Ask a guy married to his sister anything. I saw the other incest thread and figured this would be a good time to explain things to people who don't understand.
Pic related: It's our story
Ask a guy married to his sister anything. I saw the other incest thread and figured this would be a good time to explain things to people who don't understand.
Pic related: It's our story
Other urls found in this thread:
sweet story
did you see your ex-boss?
do you get by pretending to be oficially married? does it cause legal troubles?
I suppose it helps to have the same name on id papers, but don't some administrations require her "maiden name"?
do you plan to have kids?
When we made it "offical" we moved to a new city in a state we didn't spend much time in ever, we cut all ties to our old lives. So we haven't seen anyone we used to know, including my old boss, in many years.
Yeah we aren't legally married of course. As far as problems we don't really have any. In a city like this it's big enough so that all the legal stuff shows us as just siblings who live together, but socially we are a married couple to the few friends we have. She doesn't even have a fake maiden name to tell people, she just says (truthfully) that she doesn't like thinking about growing up in a shitty household and the important part is who she is now. It probably helps that we look nothing alike.
As far as kids. We were against the idea for years. But in the last year we have thought about it more. So maybe.
Ehh we stopped caring about societal norms a long time ago. We are two very broken people that make each other happy and that's all we care about.
The kids are going to come out retarded , are you ok with that?
My sister and I shared a room until I was about 15…
and yes, we did.
This boner feels unnatural.
But I like it
you know… it's 2018… have you heard of condoms, vasectomies and IUDs?
oh, and abortion pills and clinical abortions…
I've read up on the subject several times and this is what I've learned.
If you understand the very basics of genetics you understand the concept of dominant and recessive traits. The really fucked up shit are rare recessive traits. This isn't a problem in a large gene pool as the chances of someone you have kids with having the same rare recessive traits as you are very very small.
The weird messed up shit happens between close relatives having kids IF there is a recessive trait and even then the chances are about 1 in 4 at the very highest for that trait.
This is why hemophilia was in the royal families of Europe.
So I did some digging. Because of our genetic make up the chances for something really bad are pretty low. There is a chance but I put it at somewhere around 1 in 100.
So we aren't really worried about genetic defects as being as issue if we did decide to have a child.
look at this fat ginger fuck
Will you kindly kill yourself?
No, I'm good.
Please? It's important for the human race.
Can you greentext more stories for us?
Sure, if could think of a story someone would actually want to read. I'm not very good at describing sex scenes, though we had some fun times.
I mean I guess I could try but don't be surprised if it isn't erotic and just comes out more a story.
Sounds really lovely and happy times for you both, user.
I'm slightly jealous.
My sister was still techically a child when I was 19, so we couldn't even hang out together as a couple in public at all.
Are you wh*te?
go on…
I think, it would be really cute of you two to have some kids, after what you have done, to literally save her and yourself.
I bet you two would do fine at parenting.
You are right, there is some risk, but is not that high, don't worry.
but I was thinking, isnt there some legal way, that either of you could change your name and get properly married?
also how old are you and how old is your sis?
The sight of the two girls making out and Inga's tight pussy were too much. After only 5 minutes I pulled out and came all over her back.
Better not to risk legal marriage. We're happy that's all that matters.
I'm 37 sis is 36.
fuck you and your stupid happiness
fucking your sister is worse then fucking a nigger
your going to bring down the IQ ever further if you have children
Yes, that IS all that metters.
Fuck the haters.
Time is running out mate.
you two are getting old.
Imagine this, tomorrow your first baby is born, when that baby grows up and turns 20, you would be 57 and she will be 56.
I would hurry up.
when parents become too old for their children, they dont get along that well (especially in the teenager years).
Also I was worried, that you might have picked the wrong example of your father, being an alcoholic.
Do you drink?
are you addicted to something?
how about sis?
is she healthy?
Our tongues flicked agaist each other while exploring ever inch of sis's pussy.
yeah, no
any offspring from relatives this closely related to each other would have serious birth defects, and probably would be stillborn, or would not make it to adulthood.
It takes many, many generations of inbreeding to start showing severe birth defects. A single generation would show nothing at all.
I know which is why we've been talking about it. We have to make the choice this year.
I drink a few beers during a ballgame or something. I maybe drunk twice a year. Sis doesn't drink at all.
We're both smokers, as in cigarettes, but that's it. Other than that we are both healthy. I'm about 10-15 lbs overweight which isn't too bad.
but you have to keep in mind that this is taboo, you could try to explain this a thousand times, they would never be able to catch it.
it take a few generations for less closely related relatives to start to having problems, like multiple generations of breeding with 1st cousins.
breeding among closely related relatives doesn't need to have multiple generations to have negative consequences.
Ever done anal with her OP? I mean if it wasn't taboo before…
what ever you end up deciding I hope is for the best of you two.
I still think that all the love you have had between you two deserves to have a continuation.
It's ok I guess, just never follow your father's example.
Well that sucks, but any way, I was born and raised in a family of smokers, it's awful but anyway.
for some one of your age, it's kind of normal.
have you ever exercised in your life? run a few miles once in awhile?
