Daffy Duck vs Donald Duck
Who wins?
Daffy Duck vs Donald Duck
Who wins?
Tough call, but Daffy's a born loser and Donald has a fighting spirit, so I have to give Donald the edge.
Daffy has survived many gunshots to the face, and is nearly invincible. I think it is obvious he would win.
Also, wasn't Donald a Marine during WW2?
Not going with the MURINES meme but he was one when it meant something.
they already fought once. in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?"
It depends on what level you get Donald to in Kingdom Hearts. Under level 50, Daffy wins. Over level 50, Donald wins.
Marine Donald and Monk Donald as Drive Forms announced for KHIII when?
I just came
The nigger is indisputably funnier. And, you know, can actually talk.
but anons, he cant fly, he can't swim, and his beak comes off.
he's actually a martian that was raised on earth by a family of ducks who found him as a baby.
Nazi Donald Duck was a badass
Daffy Duck is just a dumb nigger that is gay for Bugs Bunny
Donald has actually murdered people. In this daffy is just firing wildly like a greenhorn.
They both lose.
Isn't Daffy a fucking wizard?
99 times out of 100 Donald is simply going to squash Daffy.
Sometimes Daffy will crawl up Donald's nose-holes and peck into his brain
I really think that Donald trump should have changed his name to Donald Duck so people would like him more.
hillary already thought of that XD
She truly was our Meme Queen
Trump doesn't even have a trumpet
Daffy is funnier
(((idk fam these stats are breddy gud idk if dahnald could take it)))
Donald just because of dat voice.
Also bugs>daffy
No fucking way, i was just saying silly ideas out loud, to actually do that is… lols.
Fuck off.
Back to >>>/interracial/ with you!
Donald sung a Cthulhuesque entity back to sleep.
Donald wins.
there's literally nothing wrong with any of those
Those are some of his strengths.
Donald was a sailor and spent the entire war washing the deck of an aircraft carrier.