Holla Forums will chalk this up to "material conditions".
If you didn't bother to click the link:
Holla Forums will chalk this up to "material conditions".
If you didn't bother to click the link:
Jerry Seinfeld is a Jew you retarded stormkike lol
Stay dumb Holla Forums
Nah m8 I think you're missing the point that you have internalized pro-Jewish sentiments. You should probably off yourself for being a threat to the white race.
How do you explain the fact that black children can't recognize themselves in a mirror until they are 6 fucking years old? Quit changing the subject you snake.
holy shit maximum kek
How do you explain the fact that you're literally killing white babies by posting pictures of Jerry Seinfeld?
Typical Marxist. Resorting to idiotic jokes to avoid the overall subject.
Typical Nazi, being a lying hypocrite and crypto-Zionist shill destroying the white race from within with Jewish socialism.
Whatever you say anarchobaby.
Mods please ban this faggot I'm not interested in seeing his pro-Zionist propaganda on the board. This is a safe space for alt-left racially-aware Marxists and I won't stand for this crypto-Zionist reverse racism.
Holla Forums logic
Someone screenshot this I beg of you
I can't handle this its fucking gold
Even if race does have a biological basis, so what?
Changing your tactics I see eh Holla Forums?
This board needs IDs
I'd like to just tell you that you have autism.
So you admit that you're Holla Forums? I KNEW IT!
GTFO you filthy race traitor.
I'd expect nothing less from Holla Forums
Also, didn't even say anything about women.
(A blog that's not even working at the moment)
Aren't you the psychopath apologist in my other thread?
Going by the recent posts, annilposter has mega autism and possibly a liberal.
hahaha fuck you
It has a major effect on the overall stability of a multicultural society. It should also make one think twice at the prospect of engaging in miscegenation.
Can you post the paper? All you posted was a shitty blog. I guess blogs and youtube videos are peer reviewed sources according to Holla Forumsaks.
I've noticed. I'm still waiting for a decent response in my Far Cry leftist critique thread.
m8 I literally support setting all the sociopaths, psychopaths, pedophiles, rapists, and especially white murderers free.
How dense are you lad?
How about you start with a leftist critique of your idpol faggotry you fucking gamer degenerate?
Where's that?
m8, I hope you're being tongue-in-cheek, because whoo
So if they don't want to remove some mark from their faces that means they are subhuman? Really great science.
It was a mistake to post this, now your narrative of subhumans won't hold up.
Here's a prime example in another thread.
Nigger you're not even trying.
onset of MSR. Keller and collaborators compared 18- to 20-month-olds from urban Greece,
Costa Rica, Germany, as well as from a rural community in Cameroon, and they report a
greater proportion of German, Greek, and Costa Rican children passing the test (more than
50%), compared to Cameroonian children (less than 4%) (Keller, Kartner, Borke, Yovsi, &
Kleis, 2005; Keller et al., 2004). These authors correlate such variations to variations in parenting
strategies that exist across these cultures, fostering more or less autonomy in the young
strategies that exist across these cultures, fostering more or less autonomy in the young
Also I don't see any mention of white children on it. So, where did you get your conclusion from Holla Forumsak? Let me guess, up your ass?
ITT: a blog misinterprets a scientific paper; Holla Forumsyp buys it because NIGGERS and gets pissed when we don't take him seriously
I guess elephants and dolphins are more human than human babies huh?
fun fact
shibas are one of the more aggressive breeds
You didn't even read the paper's fucking abstract.
Well come on. Obviously that's just liberal propaganda that takes racial equality as an unfounded assumption.
Once again, Holla Forumsyps are blown the fuck out.
Unfortunately it's 'in one ear and out the other.'
"Black kids don't recognize themselves in a mirror until age 6" is now a stormfaggot spook.
I've realized that Holla Forums bullshit is so powerful because it's made by and for stupid people.