Where is your mother?
Oh, I'm not saying there won't be consequences, but there won't be "severe birth defects" in a brother and sister producing a child. Most of the consequences would come from the social ramifications as the child goes to school.
Stopped there, thanks for the anime bullshit with amercian fuck yeah! overtones
Sure lots. We have a rule of never saying no to each other without a reason. But mostly I do anal when she knows I'm a little tired these days as it just finished everything faster.
OP, I always thought 4gag refugees were all fags and cancer but you sir are a decent guy. Thank you for this awesome story and I have to take a fap now. brb
Story? First time or best time I don't mind. And thank you OP since you've already written an ass ton
I was referring to a three way, I had never had one before. I was kinda stunned about sharing her during sex, and didn't know if it would mess up our already messed up life.
Its fake faggot, there is a fuckton of wincest out there, but people dont talk about it or they just talk about it like retards, no details or extensive and boring crap and always talking about sex, do you want an example? my first girl was a cousin, both same age and it was haram as fuck, see? no details, like a retard and is probably fake, btw, if that history is real (OP is obviously changing a lot of things) he is a cuck and his boss is obviously fucking his "gf".
I wasnt talking about that, read your own posts, i was talking about the "first things" and she obviously was in a lot of group sex if you arent lying obviously.
I will bookmark this bread and come back tomorrow. I think OP should make this into a story and sell it to hollyjews. If shades of gay can be a hit this will hit like a bomb. Love between siblings must be the purest possible love on earth if you actually manage to get attracted to each other and I say this as someone with 2 sisters and no, I do not want to get in my sister's pants but I respect the love other people might feel
Fuck the haters OP, I am glad you 2 are still having a good time and I hope you will continue to do so. If you want you can have children any time. Your sister just has to tell she has no idea who the father might be and you could just officially be the uncle.
another thing
threads like this give me a good feel when I think about reasons not to an hero yet. There are many little nice things to miss out …
I'll tell you first time because it's short and a bit funny.
and that's it. I don't We tried again a few months later with better results. But first time was awkward and silly
People like 50 shades because it's erotic, no one wants to hear a love story that is serious.
If they did make a movie it would probably get turned into a gross out comedy. People only like mainstream incest stories to be either comedy, or to be schadenfreude.
That was really hot to read.
it was a bit too romantic.
but I got off.
I love girls with tiny tits.
Plot twist OPs mom and dad were sister and brother. Their dad was only trying to break the cycle but it only made their love stronger.
More lies spotted, you have a tiny pennis or she already gave her popper for 1500.
Why did you marry your sister?
That seems like a bad idea.
Playing Abraham in Egypt was even worse.
read the story
How are you married? Isn't that illegal? Did you actually have a real wedding and stuff?
We aren't legally married, but married in every other sense.
We did our own ceremony of sorts to pledge ourselves to each other.
I should marry my sister's friend.
Are you a Trump voter?
ITT: Trump voters talking about their life
Sis here. I'm responding in person for the first time because your question really riles me.
Fuck no we would never vote for that orange moron. Fuck that racist xenophobic piece of human shit.
Says the [alledged] woman fucking her own brother…
Kid, try reading reddit.
Dad here. I'm responding in person for the first time because your question really riles me.
Fuck no we would never vote for that orange moron. Fuck that racist xenophobic piece of human shit.
Nah, we were hippies for years. While we aren't as crazy as we used to be, we're still both fairly liberal. If you were to meet us you'd think, "Yup these are lower middle class NPR listeners."
Yeah you can FUCK off ok. Unlike you I have morals, so go pay attention to your own life asshole.
This is you, you used up, repulsive, degenerate snatch.
OP here.
You know that is just a random troll and not my sister right? You're just arguing with some random dude.
Do you think you and your sister will be going to Hell? Or do you think God will forgive you?
Don't know, don't care.
nice story but… pics or didn't happen :^)
That is 100% your choice OP. Still, God obligates me to warn you that he wants humans to live in purity and may be unhappy with you both if you do not respect his wishes.
Wow. You're going to treat me like this? You're really going to disrespect me like this on a public forum??
We are done. Also, Daddy only beat you because he was jealous. I used to suck him off, and now I think I'll see if he's up for round two.
Go ahead and do it. There's families that have inbred for 10 generations before genetics caught up with them and fucked things up. Multiple repeated generations of incest is increasingly very risky, but I'm sure your parents probably weren't closely related, so you're fine. Your risks of a fucked up child will increase if you are older or doing drugs or whatever but chances are you will have a perfectly healthy normal child. I mean lets say you had a revolver except this revolver doesn't have 6 chambers, it has a thousand, and there is only one bullet loaded into it. You might have like a one in a thousand chance of fucking up but if you pull the trigger you get 10 thousand dollars. You'd probably pull that trigger multiple times.
Even if that one in a hundred chance thing happens where they're fucked up, it's most likely they will be automatically aborted in the womb, and if that doesn't happen you can check up on and it and abort it if it's showing signs of abnormality.
You first coalburner.
