skeet Spunk Love-Juice Sex-Milk Man-Seed
This may be an unpopular opinion, but I hate semen. It smells, it tastes bad, it looks nasty, it's hard to clean off, and its appearance causes the end of a perfectly good orgasm.
Don't mistake the enemy.
Furry used to be pure tho
I don't get that sticker. Trump was the first Republican president in US history (president in general if Obama hadn't played idpol to distract from his otherwise horrible record) to embrace gay people as non-parasites. Is this a controlled opposition sticker?
gay numbers are exaggerated
the brit surveys purport 1/3 people are 'queer' because they ask people "are you 100% straight?" and anyone who says no is considered 'queer'
Datamining thread
tbh whoever answer 'no' to being asked 'are you 100% straight' might as well be a fucking faggit because it shows they have no confidence in their straightness
The primary difficulty with you're suggestion is that in exactly the same way jewish cronyism has led to packing the leadership of media companies, many of them are also sodomites or feminists.
Until that sort of oligarchy is dismantled in these organizations NEVER, you say? Oh well… then pro-sodomites media will never end. The 60's were a mistake.
there's still IVF and surrogacy. they also adopt (read: government sanctioned kidnapping) other people's children and indoctrinate them into the lifestyle (read: AIDS)
Homosexuals are smarter than straights. On average higher IQ.
And how exactly, would they do that?
A lot of Chads are actually fags on the DL. On Craigslist there's no shortage of tall muscular men eagerly looking to suck dick now that their hot wife is out of town. They only wanted her to breed with and keep up appearances but prefer men.
Maybe if we exposed them to women they would choose average straight guys instead.
Traps aren't gay, user.
Just ask >>>/traps/
Evola has the answers and distinguishes between natural and cultural homosexuals the problem is we have an increase in cultural homosexuality not homosexuals who are born gay (yay modernity):
To find an explanation it is necessary to descend to a lower level and examine various empirical possibilities. Normally two forms of homosexuality are distinguished in sexology: One has an inborn,natural character, whereas the other has an acquired character and is conditioned by psychological and sociological factors influenced by a person's environment. But in the second of these forms it is necessary to give a proper value to the distinction between forms having a vicious nature and forms that presuppose a latent predisposition which is aroused under given circumstances. It is necessary to set forth this condition because, given the same situation, different types behave in different ways and may not become homosexual. It is important, however, not to consider the inborn form of homosexuality in a rigid way but to allow a certain possibility of variation.
There you have it. Two chemicals that have severely fucked the hormonal levels of every US male. With men this feminized how is homosexuality NOT the eventual outcome?
Not really, genetics are a dice roll.
You can choose your dice, but you can't choose the numbers they'll land on.
"It's the ongoing radical sexualization of our children in most mutlinational multi-media platforms, that is the leading cause in the loss of precious male ejaculate in our great nation" - B. Obama, 2011.