I had a chance once to fuck my sister but I pussied out of it. I haven't yet come to the conclusion that I should have or should have not. The way things are going though… I should have. :(
Dude you're full of fucking shit.
Also if you're talking about the god of the bible he's totally chill about incest and lolis. Many stories of incest and lolifucking in the bible.
Also if you're talking about the real god well I don't see how you can think the god that dreamt the whole universe and all our lives would disapprove of anything except by making reference to natural law and the typical outcomes of behaviours that don't lead to human happiness.
This thread would take an illiterate nigger like me 2 days to read. But I skimmed some replies. Firstly, glad you and her are happy OP, and I'm really very jealous as someone who would love to spend every day with my sister. As to the kid thing, don't risk in man. It's opening the door for the world to get up in your personal business and fuck shit up. I don't know how hard it would be for you sister to adopt as a "single parent", but if you want to raise a kid together, it's best not to risk her birthing your child.
lol if you were his sister you'd be on the same IP as him
Dude, you wouldn't say this to a woman who smokes and drinks and is like 30 years old, who'd have a higher risk of a retard child… but you say this to him because he's doing incest.
Listen you've been conditioned by the jew to avoid young fertile women, avoid close relations, etc. but the jew himself does all these things.
There is nothing wrong with incest as long as it's not repeated over multiple generations or you know you have shit genetics.
Also the lack of inbreeding in our society just lets those rare recessive and damaging traits accumulate in a larger number of people over time.
The optimal breeding pattern would involve occasional inbreeding to cull bad traits from the population before everyone becomes a carrier for something in their genes that could fuck them over.
Man I've bred fish multiple generations of inbreeding and they were fine. I ended up just killing them because I got tired of them after a couple years and wanted to shut my aquarium down but were an extremely small genepool no problems.
If the baby is retarded you just abort it or you "sudden infant death syndrome" it. Problem solved.
Only reason OP should not breed with his sister if he's not white. We don't need more non-whites in the world.
Did Adam and Eve or the various other figures of the bible go to hell for their incestuous relationships?
They did not know Jesus, that's why.
So this woman is pretending to use technology as usual?
Tell me about Jesus. How was he not committing blasphemy when he claimed himself to be God? I got really angry in my heart reading in my theology book that Jesus is God. That is bullshit. No man is god.
Anal is disgusting.
I made no statements for or against inbreeding. I also feel children are best birthed by younger females who are closer to peak health. My position against having her birth his child though is that a controlling society will take the kid and jail them, fucking up the family, if anyone found out. Not worth the risk imo. Adopt a kid if possible and give them no evidence to prove incestuous sex in court.
How about being one with the good?
Being one with all the disease, shit, maggots, cigarette stubs, vomit, niggers, etc. in the universe isn't very appealing unless you're an Aghori.
No adopting is cuckoldry.
As for the risks, man, I've been doing a pile of things for 10 years in my country that can all ruin my life, and when the police been at my door they actually helped me avoid getting in trouble and were like "we are just here to help, for your sake we won't look at your computer". Had they done so I'd have been charged with so many different crimes like holy shit I'd be toast. I'm always living just on the edge of going full rampage mode if someone tries to take things too far with me. So man I don't give a shit about society and besides I know so many hermits and weirdos who don't care either, "society" is like this thing that exists out there, but is quickly dissolving. Normalcy barely exists anymore in my country.
Shit, I wish the state of things in the U.S. gave me that feeling. Most people would support lynching someone like me in the street. That's the "normal" here.
Dude I go up to any random person and it's ancient aliens and occult magick and Holla Forums made real and so on.
The only people who have the normalfag attitude are some of the people in the universities and the druggies… and they quickly lose it.
Weird and fucked up is the norm here.
Oh forgot the tech people. There's big tech companies here like Google and all their fucking employees are hardcore neoliberal cultmarx scum.
That's why we decided to live in the city.People only see what they want to see. Aside from a few precautions we don't really worry because people see what they want to see.
People see us as a couple when we need them too, they see us as individuals that live with their sibling when we need them too.
I am a 74-yo transexual Mormon male, live in Utah in a trailer in the desert, wear a 34-C bra, I named my cat 'Waifu', and I voted for Trump. I shit in a dry creek bed out the back, and I hunt niggers who are out hiking in the desert here, just for the heck of it. I was almost a daddy and a grand-daddy at the same time, but little Darlene miscarred, thankfully.
So why is it you guys encourage incest sometimes, but are against it others?
Depends if the partners are hot or not, basically.
All I know is, if my sister was old enough to marry [at the time], we would have. No long-term regerts tbh.
You should have gone to Texas, user
bumping this golden thread with more lewd stories
What a nice family-friendly cuddly thread.
Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside
But that might just be my autism?
He ded tho
Its almost like Holla Forums isn't a hivemind.
another story for bump
Did not see that coming! Dying.
That's one cute baphy. Saved.
Their old age increases their chances of retard baby ten fold. Get ready for autismo. Please think it though before you reproduce.Think of bullying this kid would face if the truth ever got out.
Oldie and a goodie. I'm a sucker for forbidden love.